
Using the research article selected for DQ 1, identify three key questions you will ask and answer when reading the research study and why these questions are important.

Using the research article selected for DQ 1, identify three key questions you will ask and answer when reading the research study and why these questions are important.

Using the research article selected for DQ 1, identify three key questions you will ask and answer when reading the research study and why these questions are important. When responding to peers, provide other questions and answers that could be considered in relation to the peers’ studies.

Replies to Shekar Mendon

The article I’ve choose was Focusing on Families’ Experiences of Health Care: Choosing a Qualitative Research Design. identify three key questions you will ask and answer when reading the research study and why these questions are important.

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1.    What specific population is being target?

The population that is being target is children with cerebral palsy and their parent. This population was chosen

because health care service is dissatisfying to those with cerebral palsy and their families, it’s contraindicating to the principle of family-centered care. The guidelines and standards do not reflect the needs of those with Cerebral palsy.

2.    What research methods are used to further investigate the health care service?

I.              Complexity and Variability of the experience of health care, this is the process of delivering health care service which involves the children with CP and their families, and providers. This study has a variability due to the nature and severity of the of the disorder, as well as the type and amount of service available in different regions.

II.             Cross-Disciplinary study purpose, this methodology is for parents to openly discuss their experience without influences of experience. Using an open-ended approach to explore the parent experience and study the outcome.

Click here to ORDER an A++ paper from our MASTERS and DOCTORATE WRITERS: Using the research article selected for DQ 1, identify three key questions you will ask and answer when reading the research study and why these questions are important.

3.    What is the potential effect of improvement in health care?

The potential improvement would be to incorporate guidelines and standard of care into clinical practices. This research methodology will improve health care for this population. By doing so, individual understanding of reality is constructed through social interaction and social experience.


Hayles, E., Harvey, D., Plummer, D., & Jones, A. (2015). PERSPECTIVE: Focusing on Families’ Experiences of Health Care: Choosing a Qualitative Research Design. Journal on Developmental Disabilities21(2), 110–118.

Whitney DG, Kamdar NS, Ng S, Hurvitz EA, Peterson MD. Prevalence of high-burden medical conditions and health care resource utilization and costs among adults with cerebral palsy. Clin Epidemiol. 2019 Jun 19;11:469-481. doi: 10.2147/CLEP.S205839. PMID: 31417318; PMCID: PMC6592066.

While “local level” of nursing in the health care system regarding evidence-based practices (EBP) is often or usually focused on a hospital or in-patient setting, this shall be acknowledged for writing purposes and the focus of the capstone in the literal sense of local level. Realizing the benefits of evidence-based practices (EBP) is important of all levels of medical care including public health and urgent care settings. I have seen/experienced that EBP has the ability to put staff on the same page of provision of care and education. Lhachimi et al., wrote regarding public health that it “could potentially have numerous direct and indirect benefits, including access to more and higher-quality information on best practice, a higher-likelihood of successful prevention programs and policies, greater workforce productivity” (2016). Nursing assessments, interventions, treatments and overall patient care are a vital part of urgent care settings per Wagner (2019) and continues “it is important for each member of the team to understand and apply protocols and evidence-based standards of care” and do so via making the information and protocols known to all staff with education/re-education as needed (2019).

The need of all on the medical health team/professionals to have knowledge and understanding of the importance of providing patient-centered care is a key aspect of the Institute of Medicine’s focus (2003). This is clearly carried out in the setting of my capstone change project. Upon a positive Covid-19 test result, they utilize additional resources as needed or indicated including prescribed and/or OTC medications or supplements which have been around for decades, interventions and patient care, as well as use of monoclonal antibody infusions. The afore protocols and interventions, especially some of the medications may be considered complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) yet have had amazing recoveries of patients including lifesaving results. Alzahrani et al. informs us, over 2/3 of persons who utilize CAM do not inform their (general) healthcare providers (2021). It is the usage of the early interventions including medications which have been utilized for many years in other venues that the capstone change project shall focus upon.


Alzahrani, A.S., Price, M.J., Greenfield, S.M., and Paudyal, V. (2021). Global prevalence and types of complementary and alternative medicines use amongst adults with diabetes: systematic review and meta-analysis. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology.

Institute of Medicine. (2003) Committee on the health professions education summit; Health professions education: A Bridge to Quality. National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/10681

Lhachimi, S. K., Bala, M. M., & Vanagas, G. (2016). Evidence-based public health. BioMed research international

Wagner, K. (2019). Evidence-Based Care in Urgent Care Centers. Waldon University.