Week 2 Assignment: Nursing Informatics Pioneers NURS 8210
Walden University Week 2 Assignment: Nursing Informatics Pioneers NURS 8210-Step-By-Step Guide
This guide will demonstrate how to complete the Walden University Week 2 Assignment: Nursing Informatics Pioneers NURS 8210 assignment based on general principles of academic writing. Here, we will show you the A, B, Cs of completing an academic paper, irrespective of the instructions. After guiding you through what to do, the guide will leave one or two sample essays at the end to highlight the various sections discussed below.
How to Research and Prepare for Week 2 Assignment: Nursing Informatics Pioneers NURS 8210
Whether one passes or fails an academic assignment such as the Walden University Week 2 Assignment: Nursing Informatics Pioneers NURS 8210 depends on the preparation done beforehand. The first thing to do once you receive an assignment is to quickly skim through the requirements. Once that is done, start going through the instructions one by one to clearly understand what the instructor wants. The most important thing here is to understand the required format—whether it is APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.
After understanding the requirements of the paper, the next phase is to gather relevant materials. The first place to start the research process is the weekly resources. Go through the resources provided in the instructions to determine which ones fit the assignment. After reviewing the provided resources, use the university library to search for additional resources. After gathering sufficient and necessary resources, you are now ready to start drafting your paper.
How to Write the Introduction for Week 2 Assignment: Nursing Informatics Pioneers NURS 8210
The introduction for the Walden University Week 2 Assignment: Nursing Informatics Pioneers NURS 8210 is where you tell the instructor what your paper will encompass. In three to four statements, highlight the important points that will form the basis of your paper. Here, you can include statistics to show the importance of the topic you will be discussing. At the end of the introduction, write a clear purpose statement outlining what exactly will be contained in the paper. This statement will start with “The purpose of this paper…” and then proceed to outline the various sections of the instructions.
How to Write the Body for Week 2 Assignment: Nursing Informatics Pioneers NURS 8210
After the introduction, move into the main part of the Week 2 Assignment: Nursing Informatics Pioneers NURS 8210 assignment, which is the body. Given that the paper you will be writing is not experimental, the way you organize the headings and subheadings of your paper is critically important. In some cases, you might have to use more subheadings to properly organize the assignment. The organization will depend on the rubric provided. Carefully examine the rubric, as it will contain all the detailed requirements of the assignment. Sometimes, the rubric will have information that the normal instructions lack.
Another important factor to consider at this point is how to do citations. In-text citations are fundamental as they support the arguments and points you make in the paper. At this point, the resources gathered at the beginning will come in handy. Integrating the ideas of the authors with your own will ensure that you produce a comprehensive paper. Also, follow the given citation format. In most cases, APA 7 is the preferred format for nursing assignments.
How to Write the Conclusion for Week 2 Assignment: Nursing Informatics Pioneers NURS 8210
After completing the main sections, write the conclusion of your paper. The conclusion is a summary of the main points you made in your paper. However, you need to rewrite the points and not simply copy and paste them. By restating the points from each subheading, you will provide a nuanced overview of the assignment to the reader.
How to Format the References List for Week 2 Assignment: Nursing Informatics Pioneers NURS 8210
The very last part of your paper involves listing the sources used in your paper. These sources should be listed in alphabetical order and double-spaced. Additionally, use a hanging indent for each source that appears in this list. Lastly, only the sources cited within the body of the paper should appear here.
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Sample Answer for Week 2 Assignment: Nursing Informatics Pioneers NURS 8210
Pioneers of Nursing Informatics in America connote individuals who initially adopted,
designed, and invented technology in nursing practice. These individuals are the innovators,
spear headers, and groundbreakers in the specialty of nursing informatics. The aim of this
paper is to conduct comparison between Patricia Abbott and Virginia Saba who are among the
nursing informatics pioneers. In particular, the paper will focus on their professional
achievements and how their role in nursing informatics impacted nursing practice.
Professional Accomplishments of Each Individual
Dr. Patricia Abbott went to the University of Maryland for her nursing degree.
Afterward, she developed interest in nursing informatics and became one of the first nurse
practitioners to apply data-mining methods in nursing practice (Shortliffe, 2004). Dr. Patricia
Abbott conducted investigations on the various databases existing in long-term care to
determine issues that lead to patient outcomes. In addition, she expanded her preliminary work
into the patient safety aspect (Shortliffe, 2004). According to American Medical Informatics
Association (AMIA) (2021), Dr. Patricia Abbott contributed immensely to create vibrant
informatics content in various initiatives sponsored by the AHRQ and the Health Resources
and Services Administration. She was at the forefront in leadership roles as an educator who
helped in training practitioners and scholars in nursing informatics. Moreover, Dr. Patricia
championed for the creation of the ANA Standards of Practice for Nursing Informatics and
has also represented the United States to the Nursing Special Interest Group of the
International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA).
Dr. Virginia Saba is a nationally and globally recognized pioneer of information
technology in nursing. She has led the nursing informatics movement for over 40 years.
According to AMIA (2021), Dr. Saba pioneered the academic technology initiatives and has
advocated for the extension of the systems of healthcare information technology like the
Clinical Care Classification (CCC) System. During her nursing career, Dr. Saba provided
national leadership and fostered technology in nursing practice. When serving in academia,
she incorporated nursing technology in nursing programs, facilities (AMIA, 2021). She also
undertook federally funded research developing CCC System, National Nursing Standard. Dr.
Saba founded the Sabacare Inc & CCC System where she is currently serving as the
President/CEO. The organization seeks to incorporate the CCC system into electronic
healthcare documentation systems.
How Their Contributions Have Influenced Nursing Practice
Dr. Abbott’s contributions have influenced nursing practice by helping nurses to
provide better patient care resulting in improved health outcomes. She conducted
investigations on the various databases existing in long-term care to determine issues that lead
to patient outcomes (Shortliffe, 2004). As a result, nurses factor in these factors when planning
patient care and implement interventions to improve outcomes. Dr. Abbott’s contributions
have also influenced nurses to provide safe patient care(Shortliffe, 2004). Dr. Saba’s
contributions have improved patient care efficiency through information technology systems
such as the CCC system (AMIA, 2021). The CCC system is essential for nurses by providing
them with a unique coding formation for evaluating, documenting, and categorizing patient
care. Her contribution has also eased and improved nursing documentation, promoting easy
access to patients’ health data.
How Their Contributions Have Shaped the Field Of Nursing Informatics
Dr. Abbott’scontributions have shaped nursing informatics by informing nurse
informaticians how they can mine data from databases. As a result, informaticians obtainlarge

data sets and use them to improve healthcare delivery(AMIA, 2021). Her contribution in
leadership in preparing scholars and practitioners in nursing informatics has helped to increase
the number of nurse informaticians, which promotes the growth of the informatics field. Dr.
Saba shaped nursing informatics by introducing academic technology programs, which gave
nurses the chance to gain informatics knowledge and thus apply technology in nursing
practice(AMIA, 2021). She also supported the development of the CCC system, which helps
in theelectronic documentation of nursing plans of care. Besides, the CCC System is
acknowledged as the terminology of choice for documenting patient care in the electronic
health record system.
Lessons I Can Take Away From Their Experiences
Dr. Abbott’s experiences teach me to pursue my passion and interests in nursing. For
instance, she developed a growing interest in informatics, which led her to pursue a master’s
degree in nursing informatics and a Ph.D. in information systems. I have also learned that I
should use my leadership skills to influence other nurses and foster the growth of the nursing
profession. Lessons learned from Dr. Saba include using my knowledge and skills to develop
innovative ways to improve patient care delivery. Besides, I should use my leadership position
to promote the growth of the nursing profession. I should also use my leadership power to
advocate and lead movements that promote the greater good in the nursing profession.
Skills or Ideas Demonstrated That I Might Apply To My Professional Practice
Dr. Abbott’s used her leadership to prepare scholars and practitioners in nursing
informatics.I would apply this idea of using my leadership position to draw more scholars and
nurses to my nursing specialty or towards a certain course that will improve nursing practice.
Dr. Saba used her informatics knowledge, skills, and expertise to initiate academic technology
programs(AMIA, 2021). I can use my nursing knowledge and skills to establish programs that
equip nurses with specific specialty skills.
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Both Dr. Abbott and Dr. Saba are pioneers in nursing informatics whose contributions
in the area of nursing informatics have greatly impacted and shaped nursing practice. .Dr.
Abbott employed data mining techniques to help understand factors affecting patient
outcomes. She has used her leadership role to equip other nurses with informatics skills and
represent other nurse informaticians. Dr. Saba established academic technology programs and
developed the CCC System used in coding and documentation. Her efforts have helped
improve patient care delivery for nurses.
American Medical Informatics Association. (2021). Nursing informatics innovators: Patricia
Abbott. AMIA – American Medical Informatics Association.
American Medical Informatics Association. (2021). Nursing informatics innovators: Virginia
K. Saba. AMIA – American Medical Informatics
Association. https://amia.org/community/working-groups/nursing-informatics/nursinginformatics-
Shortliffe, E. H. (2004). American College of Medical Informatics Fellows and International
Associates, 2003. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association:
JAMIA, 11(3), 225–233. https://doi.org/10.1197/jamia.M1521
Sample Answer 2 for Week 2 Assignment: Nursing Informatics Pioneers NURS 8210
In the United States (US), the early adopters, developers, and innovators of technology in nursing practice are referred to as Pioneers of Nursing Informatics. These individuals are the innovators, spear headers, and groundbreakers in the specialty of nursing informatics. This paper seeks to compare two nursing informatics pioneers, Patricia Abbott and Virginia Saba, focusing on their professional accomplishments and how their contributions have influenced nursing practice.
Professional Accomplishments of Each Individual
Dr. Patricia Abbott undertook her nursing degree at the University of Maryland and later developed an interest in informatics. Dr. Abbott was among the first nurses to employ data-mining techniques in nursing (Shortliffe, 2004). She explored the existing databases in long-term care to understand factors that contribute to patient outcomes. In addition, she expanded her preliminary work into the patient safety aspect (Shortliffe, 2004). She ensured strong informatics content in programs funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration and AHRQ (American Medical Informatics Association [AMIA], (2021). She took leadership roles in preparing scholars and practitioners in nursing informatics. Besides, she led the establishment of the ANA Standards of Practice for Nursing Informatics and has been the country’s representative to the International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) Nursing Special Interest Group.
Dr. Virginia Saba is a nationally and globally recognized pioneer of information technology in nursing. She has led the nursing informatics movement for over 40 years. Dr. Saba started academic technology programs and has supported the expansion of healthcare information technology systems such as the Clinical Care Classification (CCC) System (AMIA, 2021). During her nursing career, Dr. Saba provided national leadership and fostered technology in nursing practice. When serving in academia, she incorporated nursing technology in nursing programs, facilities (AMIA, 2021). She also undertook federally funded research developing CCC System, National Nursing Standard. She is currently the President/CEO of Sabacare Inc & CCC System, where she integrates the CCC system into electronic healthcare documentation systems.
How Their Contributions Have Influenced Nursing Practice
Dr. Abbott’s contributions have influenced nursing practice by helping nurses to provide better patient care resulting in improved health outcomes. She explored existing databases in long-term care, which enabled nurses to understand better factors that contribute to patient outcomes (Shortliffe, 2004). As a result, nurses factor in these factors when planning patient care and implement interventions to improve outcomes. Dr. Abbott’s contributions have also influenced nurses to provide safe patient care (Shortliffe, 2004). Dr. Saba’s contributions have improved patient care efficiency through information technology systems such as the CCC system (AMIA, 2021). The system provides nurses with a unique coding structure for assessing, documenting, and classifying patient care by nurses. Her contribution has also eased and improved nursing documentation, promoting easy access to patients’ health data.
How Their Contributions Have Shaped the Field Of Nursing Informatics
Dr. Abbott’s contributions have shaped nursing informatics by informing nurse informaticians how they can mine data from databases. As a result, informaticians obtain large data sets and use them to improve healthcare delivery (AMIA, 2021). Her contribution in leadership in preparing scholars and practitioners in nursing informatics has helped to increase the number of nurse informaticians, which promotes the growth of the informatics field. Dr. Saba shaped nursing informatics by introducing academic technology programs, which gave nurses the chance to gain informatics knowledge and thus apply technology in nursing practice (AMIA, 2021). She also supported the development of the CCC system, which helps in the electronic documentation of nursing plans of care. Besides, the CCC System is acknowledged as the terminology of choice for documenting patient care in the electronic health record system.
Lessons I Can Take Away From Their Experiences
Dr. Abbott’s experiences teach me to pursue my passion and interests in nursing. For instance, she developed a growing interest in informatics, which led her to pursue a master’s degree in nursing informatics and a Ph.D. in information systems. I have also learned that I should use my leadership skills to influence other nurses and foster the growth of the nursing profession. Lessons learned from Dr. Saba include using my knowledge and skills to develop innovative ways to improve patient care delivery. Besides, I should use my leadership position to promote the growth of the nursing profession. I should also use my leadership power to advocate and lead movements that promote the greater good in the nursing profession.
Skills or Ideas Demonstrated That I Might Apply To My Professional Practice
Dr. Abbott’s used her leadership to prepare scholars and practitioners in nursing informatics. I would apply this idea of using my leadership position to draw more scholars and nurses to my nursing specialty or towards a certain course that will improve nursing practice. Dr. Saba used her informatics knowledge, skills, and expertise to initiate academic technology programs (AMIA, 2021). I can use my nursing knowledge and skills to establish programs that equip nurses with specific specialty skills.
Dr. Abbott and Dr. Saba are nursing informatics pioneers who have contributed immensely to influencing nursing practice and shaping nursing informatics. Dr. Abbott employed data mining techniques to help understand factors affecting patient outcomes. She has used her leadership role to equip other nurses with informatics skills and represent other nurse informaticians. Dr. Saba established academic technology programs and developed the CCC System used in coding and documentation. Her efforts have helped improve patient care delivery for nurses.
American Medical Informatics Association. (2021). Nursing informatics innovators: Patricia Abbott. AMIA – American Medical Informatics Association. https://amia.org/community/working-groups/nursing-informatics/nursing-informatics-innovators-patricia-abbott
American Medical Informatics Association. (2021). Nursing informatics innovators: Virginia K. Saba. AMIA – American Medical Informatics Association. https://amia.org/community/working-groups/nursing-informatics/nursing-informatics-innovators-virginia-k-saba
Shortliffe, E. H. (2004). American College of Medical Informatics Fellows and International Associates, 2003. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association: JAMIA, 11(3), 225–233. https://doi.org/10.1197/jamia.M1521
Sample Answer 3 for Week 2 Assignment: Nursing Informatics Pioneers NURS 8210
Naturally, people meet and interact at various levels all through life. Through the interaction, it is common for a human being to learn new ideas from other people that could either impact them positively or adversely. Likewise, as an oncology nurse with a practicing experience of more than twenty years, it was a pleasure to mentor a great author, Dr. Mark Braunstein and see him rise as a high-ranking personality in the nursing informatics career. Dr. Braunstein is the pioneer of Patient Care Technologies. Besides, he is credited with initiating plans to create structured electronic health records (EHRs). Dr. Braunstein is an alumnus of Massachusetts Institute of Technology alongside other prominent personalities such as Neil Pappalardo who is the originator of Meditech. Neil Pappalardo is also the pioneer of the Massachusetts General Hospital Utility Multi-Programming System (MUMPS). Today, the health care system is increasingly becoming dynamic, making it imperative to put an equally dynamic process in place to help in coping with this evolving nature of health care. Consequently, nursing informatics has grown in prominence for nursing professionals due to the ability to assist in tracking and trending patient data. This discussion, therefore, seeks to delve into an analysis of Dr. Kathleen A. McCormick and Dr. Susan K. Newbold by considering their achievements and influence on nursing informatics, what can be learned from them, and how to use such lessons in nursing practice.
Overview of Achievements of Dr. Kathleen A. McCormick and Dr. Susan K. Newbold
Dr. Kathleen A. McCormick
Dr. Kathleen A. McCormick is undoubtedly one of the prominent people in the development of the nursing informatics field. Dr. McCormick, a graduate of computer science (minor) has served the United States Public Health Service (USPHS) for more than 30 years. Dr. McCormick traces her achievement in nursing informatics to her period at the National Institute of Health (NIH) when she applied Teknekon system technology to conduct her nursing researches. Dr. McCormick also mentored prominent people such as Virginia Saba. They would later team up to teach the initial course on nursing informatics at NIH. Besides, Dr. McCormick and Virginia Saba authored numerous works of literature on informatics. Furthermore, Dr. McCormick has also served at different public institutions, including the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR), where she created clinical guidelines and tools to support nurses in decision making. She also served in private institutions such as SRA International, Inc., where she contributed immensely in bioinformatics and genomics. She also took advantage of her presence in various committees and boards to advance nursing informatics.
Dr. Susan K. Newbold
On her side, Dr. Newbold has gained popularity in the field of nursing informatics as a pacesetter and entrepreneur. Her interest in information technology is traced back to her days as an undergraduate student, where she submitted a class project about the application of computers in nursing. This unrelenting enthusiasm would later see her put in charge of overseeing the implementation of the computer system at the institution. During her practice, Dr. Newbold joined other founders of nursing informatics in the Symposium for Computer Applications in Medical Care (SCAMC). It is from this symposium that these nursing informatics pioneers created the Capital Area Roundtable and Informatics in Nursing (CARING). CARING was instrumental in drumming up support for nursing informatics mainly through newsletters. Dr. Newbold later founded her company and organized Nursing Informatics Boot Camp. She is also a prominent writer of many several nursing informatics books.
Contributions to Nursing Practice/Informatics
The influence of DR. McCormick in nursing informatics and practice is the utilization of databases for sourcing data and transform care. Through her groundbreaking application of Teknekon system to conduct research. As a result, nurses are currently utilizing the framework of data, information, knowledge, and wisdom to address issues relating to their practices. Notably, DR. McCormick also created evidence-based clinical guidelines and decision tools. The clinical guidelines and decision tools have enabled nurses to make informed decisions while delivering care to patients. Through creating partnerships with other founders of nursing informatics, DR. McCormick immensely impacted the development of nursing informatics. Finally, DR. McCormick’s remarkable work on genomics and databases has provided a crucial basis to record correct data on genomic information; thus, influencing insightful lessons on treatment based on genomes.
On the other hand, the influence of Dr. Newbold on the area of nursing informatics is attributed to the formulation of the CARING initiative. Through this initiative, nurses specializing in informatics can learn the importance of the development of teamwork to achieve the common goal of providing quality care. Essentially, CARING initiative enabled nursing informatics pioneers to learn from one another’s experience. The essence of working together through CARING initiative was evident when the American Nurses Credentialing Center approved that nursing informatics should be a field in the nursing profession. Although there was no available literature on nursing informatics, DR. Newbold and her colleagues struggled to learn and pass the test. In turn, she initiated the Nursing Informatics Boot Camp that trained and prepared nurses for the nursing informatics certification assessment. To date, Dr. Newbold still commands a great influence in the nursing informatics field by authoring books and lecturing nurses at the university.
Lessons Learned and Application to Nursing Practice
Essentially, Dr. McCormick and DR. Newbold’s achievement in nursing informatics have inspired many nurses to pursue a career in this nursing field. Besides, nurses can learn a lot from these two protagonists. Foremost, the single most important lesson common among these nurses is flexibility to improvement. In both cases, it is evident that Dr. McCormick and DR. Newbold possessed unrelenting enthusiasm and inquisitiveness towards to computer systems that eventually enabled them to create significant changes in the health care industry through the application of information systems. Therefore, nurses are challenged to emulate these two protagonists by striving to remain relevant and keen on the emerging trends in health care to be able to turn them into opportunity. For instance, a CARING initiative, that DR. Newbold co-founded with her colleagues turned to be an effective networking opportunity for nurses to share about the application of computer in nursing. Besides, Dr. McCormick’s Nursing Informatics Boot Camp played a significant role in creating nursing informatics awareness among trainee nurses to prepare them for clinical practice. Notably, also, nurses can learn that they are responsible for sharing the knowledge they have acquired in nursing informatics with the future nursing generations. Finally, nurses should learn that the art of applying informatics to conduct research and enhance patient care outcome is crucial to their practice as illustrated by DR. McCormick.
The health care system today is multifaceted, and the utilization of the information systems to improve clinical outcomes has proven effective and therefore, used extensively. These information systems competencies are believed to have originated from Technology Informatics Guiding Educational Reform (TIGER) that the founders of nursing informatics created to guide nurses using technology. Among the requirements of TIGER is the inclusion of nursing informatics at every nursing education level. Ultimately, the influence of the nursing informatics founders is still being felt in the current health care field, mostly through the pioneer’s writings, work, and education. Subsequently, as a nurse practitioner, it is imperative to apply the lessons from these pioneers into the clinical practice to ensure positive patient outcomes.
Sample Answer 4 for Week 2 Assignment: Nursing Informatics Pioneers NURS 8210
Information technologies have shaped significantly the provision of nursing care in the modern world. Healthcare and nursing institutions are constantly exploring innovative technologies that can be used to advance the quality, safety and efficiency of care that patients receive. Since its inception in the 1960s, the field of informatics has grown to become a critical driving force in promoting organizational success (Ball et al., 2011). The development of nursing informatics is attributed to its pioneers that ensured the sustainability in the interventions adopted by health organizations. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to examine the contributions of Roy Simpson and Patricia Aboott to nursing informatics.
Professional Accomplishments
The selected pioneers of nursing informatics are Roy Simpson and Patricia Abbott. Roy Simpson is a professional with more than 30 years of experience in the field of nursing informatics as well as senior executive administration. Simpson is recognized for his pivotal role in the development alongside funding of the Werley ad Lang Nursing Minimum Data Set (NMDS). The NMDS provides definitions as well as categories of nursing problems, interventions, diagnoses and patient outcomes, which the American Nurses Association has approved. He has served in other professional capacities such as being the member of board of trustees for Excelsior College, visiting scholar at the University of Oklahoma, and distinguished lecturer at Georgia State University (nursing.emory.edu, n.d.). On the other hand, Patria Abbott is a director of the Pan American Health Organization. She works as a profession in the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing. She has experience as a specialist involved in the management of healthcare information at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Baltimore (Center for Integrative Research in Critical Care, 2019).
Influence on Nursing Practice
One of Simpson’s contributions that have influenced nursing is the development of the NMDS. NMDS has influenced nursing by ensuring the use of information technologies in the definition and categorization of nursing problems, diagnoses, interventions, and patient outcomes. The influence can be seen from the adoption of the NMDS by the American Nurses Association for use in nursing practice. His other contribution is through training of nurses on nursing informatics. Simpson is a professor of informatics who has extensive knowledge, skills and experience in nursing informatics. He uses the knowledge to impart competence on nursing students. He also contributes to nursing through research to generate evidence-based data on issues related to nursing informatics (nef.orgg, n.d.). Patricia Abbott’s contributions that have influenced nursing practice include her roles in policy, advocacy, and education. She was critical in advancing the knowledge of nursing students on issues related to informatics in University of Maryland. She has also influenced nursing practice through research that has led to evidence-based practice in nursing and informatics (Center for Integrative Research In Critical Care, 2019).
Influence on the Field of Nursing Informatics
One of the ways in which Simpson’s contributions influenced the field of nursing informatics is his development of the NMDS. His discovery increased the need and relevance of nursing informatics in healthcare. Simpson has also undertaken researches on various issues related to nursing informatics to ensure its need, relevance, and efficiency in healthcare. Simpson has also influenced the field of nursing informatics by writing articles that reflect the transformations in nursing informatics and the emerging roles of the nurses (ANIA, n.d.). Abbott’s contributions also influence nursing informatics. Her research on issues related to nursing informatics informed the need for changes in nursing technologies to meet the complex care needs of the different patient populations. Abbott also contributed to the development of evidence-based practices in nursing informatics through her researches (Newbold & Brixey, 2016). Therefore, their contributions have led to significant transformation in nursing informatics.
Lessons from their Experiences
One of the lessons learned from Simpson’s experience is hard work is important in one’s professional and personal live. The importance of hard work can be seen from Simpson’s contributions in the different settings he was worked and his impacts on the nursing profession. The other lesson is the importance of research in nursing. Simpson’s work shows that research is a critical component that drives evidence-based practice in nursing informatics and identification of new inventions in the profession (nef.orgg, n.d.). One of the lessons learned from Abbott’s experience is the importance of advocacy. Abbott’s work such as her contributions to John Hopkins School of Nursing Program shows the ways in which effective use of nursing advocacy skills can lead to societal transformation. Abbott’s experiences also makes us understand the importance of determination in life. Abbott began her nursing education at the diploma level, rising to become a doctor of nursing informatics (Newbold & Brixey, 2016). As a result, she exemplifies the importance of determination in enabling one succeed in life.
Skills and or Ideas Demonstrated by the Pioneers
One of the skills that both Simpson and Abbott demonstrated that I may use in life is research skills. The two pioneers were active researchers in the field of nursing informatics. Their roles show that development of effective research skills contribute to the use of best practices in nursing. Therefore, I intend to improve my research skills to ensure that I contribute to the development of the profession and other nurses. The second idea that I can learn from the pioneers is the importance of promoting the competency development in others. Simpson and Abbott showed the importance of knowledge and skill transfer through their roles as lecturers of nursing informatics. I will therefore strive to contribute to the development of others through practices such as coaching and mentorship.
In sum, Simpson and Abbott contributed significantly to nursing practice and informatics. Their professional lives show the ways in which they played a proactive role in ensuring the recognition of informatics in healthcare. The experiences of the pioneers inform the current practice of nurses and nurse informaticists. Therefore, I will strive to translate their lessons into experience to advance the field of nursing informatics.
ANIA. (n.d.). American Nursing Informatics Association. https://library.ania.org/ania/speakers/view/160
Ball, M. J., Douglas, J. V., Hinton Walker, P., DuLong, D., Gugerty, B., Hannah, K. J., . . . Troseth, M. R. (Eds.) (2011). Nursing informatics: Where technology and caring meet (4th ed.). London, England: Springer-Verlag.
Center for Integrative Research In Critical Care. (2019, September 9). Patricia a. Abbott, phd, RN, FAAN director of Hillman scholars program, nursing associate professor, nursing. https://mcircc.umich.edu/members/patricia-a-abbott-phd-rn-faan
nef.orgg. (n.d.). Roy L. Simpson. https://www.n-e-f.org/about/board-members-and-executive-director/roy-l-simpson.html
Newbold, S., & Brixey, J. (2016). Nursing Informatics Pioneers Continue to Influence the Profession: A Sustainable Impact. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 225, 873–874.
nursing.emory.edu. (n.d.). Roy L. Simpson. https://www.nursing.emory.edu/faculty-staff/roy-l-simpson