
Risk Management Breakdown Structure Paper CPMGT 302 WEEK 2

Risk Management Breakdown Structure Paper CPMGT 302 WEEK 2

Select an organization you are familiar with as the basis of the paper.

Risk involves uncertainty, the lack of knowledge of future events, and the measures of profitability and consequences of not achieving the project goal. Your organization has decided that to be successful in the global economy it must expand its supply base into China or another country approved by your instructor. This has become a strategic project for the organization.

Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper in which you address the following risk management items for this supplier global expansion project:

  • Describe the objectives and goals, tools and techniques, and organizational roles and responsibilities for effective risk management for the project.
  • Describe various information sources that may be used by the project team for risk identification.
  • Identify and describe the risk management documentation that will be required for the project. Examples include RMP and risk management log or register.
  • Explain the role of risk management in the project planning process.

Create a risk breakdown structure that outlines the organization’s risk categories.

Consider the following categories:

  • Project risks
  • Business
  • Contract relationships with customers and suppliers
  • Management
  • Political
  • Organizational risks
  • Project management risks
  • Cost estimates
  • Schedule estimates
  • Communication
  • Technical risks
  • Production risks
  • Manufacturing concerns
  • Logistics
  • Support risks
  • Maintainability
  • Warranty
  • External risks
  • Procurement
  • Material availability
  • Lead times
  • Quality
  • Market

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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Risk Management Program Analysis – Part One

Risk management is a process that ought to be undertaken in every organization. Risk management is important in ensuring effective outcomes in organizational processes. Risk management processes are important in the healthcare system. The whole process ensures that there are effective treatment processes in the general care. For every healthcare organization, it is the responsibility of the management to ensure that there is an effective risk management plan, which is a document signed and approved by the risk management team, which often foresees that all the possible risks are handled effectively (Fitzpatrick, 2018). Some of the risks in the healthcare system include errors from nurses and other healthcare professionals, ineffective utilization of healthcare resources, medication errors, and lack of effective machines in ensuring effective healthcare delivery. The management of employees is a critical aspect of the healthcare system. However, controlling the recruitment processes is critical in ensuring reduction in the risks associated with the new employees. The risk management plan selected involves the integration of new employees in the healthcare facility. In most cases, new employees require close supervision as well as mentorship in order to ensure the reduction in the errors while undertaking different healthcare activities.

Normally, due to the requirement of high levels of accuracy in the healthcare processes, the involvement of the new recruits in the treatment area is often considered to be of high risk. As a result, the newly recruited employees often require close supervision and mentorship in order to ensure the reduction of errors in the treatment processes. A risk management plan is therefore required to ensure that there is effective management of errors or risks associated with the new recruits (Kiernan, 2018). The management of risk will ensure the delivery of quality healthcare services to the patients. Also, the presence of risk management will ensure that there is effective management of the workforce to ensure effective patient outcomes. The rationale behind the selection of the risk associated with the management of new employees lies on the gap that exists in theory. The risk management plan applies to facilities such as the Coney Island Hospital. In Coney Island Hospital, the risk management plan that involves training and mentoring new employees is often undertaken by the risk management department. The department is usually involved in the development of plans and strategies that can be followed to successfully accomplish the processes geared towards elimination of errors associated with the healthcare problems.

The risks associated with the recruitment of new employees are often experienced by different healthcare institutions. Sometimes, new recruits require effective training processes to be able to gain experience to be applied in the treatment processes. Coney Island Hospital has elaborate training and mentorship programs to be able to eliminate the risks associated with the new recruits. The development of the risk management plans often involves the consideration of different factors such as the area of specialization and the skills and the level of knowledge of the new recruits (Shane, 2019). Also, new employees need to be trained on the technological approaches to be applied in the healthcare processes. In most cases, there are technological risks that are often experienced in the healthcare settings. The risk management plan usually play significant roles in ensuring that measures are put in place on how healthcare facilities can be able to prevent different types of risks from happening.

Standard Administrative Steps for Risk Management

Developing measures to prevent risk is important for different healthcare facilities. In Coney Island Hospital, the management has come up with measures to ensure that all the possible risks associated with the recruitment of new employees are identified and managed before they create complexities in the processes of healthcare delivery. Some of the standard administrative steps in the risk management include:

  1. Risk Identification: this is the first step in the risk management. Under this phase, the risk entails the involvement of new employees in the work processes. Through the analysis of different problems associated with the involvement of new employees in the healthcare processes, different problems have been encountered. As a result, risk management concerning new employee recruitment is critical in ensuring effective patient outcomes.
  2. Risk assessment is another step that is involved in the risk management within healthcare institutions. Assessments often involve the evaluation of a risk and the impact it may bring to the healthcare organization
  • Risk mitigation is the third step involved in the risk management process. These include the procedures and steps that are undertaken within a healthcare facility to ensure that all the possible risks are identified and solved before they impact operational processes.
  1. Risk contingency planning involves developing plans and all the steps that ought to be followed in offering solutions to the identified risks in healthcare facilities. Risk contingency planning often involves the strategies and tools that are applied to help in the elimination of the risk associated with the recruitment of new employees.
  2. Risk tracking and reporting is the final step in the risk management. This step involves the documentation of what was offered so as to provide solution to specific risks with the objective of applying the information in case such risk occur.

Analysis of the Key Agencies

One of the key agencies involved in the regulation of the administration of safe healthcare in my area of concentration is the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS). The above agency is involved in setting the standards and regulations to ensure that quality healthcare delivery is met. The body is often expected to regulate the healthcare delivery processes including the efficiency in the operational processes for the healthcare staff. Elimination of the risks is one of the main objective of Centers for Medicare and Medicaid. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid is involved in the management of risk associated with the new employees as well as the financial activities of the healthcare system. Another agency that is involved in the regulation of the healthcare processes is the Health and Human Services Department, which is involved in ensuring that there is effective delivery of healthcare processes. The agency is involved in ensuring that there is effective training of healthcare professionals for effective healthcare outcomes. The Health and Human Services Department often manages the risks associated with the new employees and other processes in the healthcare system.

Continuous Training and Mentorship Activities

The management of the risk associated with the new employees involves continuous training processes and mentorship programs in healthcare facilities. Training is important in ensuring that employees understand work processes and the procedures required in delivering effective treatment and medication processes. The training processes are in line with the MIPPA approved standards. Thus, training processes should always be provided to the newly recruited employees to make sure that they become aware of the organizational processes that are important in the delivery of quality care. The graduates often need to be trained before being integrated into the actual work processes. During the process of training, there is always a need to ensure that new employees apply the skills and knowledge needed to create positive impacts in the healthcare undertakings.


Training and mentorship programs have enabled many organizations to ensure effective delivery of healthcare processes for effective patient outcomes. New recruits may not understand the procedures of work, therefore, it is necessary for healthcare organizations to consider developing training programs to enhance the management of risks that can lead to increased errors in the operational processes. The management of risk will ensure the delivery of quality healthcare services to the patients. Also, with the risk management will ensure that there is effective management of workforce to ensure effective patient outcomes.


Fitzpatrick, J. J. (2018). Technology: To care, to discover. Applied Nursing Research42, 111. doi:10.1016/j.apnr.2018.06.012

Kiernan, L. C. (2018). Evaluating competence and confidence using simulation technology. Nursing48(10), 45-52. doi:10.1097/01.nurse.0000545022.36908.f3

Shane, R. (2019). Risk evaluation and mitigation strategies: Impact on patients, health care providers, and health systems. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy66(24_Supplement_7), S6-S12. doi:10.2146/ajhp090461