
Rasmussen NUR2868 Module 5 Discussion Latest 2020 August

Rasmussen NUR2868 Module 5 Discussion Latest 2020 August

NUR2868 Role, Scope, Quality, and Leadership in Professional Nursing Module 5 Discussion

Intuition vs. Experience in Nursing

Your discussion post is to answer this question: What do you think nursing contributes to health care? How can a robotic system incorporate the clinical judgment that nurses use? Be as creative as you wish!

If you can, listen to the following audio clip from National Nurses United’s “Insist on a Registered Nurse” campaign:

While this is an attempt at humor about a serious situation, it drives a fundamental question: What would health care be without nurses?

Informatics Competencies

Informatics is among the evolving areas integral to today’s nursing practice transformation. It has revolutionized patient care through data-driven and technology-centered processes. However, effective application of informatics in health care requires competent leaders and staff. Informatics Competencies for Nursing and Healthcare Leaders outline the basic and advanced skills for nurses and specialists essential in enabling health care professionals to apply technology and science to enhance health care outcomes.

Informatics competencies needed for nurses joining the practice, experience nurses, informatics nurses, and nurse specialists are grouped into three broad categories. According to Farzandipour (2020), these categories include basic computer skills, information knowledge, and informatics skills. These competencies enable nurses to deploy information sciences and implement informatics tools and methods. At all levels, nurses should have a mastery of basic computer competencies and information literacy. Such skills include basic software applications, electronic communications, data access, and documenting nursing interventions (Westra & Delaney, 2008). Experienced nurses, informatics nurses, and nurse specialists require advanced competencies, particularly information management and sciences. Such competencies are pivotal in appropriately collecting, processing, and applying health care data. Information management literacy enables nurses to understand the principles of patient privacy and security besides overall data management skills.

Health information (HI) technology has influenced the nursing practice profoundly, and many influences have been experienced at a personal level. Among many outcomes, HI technology is the foundation of efficient care coordination since it allows multiple health care professionals to communicate and share patient data. HI technology also enhances patient safety and care quality since it facilitates storage, retrieval, and accurate synthesis of patient information (Islam et al., 2018). Information security is also high through electronic health records (EHRs) and patient portals, among other information tools that limit access to unauthorized users.

The application and relevance of informatics in health care delivery will increase as time advances. Computer, nursing science, and information technologies are likely to continue dominating patient care. As a result, nurses joining the profession and the experienced staff should be adequately competent to achieve the desired health outcomes. Basic computer skills, information knowledge, and informatics skills are the key competencies for nurses.