
Trident all module cases & slps latest 2018

Trident all module cases & slps latest 2018

Trident all module cases & slps latest 2018

Module 1 case

Note: You must install Adobe Shockwave Player and Quicktime
onto your computer in order to view these videos and tutorials. They are
available for free online
& Google Chrome
browser does NOT work for the Pearson links; please use Mozilla Firefox in this

Case Assignment

In this activity you will be researching a microbiologist
who has made an important contribution to the study of microbiology. Next you
can choose an area of microbiology to research and find out about the
scientists who are carrying on that type of research today.

Choose one of the following microbiologists: David
Baltimore, Robert Koch, Louis Pasteur, Elizabeth Bugie Gregory, Antonie Van
Leeuwenhook, Walter Reed or Margaret Pittman.

When researching your chosen area of microbiology, a good
resource can be found here:

In a 2- to 3-page essay, address the following questions:

Which microbiologist did you choose from the list above?

What are his/her most notable accomplishments?

What branch of microbiology did he/she specialize in
(bacteriology, virology, protozoology, epidemiology, etc)?

How is this branch of microbiology important in today’s

Find a current researcher (2000-today) conducting studies in
this field of microbiology. What are his/her most notable findings?

How have these findings changed the field of microbiology
and medicine?

Assignment Expectations

Page Length: 2 to 3 pages

Scholarly Content and Format

TUI encourages all students to comply with APA style and
format guidelines for proper citation of references. Your case assignments are considered
scholarly works. Your final work should include peer reviewed (scholarly)
sources. Please use the formatting
demonstrated in your Background section to cite the tutorials and readings from
the Module Overview.

Please keep in mind that you should not use sources such as
“” or “Wikipedia” or “Wikianswers.”
None of these are scholarly sources and they can be “modified” by any
registered user which makes them unreliable.

Appropriate Headings and Paper Flow

Remember that you are preparing a formal academic paper.
Your paper should make use of appropriate headings and subheadings. You should not cut and paste the questions
posed and answer them like a “Question and Answer” session. Your finished paper should read like an
academic paper. You will post your final essay as a Word document to the Case
assignment dropbox.

Module 1 slp


Bacteria can talk to each other via molecules they produce
themselves. In this way, bacteria can synchronize together and function as one
large unit or colony. The phenomenon is called quorum sensing, and is important
to bacterial metabolism, growth and virulence. Watch the following video on
“How Bacteria Talk”, then read the link below on “Quorum Sensing” to learn more.

Bassler, B.(2009). How Bacteria “talk”. Accessed at

on September 14, 2016.

What is Quorum Sensing? Accessed at
on September 14, 2016.


Prepare a 2- to 3-page paper in which you address the
following questions:

How would you define quorum sensing in bacteria?

How can quorum sensing improve nutrient delivery to

Not all bacterial relationships are harmful like the example
Dr. Bassler gave for the squid and bacterial bioluminescence. Describe an
example of a microbial relationship in the human body that is beneficial. Which
body system is involved (intestinal tract, skin, etc.)? Which bacterial species
is involved? How is it beneficial for both the bacterium and host?

What does the concept of quorum sensing mean for virulence
and disease in humans?

Based on Dr. Bassler’s research on quorum sensing, what
might the “next generation” of antibiotics look like? How might they work?

SLP Assignment Expectations


TUI encourages all students to comply with APA style and
format guidelines for proper citation of references. Use the formatting in your Background page as
a model.

Scholarly Content

Your SLP assignment is considered a scholarly work. Your
final work should include peer reviewed (scholarly) sources. Please use the formatting demonstrated in
your Background section to cite the tutorials and readings from the Overview.

Please keep in mind that you should not use sources such as
“” or “Wikipedia” or “Wikianswers.”
None of these are scholarly sources and they can be “modified” by any
registered user which makes them unreliable.

Appropriate Headings and Paper Flow

Remember that you are preparing a formal academic paper.
Your paper should make use of appropriate headings and subheadings. You should not cut and paste the questions
posed and answer them like a “Question and Answer” session. Your finished paper should read like an
academic paper. Upload your final word document to the SLP assignment dropbox.

Module 2 case

In the Module 2 Case Assignment you will explore bacterial
growth and methods used to measure and control the growth of microbes. After
you have read the information on the Home page, answer the following questions:

Review the video on metabolism again from the Module
Overview. Where is metabolism being accomplished in the human cell? Be specific
and include a brief description of the organelle being described. Does a human cell accomplish aerobic or
anaerobic metabolism?

What does the video describe as the final electron acceptor
in the electron transport chain?

Using the dichotomous key linked to the term identify, which
organisms in the first frame of the video have been described in previous
module materials?

Now choose a pathogenic bacterium to discuss and find the
antibiotic that can be used to control it. Use this link to Antibiotic Modes of
Action to learn more about how antibiotics work and to identify the appropriate
antibiotic for your chosen pathogen. Use
the following format to write this section of your Case Assignment:


Include the growth requirements and phenotypic
characteristics of your pathogenic bacteria.
Refer to the dichotomous keys, growth patterns, and the CDC website to
properly discuss these phenotypic descriptions of your pathogen.

Body Paragraph 1

Is this bacteria ONLY pathogenic or does it reside as a
normal part of the Human Microbiome? If
it is also a nonpathogenic resident microbe, what conditions create the
pathogenic state? (We use the term
“opportunistic pathogen” to describe this type of pathogen).

Body Paragraph 2

Describe the mode of action of the antibiotic class used to
control this bacterium. Use the information you gathered from answering
questions 1-3 about human cell metabolism to explain how antibiotics are
specifically effective only against bacteria (while leaving human cells


Summarize the topics you described and explain how the
characteristics of your pathogen can be used to control it.

Assignment Expectations


TUI encourages all students to comply with APA style and
format guidelines for proper citation of references. Use the formatting in your Background page as
a model.

Scholarly Content

Your case assignments are considered scholarly works. Your
final work should include peer reviewed (scholarly) sources. Please use the formatting demonstrated in
your Background section to cite the tutorials and readings from the Overview.

Please keep in mind that you should not use sources such as
“” or “Wikipedia” or “Wikianswers.”
None of these are scholarly sources and they can be “modified” by any
registered user which makes them unreliable.

Appropriate Headings and Paper Flow

Remember that you are preparing a formal academic paper.
Your paper should make use of appropriate headings and subheadings. You should not cut and paste the questions posed
and answer them like a “Question and Answer” session. Your finished paper should read like an
academic paper. Upload your final word document to the case assignment dropbox.

Module 2 slp

Part I

Read the following chapters in the Microbiology etext
available at

Introduction to Microbiology

Microbes and the World

The Science of Microbiology

Describe Koch’s Postulates and briefly summarize his
contributions to the field of Microbiology.

Part II

Read the following chapters in the Microbiology etext
available at

Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryote Cell Structure

Overview of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells

Cell Walls of Prokaryotes

Choose a resident microbe from the article The Nature of
Bacterial Host-Parasite Relationships in Humans.

Describe the symbiotic role of your chosen microbe within
our microbiome.

Do a little independent research to determine whether this
microbe can become pathogenic. If so, describe the conditions under which this
microbe assumes this opportunistic role. Be sure to cite articles used in your
research and include a references section.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Page Length: 2 to 3 pages


TUI encourages all students to comply with APA style and
format guidelines for proper citation of references. Use the formatting in your Background page as
a model.

Scholarly Content

Your case assignments are considered scholarly works. Your
final work should include peer reviewed (scholarly) sources. Please use the formatting demonstrated in
your Background section to cite the tutorials and readings from the Module Overview.
You should not cut and paste the questions posed and answer them like a
“Question and Answer” session. Your
finished paper should read like an academic paper.

Please keep in mind that you should not use sources such as
“” or “Wikipedia” or “Wikianswers.”
None of these are scholarly sources and they can be “modified” by any
registered user which makes them unreliable. You will post your final essay as
a word document to the SLP assignment dropbox.

Module 3 case

In this Case Assignment, you will focus on the materials
that you viewed on the Home page. After
reading the text and viewing each of the links provided there, address the
following questions:

What are three methods of disease transmission mentioned in
the epidemiology animation on the Home page?
Provide some examples.

What are the most common vectors mentioned in the tutorial
on transmission of disease?

Which pathogens were mentioned in the Virulence Factors
animations (host tissues and defenses)?
List all of the pathogens mentioned and then choose two to discuss. In your discussion include:

How do they hide from host defenses?

How do they invade or penetrate the host?

Research how they reproduce, and ID them using at least
three phenotypic descriptions (you can refer to the dichotomous key from the
previous module for phenotypic descriptions).

Note whether the pathogen you chose was reported as a risk
to the workplace in the Infectious Diseases in the Workplace article you read
on the Home page.

Note the total cases and related mortality reported by the
CDC Stats in the linked report.

Assignment Expectations

Page Length: 2 to 3 pages


TUI encourages all students to comply with APA style and
format guidelines for proper citation of references.

Scholarly Content

Your case assignments are considered scholarly works. Your
final work should include peer reviewed (scholarly) sources. Please use the
formatting demonstrated in your Background section to cite the tutorials and
readings from the Module Overview.

Please keep in mind that you should not use sources such as
“” or “Wikipedia” or “Wikianswers.”
None of these are scholarly sources and they can be “modified” by any
registered user which makes them unreliable.

Appropriate Headings and Paper Flow

Remember that you are preparing a formal academic paper.
Your paper should make use of appropriate headings and subheadings. You should not cut and paste the questions p

Module 3 slp

For this SLP, you will discuss the importance of epidemiology
to public health. Research one current example of a disease outbreak and how
knowledge of its epidemiology can help health care professionals protect people
from disease. (HINT: The CDC and WHO websites are excellent sources of
information for this topic). You will present your chosen disease outbreak as a
Powerpoint presentation by addressing the topics below:

The following links are helpful guides on using PowerPoint.

PowerPoint 101: Everything You Need to Make a Basic
Presentation (this resource is great for both Mac and PC users):–cms-19541

The Microsoft Office link below has several tutorials on
Powerpoint from how to get started to additional techniques for advanced users:

PowerPoint Links

Slide 1: Name and describe the microorganism (bacteria or
virus) responsible for the outbreak. Briefly introduce your readers to the
history of the disease outbreak. Provide an image of the causative agent

Slides 2-3: Where has the outbreak been found globally?
Where has it been found in the United States? Describe the specific locations.
Provide at least one image of its current distribution.

Slide 4: How is the causative agent transmitted to humans?

Slides 5-6: What are the symptoms of the disease caused by
the microorganism? What does the clinical presentation look like in affected
patients? What are the complications?

Slide 7: How is it diagnosed? What tests are used?

Slides 8-9: How is the disease treated? What preventative
measures are being used locally or globally to control future outbreaks? What
is the CDC doing to control the outbreak?

Slide 10: Include any additional interesting facts or
figures about the disease outbreak or causative agent.

Slide 11: References.

SLP Assignment Expectations

For this SLP Assignment you will develop a PowerPoint
presentation that is approximately 11 slides in length and addresses the
requirements outlined above. Place the text containing the answers to the
questions above in the slide area. Do a Google search to find images to support
the data required and/or use images you have collected from the previous
modules. Be sure your last slide includes the full references for any information
or images used in your presentation. Please see the rubric for a complete
description of grading criteria.

Module 4 case

Part I

Module 4’s Home page was packed with pathogens! Choose three that surprised you most, give a
brief description, and explain why you were surprised by them.

For the second part of this assignment, you will take a
closer look at the HIV virus, using this document to help you define the
following terms. First begin by
reviewing the structure of DNA and the processes of transcription and translation.

Part II

Next address these topics on HIV:

Discuss the function of HIV protease, integrase, and reverse

Identify the characteristics of HIV which account for its
transmission. Include the basic
epidemiology of this virus and its method of transfer.

Discuss the normal function of B-lymphocytes, killer
T-lymphocytes, helper T-lymphocytes, and macrophages in the immune system.
Explain how HIV affects these components of a healthy immune system.

Explain the function of the complement system and do some
research to investigate how the HIV virus turns the complement system against
the human body. How has this led to new
treatments against this disease?

Assignment Expectations

Page Length: 2 to 3 pages


TUI encourages all students to comply with APA style and
format guidelines for proper citation of references. Use the formatting in your Background page as
a model for citing the sources from your Case Assignment.

Scholarly Content

Your case assignments are considered scholarly works. Your
final work should include peer reviewed (scholarly) sources.

Please keep in mind that you should not use sources such as
“” or “Wikipedia” or “Wikianswers.”
None of these are scholarly sources and they can be “modified” by any
registered user which makes them unreliable. Upload your final word document to
the Case Assignment dropbox.

Module 4 slp

Bioremediation is the use of organisms like bacteria, archea
or fungi to metabolize pollutants. Instead of simply collecting the pollutant,
bioremediation relies on living organisms to consume and break down the
compound, turning it into a natural, harmless product. This technique is often
used to help clean up major oil spills. Watch the following video and article
link to learn more:

Oil-Eating Bacteria Could Be a Solution to Spill Cleanups.
National Geographic. Accessed at on
September 14, 2016.

Prokaryotes and Environmental Bioremediation.


Address the following questions in essay format:

Research a microbe that can be used in bioremediation and
provide the following information:

1) Provide the scientific name and identification of the
bacteria that is used in bioremediation. How is it classified? Give a brief
description of your bacteria. What is it’s normal environment?

2) Which biogeochemical cycle does the bacterium participate
in (Carbon, nitrogen, or phosphorus cycling)? How is this important to its role
in bioremediation?

3) How are bacteria as a whole being genetically modified to
improve bioremediation?

3) What are some limitations to using bacteria for

SLP Assignment Expectations

Page Length: 2 to 3 pages


TUI encourages all students to comply with APA style and
format guidelines for proper citation of references. Use the formatting in your Background page as
a model for citing sources from the SLP assignment.

Scholarly Content

Your case assignments are considered scholarly works. Your
final work should include peer reviewed (scholarly) sources.

Please keep in mind that you should not use sources such as
“” or “Wikipedia” or “Wikianswers.”
None of these are scholarly sources and they can be “modified” by any
registered user which makes them unreliable. Upload your final word document to
the SLP dropbox.

Module 1 case

Note: You must install Adobe Shockwave Player and Quicktime
onto your computer in order to view these videos and tutorials. They are
available for free online
& Google Chrome
browser does NOT work for the Pearson links; please use Mozilla Firefox in this

Case Assignment

In this activity you will be researching a microbiologist
who has made an important contribution to the study of microbiology. Next you
can choose an area of microbiology to research and find out about the
scientists who are carrying on that type of research today.

Choose one of the following microbiologists: David
Baltimore, Robert Koch, Louis Pasteur, Elizabeth Bugie Gregory, Antonie Van
Leeuwenhook, Walter Reed or Margaret Pittman.

When researching your chosen area of microbiology, a good
resource can be found here:

In a 2- to 3-page essay, address the following questions:

Which microbiologist did you choose from the list above?

What are his/her most notable accomplishments?

What branch of microbiology did he/she specialize in
(bacteriology, virology, protozoology, epidemiology, etc)?

How is this branch of microbiology important in today’s

Find a current researcher (2000-today) conducting studies in
this field of microbiology. What are his/her most notable findings?

How have these findings changed the field of microbiology
and medicine?

Assignment Expectations

Page Length: 2 to 3 pages

Scholarly Content and Format

TUI encourages all students to comply with APA style and
format guidelines for proper citation of references. Your case assignments are considered
scholarly works. Your final work should include peer reviewed (scholarly)
sources. Please use the formatting
demonstrated in your Background section to cite the tutorials and readings from
the Module Overview.

Please keep in mind that you should not use sources such as
“” or “Wikipedia” or “Wikianswers.”
None of these are scholarly sources and they can be “modified” by any
registered user which makes them unreliable.

Appropriate Headings and Paper Flow

Remember that you are preparing a formal academic paper.
Your paper should make use of appropriate headings and subheadings. You should not cut and paste the questions
posed and answer them like a “Question and Answer” session. Your finished paper should read like an
academic paper. You will post your final essay as a Word document to the Case
assignment dropbox.

Module 1 slp


Bacteria can talk to each other via molecules they produce
themselves. In this way, bacteria can synchronize together and function as one
large unit or colony. The phenomenon is called quorum sensing, and is important
to bacterial metabolism, growth and virulence. Watch the following video on
“How Bacteria Talk”, then read the link below on “Quorum Sensing” to learn more.

Bassler, B.(2009). How Bacteria “talk”. Accessed at

on September 14, 2016.

What is Quorum Sensing? Accessed at
on September 14, 2016.


Prepare a 2- to 3-page paper in which you address the
following questions:

How would you define quorum sensing in bacteria?

How can quorum sensing improve nutrient delivery to

Not all bacterial relationships are harmful like the example
Dr. Bassler gave for the squid and bacterial bioluminescence. Describe an
example of a microbial relationship in the human body that is beneficial. Which
body system is involved (intestinal tract, skin, etc.)? Which bacterial species
is involved? How is it beneficial for both the bacterium and host?

What does the concept of quorum sensing mean for virulence
and disease in humans?

Based on Dr. Bassler’s research on quorum sensing, what
might the “next generation” of antibiotics look like? How might they work?

SLP Assignment Expectations


TUI encourages all students to comply with APA style and
format guidelines for proper citation of references. Use the formatting in your Background page as
a model.

Scholarly Content

Your SLP assignment is considered a scholarly work. Your
final work should include peer reviewed (scholarly) sources. Please use the formatting demonstrated in
your Background section to cite the tutorials and readings from the Overview.

Please keep in mind that you should not use sources such as
“” or “Wikipedia” or “Wikianswers.”
None of these are scholarly sources and they can be “modified” by any
registered user which makes them unreliable.

Appropriate Headings and Paper Flow

Remember that you are preparing a formal academic paper.
Your paper should make use of appropriate headings and subheadings. You should not cut and paste the questions
posed and answer them like a “Question and Answer” session. Your finished paper should read like an
academic paper. Upload your final word document to the SLP assignment dropbox.

Module 2 case

In the Module 2 Case Assignment you will explore bacterial
growth and methods used to measure and control the growth of microbes. After
you have read the information on the Home page, answer the following questions:

Review the video on metabolism again from the Module
Overview. Where is metabolism being accomplished in the human cell? Be specific
and include a brief description of the organelle being described. Does a human cell accomplish aerobic or
anaerobic metabolism?

What does the video describe as the final electron acceptor
in the electron transport chain?

Using the dichotomous key linked to the term identify, which
organisms in the first frame of the video have been described in previous
module materials?

Now choose a pathogenic bacterium to discuss and find the
antibiotic that can be used to control it. Use this link to Antibiotic Modes of
Action to learn more about how antibiotics work and to identify the appropriate
antibiotic for your chosen pathogen. Use
the following format to write this section of your Case Assignment:


Include the growth requirements and phenotypic
characteristics of your pathogenic bacteria.
Refer to the dichotomous keys, growth patterns, and the CDC website to
properly discuss these phenotypic descriptions of your pathogen.

Body Paragraph 1

Is this bacteria ONLY pathogenic or does it reside as a
normal part of the Human Microbiome? If
it is also a nonpathogenic resident microbe, what conditions create the
pathogenic state? (We use the term
“opportunistic pathogen” to describe this type of pathogen).

Body Paragraph 2

Describe the mode of action of the antibiotic class used to
control this bacterium. Use the information you gathered from answering
questions 1-3 about human cell metabolism to explain how antibiotics are
specifically effective only against bacteria (while leaving human cells


Summarize the topics you described and explain how the
characteristics of your pathogen can be used to control it.

Assignment Expectations


TUI encourages all students to comply with APA style and
format guidelines for proper citation of references. Use the formatting in your Background page as
a model.

Scholarly Content

Your case assignments are considered scholarly works. Your
final work should include peer reviewed (scholarly) sources. Please use the formatting demonstrated in
your Background section to cite the tutorials and readings from the Overview.

Please keep in mind that you should not use sources such as
“” or “Wikipedia” or “Wikianswers.”
None of these are scholarly sources and they can be “modified” by any
registered user which makes them unreliable.

Appropriate Headings and Paper Flow

Remember that you are preparing a formal academic paper.
Your paper should make use of appropriate headings and subheadings. You should not cut and paste the questions posed
and answer them like a “Question and Answer” session. Your finished paper should read like an
academic paper. Upload your final word document to the case assignment dropbox.

Module 2 slp

Part I

Read the following chapters in the Microbiology etext
available at

Introduction to Microbiology

Microbes and the World

The Science of Microbiology

Describe Koch’s Postulates and briefly summarize his
contributions to the field of Microbiology.

Part II

Read the following chapters in the Microbiology etext
available at

Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryote Cell Structure

Overview of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells

Cell Walls of Prokaryotes

Choose a resident microbe from the article The Nature of
Bacterial Host-Parasite Relationships in Humans.

Describe the symbiotic role of your chosen microbe within
our microbiome.

Do a little independent research to determine whether this
microbe can become pathogenic. If so, describe the conditions under which this
microbe assumes this opportunistic role. Be sure to cite articles used in your
research and include a references section.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Page Length: 2 to 3 pages


TUI encourages all students to comply with APA style and
format guidelines for proper citation of references. Use the formatting in your Background page as
a model.

Scholarly Content

Your case assignments are considered scholarly works. Your
final work should include peer reviewed (scholarly) sources. Please use the formatting demonstrated in
your Background section to cite the tutorials and readings from the Module Overview.
You should not cut and paste the questions posed and answer them like a
“Question and Answer” session. Your
finished paper should read like an academic paper.

Please keep in mind that you should not use sources such as
“” or “Wikipedia” or “Wikianswers.”
None of these are scholarly sources and they can be “modified” by any
registered user which makes them unreliable. You will post your final essay as
a word document to the SLP assignment dropbox.

Module 3 case

In this Case Assignment, you will focus on the materials
that you viewed on the Home page. After
reading the text and viewing each of the links provided there, address the
following questions:

What are three methods of disease transmission mentioned in
the epidemiology animation on the Home page?
Provide some examples.

What are the most common vectors mentioned in the tutorial
on transmission of disease?

Which pathogens were mentioned in the Virulence Factors
animations (host tissues and defenses)?
List all of the pathogens mentioned and then choose two to discuss. In your discussion include:

How do they hide from host defenses?

How do they invade or penetrate the host?

Research how they reproduce, and ID them using at least
three phenotypic descriptions (you can refer to the dichotomous key from the
previous module for phenotypic descriptions).

Note whether the pathogen you chose was reported as a risk
to the workplace in the Infectious Diseases in the Workplace article you read
on the Home page.

Note the total cases and related mortality reported by the
CDC Stats in the linked report.

Assignment Expectations

Page Length: 2 to 3 pages


TUI encourages all students to comply with APA style and
format guidelines for proper citation of references.

Scholarly Content

Your case assignments are considered scholarly works. Your
final work should include peer reviewed (scholarly) sources. Please use the
formatting demonstrated in your Background section to cite the tutorials and
readings from the Module Overview.

Please keep in mind that you should not use sources such as
“” or “Wikipedia” or “Wikianswers.”
None of these are scholarly sources and they can be “modified” by any
registered user which makes them unreliable.

Appropriate Headings and Paper Flow

Remember that you are preparing a formal academic paper.
Your paper should make use of appropriate headings and subheadings. You should not cut and paste the questions p

Module 3 slp

For this SLP, you will discuss the importance of epidemiology
to public health. Research one current example of a disease outbreak and how
knowledge of its epidemiology can help health care professionals protect people
from disease. (HINT: The CDC and WHO websites are excellent sources of
information for this topic). You will present your chosen disease outbreak as a
Powerpoint presentation by addressing the topics below:

The following links are helpful guides on using PowerPoint.

PowerPoint 101: Everything You Need to Make a Basic
Presentation (this resource is great for both Mac and PC users):–cms-19541

The Microsoft Office link below has several tutorials on
Powerpoint from how to get started to additional techniques for advanced users:

PowerPoint Links

Slide 1: Name and describe the microorganism (bacteria or
virus) responsible for the outbreak. Briefly introduce your readers to the
history of the disease outbreak. Provide an image of the causative agent

Slides 2-3: Where has the outbreak been found globally?
Where has it been found in the United States? Describe the specific locations.
Provide at least one image of its current distribution.

Slide 4: How is the causative agent transmitted to humans?

Slides 5-6: What are the symptoms of the disease caused by
the microorganism? What does the clinical presentation look like in affected
patients? What are the complications?

Slide 7: How is it diagnosed? What tests are used?

Slides 8-9: How is the disease treated? What preventative
measures are being used locally or globally to control future outbreaks? What
is the CDC doing to control the outbreak?

Slide 10: Include any additional interesting facts or
figures about the disease outbreak or causative agent.

Slide 11: References.

SLP Assignment Expectations

For this SLP Assignment you will develop a PowerPoint
presentation that is approximately 11 slides in length and addresses the
requirements outlined above. Place the text containing the answers to the
questions above in the slide area. Do a Google search to find images to support
the data required and/or use images you have collected from the previous
modules. Be sure your last slide includes the full references for any information
or images used in your presentation. Please see the rubric for a complete
description of grading criteria.

Module 4 case

Part I

Module 4’s Home page was packed with pathogens! Choose three that surprised you most, give a
brief description, and explain why you were surprised by them.

For the second part of this assignment, you will take a
closer look at the HIV virus, using this document to help you define the
following terms. First begin by
reviewing the structure of DNA and the processes of transcription and translation.

Part II

Next address these topics on HIV:

Discuss the function of HIV protease, integrase, and reverse

Identify the characteristics of HIV which account for its
transmission. Include the basic
epidemiology of this virus and its method of transfer.

Discuss the normal function of B-lymphocytes, killer
T-lymphocytes, helper T-lymphocytes, and macrophages in the immune system.
Explain how HIV affects these components of a healthy immune system.

Explain the function of the complement system and do some
research to investigate how the HIV virus turns the complement system against
the human body. How has this led to new
treatments against this disease?

Assignment Expectations

Page Length: 2 to 3 pages


TUI encourages all students to comply with APA style and
format guidelines for proper citation of references. Use the formatting in your Background page as
a model for citing the sources from your Case Assignment.

Scholarly Content

Your case assignments are considered scholarly works. Your
final work should include peer reviewed (scholarly) sources.

Please keep in mind that you should not use sources such as
“” or “Wikipedia” or “Wikianswers.”
None of these are scholarly sources and they can be “modified” by any
registered user which makes them unreliable. Upload your final word document to
the Case Assignment dropbox.

Module 4 slp

Bioremediation is the use of organisms like bacteria, archea
or fungi to metabolize pollutants. Instead of simply collecting the pollutant,
bioremediation relies on living organisms to consume and break down the
compound, turning it into a natural, harmless product. This technique is often
used to help clean up major oil spills. Watch the following video and article
link to learn more:

Oil-Eating Bacteria Could Be a Solution to Spill Cleanups.
National Geographic. Accessed at on
September 14, 2016.

Prokaryotes and Environmental Bioremediation.


Address the following questions in essay format:

Research a microbe that can be used in bioremediation and
provide the following information:

1) Provide the scientific name and identification of the
bacteria that is used in bioremediation. How is it classified? Give a brief
description of your bacteria. What is it’s normal environment?

2) Which biogeochemical cycle does the bacterium participate
in (Carbon, nitrogen, or phosphorus cycling)? How is this important to its role
in bioremediation?

3) How are bacteria as a whole being genetically modified to
improve bioremediation?

3) What are some limitations to using bacteria for

SLP Assignment Expectations

Page Length: 2 to 3 pages


TUI encourages all students to comply with APA style and
format guidelines for proper citation of references. Use the fo

Trident all module cases & slps latest 2018
Trident all module cases & slps latest 2018

rmatting in your Background page as
a model for citing sources from the SLP assignment.

Scholarly Content

Your case assignments are considered scholarly works. Your
final work should include peer reviewed (scholarly) sources.

Please keep in mind that you should not use sources such as
“” or “Wikipedia” or “Wikianswers.”
None of these are scholarly sources and they can be “modified” by any
registered user which makes them unreliable. Upload your final word document to
the SLP dropbox.

Click here to ORDER an A++ paper from our Verified MASTERS and DOCTORATE WRITERS: Trident all module cases & slps latest 2018

APA Writing Checklist

Use this document as a checklist for each paper you will write throughout your GCU graduate

program. Follow specific instructions indicated in the assignment and use this checklist to help ensure correct grammar and APA formatting. Refer to the APA resources available in the GCU Library and Student Success Center.

Check Out Also:  Course Project Milestone 1: Guidelines

☐ APA paper template (located in the Student Success Center/Writing Center) is utilized for the correct format of the paper. APA style is applied, and format is correct throughout.

☐  The title page is present. APA format is applied correctly. There are no errors.

☐ The introduction is present. APA format is applied correctly. There are no errors.

☐ Topic is well defined.

☐ Strong thesis statement is included in the introduction of the paper.

☐ The thesis statement is consistently threaded throughout the paper and included in the conclusion.

☐ Paragraph development: Each paragraph has an introductory statement, two or three sentences as the body of the paragraph, and a transition sentence to facilitate the flow of information. The sections of the main body are organized to reflect the main points of the author. APA format is applied correctly. There are no errors.

☐ All sources are cited. APA style and format are correctly applied and are free from error.

☐ Sources are completely and correctly documented on a References page, as appropriate to assignment and APA style, and format is free of error.

Scholarly Resources: Scholarly resources are written with a focus on a specific subject discipline and usually written by an expert in the same subject field. Scholarly resources are written for an academic audience.

Examples of Scholarly Resources include: Academic journals, books written by experts in a field, and formally published encyclopedias and dictionaries.

Peer-Reviewed Journals: Peer-reviewed journals are evaluated prior to publication by experts in the journal’s subject discipline. This process ensures that the articles published within the journal are academically rigorous and meet the required expectations of an article in that subject discipline.

Empirical Journal Article: This type of scholarly resource is a subset of scholarly articles that reports the original finding of an observational or experimental research study. Common aspects found within an empirical article include: literature review, methodology, results, and discussion.

Adapted from “Evaluating Resources: Defining Scholarly Resources,” located in Research Guides in the GCU Library.

☐ The writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English. Utilize writing resources such as Grammarly, LopesWrite report, and ThinkingStorm to check your writing.