
Week 3 – Discussion: Reviewing the Academic Writing

Week 3 – Discussion: Reviewing the Academic Writing

PSY-5301 V4: Foundations of Health Psychology NCU

Review Academic Writing

APA style writing has a very structured way of writing. When writing in APA format, you demonstrate thoughtful ideas and consideration on a topic of research. Even giving your own thoughts on the topic to give more insight to the reader. The paper always starts with a title page   and from there on the next pages are structured with headings and subheadings to keep things organized.  Pages are also structured with double spacing, they are numbered and give references to give credit.  Paraphrasing is another one that is important in the APA format because it shows that you understood the material. All of these noted make the paper look professionally done and ready to read. I knew all of these things in my undergrad classes. Or did I? Even now, after going through the readings and web seminars I was still learning new things about the APA format and the mistake I was making and how to avoid them in the future. Now as a graduate student, it is now a priority that I make sure that I do my part to do appropriate work and research as it will continue to be with me as I go along in my future career.

What does that look like? It looks like having integrity when I am writing and doing research. It looks like using quotes and paraphrasing when appropriate. Not turning in someone else’s work as my own, also known as plagiarizing. It means giving credit where credit is due. From the powerpoint made by Dr. Branden Henline (2015), I will adopt the points he made about plagiarism. Advice number one: Do not copy and paste others work. When writing their assignments, some students will try to rephrase the article they found by changing one or two words and submitting it. The problem with that is, not only is it not your own words you are using, but then it becomes a habit and you don’t know who’s are who’s work. Advice number two: Use direct quotes if needed. When there are specific details in someones work that you want to emphasize, use them when necessary. It should not become your primary go-to when writing a paper. It can also be very good to rephrase someone else’s words anyway because you will be able to retain that information better because it is in your own words and not someone else’s. Advice number three: Don’t write your sources at your elbow (Henline, 2015). He talks about not leaving the sources for your own research open next you at your convenience because you are more likely to use the words of the author(s) and not your own. It can be very tempting to use the words of another. Again it is better to use your own words so you can understand the information.

Writing can be an exhausting and time consuming task we all must do at one point or another. However, when we practice and we learn to take out time to make sure we avoid those mistakes it becomes fun and a breeze to do. I will continue to utilize the information I have learned and continue to learn to make my writing something I can be proud of and maybe even get published with some amazing information to share to the word.


Henline, B. (2015, April 27). Writing with integrity [Slideshow].

After reading & reviewing the many resources on the American Psychological Association (APA) writing in the week 3 module, I feel comfortable using this method and look forward to using it more throughout my graduate career. The many resources that the university and internet providers will always allow me to know what I’m doing within this writing method, which is also a huge plus. Being a psychology major in college I have had experiences with APA before so it’s not new to me, but only writing in the APA format now allows me to fully grasp the method and excel at it. The best resource I have come across so far has been the Owl Purdue website, it’s so in-depth with every aspect of APA writing and has had the answer to every question I have ever had when it has come to how to do something in APA format.

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I learned some valuable information while reviewing Dr. Branden Henline’s video on writing with integrity. Dr. Henline talked about not “double-dipping”, which I never knew was an actual thing. Double dipping is defined as submitting some of your previous work for another class, which is self-plagiarism and an academic integrity violation (Henline, 2015). Another thing I learned was not writing with my research materials open or near me. Dr. Henline (2015) suggests that writing with research materials closed builds good reading and studying skills. Reading my materials while taking notes and highlighting instead of writing with my materials open will keep me from using direct words and quotes from other authors (Henline, 2015).  Lastly, I learned that using direct quotes is not frowned upon. I was also told growing up in school not to use direct quotes if it’s not directly from me, so I have very rarely used direct quotes. Dr. Henline (2015) suggests that using direct quotes is an acceptable academic integrity practice only when following the correct APA guidelines, like using quotation marks and properly citing the authors.

To avoid plagiarism I first plan to cite all my sources. Citing your sources may be one of the most important aspects of avoiding plagiarism, as you give the proper credit to the people who deserve it. Along with citing my sources, I plan to complete correct references for all of my papers, this allows teachers to directly see where my sources are coming from. For my second way to avoid plagiarism, I plan to take Dr. Henline’s advice by not writing with research materials open. Writing without materials open will allow me to get my thoughts down without using other people’s words, and sentence structures. I think this will allow me to speak in my own words while still speaking knowledgeably about the topic. And lastly, I plan to properly revise my papers before turning them in. Doing this will allow me to find citing mistakes I could have made, or any other mistake in general where I’m not following proper APA guidelines.

As someone who wants an advanced degree and research career in the field of Psychology, continuing to have great academic integrity is a must and I feel like it will help me in reaching my ultimate goals.



Henline, B. (2015, April 27). Writing with Integrity [Video]. Prezi.


I have come to the conclusion that the APA style of writing, exists mainly to ensure that students express themselves.  Emphasis is placed on avoiding plagiarism, it is the key to a good academic grade.  It is also important to give credit to the original author of an article.  This assignment, also reiterated the necessary steps and order to producing a good scholarly paper:  reading, highlighting, taking notes, closing the books, pondering what was read, perhaps working with the Writing Center and finally writing the paper – the scholarly way, according to Dr. Henline.

 Keywordsplagiarism; copying; copy and paste; integrity; writing wisely 

What I have learned regarding the APA style in the field of Psychology.  

The assigned reading taught me much about the importance of using the APA style for scholarly papers.  and why this method of writing is required.   North Central University and other educational institutions look down on plagiarism because they want to hear the students’ authentic voice.  As Dr. Henline wrote and mentioned in the video “Cite Key Ideas That Are Not Yours, Don’t Copy.”  It is important to maintain one’s true voice.  Using citations and references is acceptable, however using too many can be annoying to the reader, especially to the Professor.   Before taking this class, I did not know the APA style existed.  The APA style of writing emphasizes giving credit where and when it is due.  The APA style of writing is required for every scholarly paper submission, 

How I intend to avoid plagiarism

I shall adhere to the NCU Academic Integrity Policy, by ensuring that my authenticity; my voice is heard, by avoiding plagiarism.   “Plagiarism is the act of fraud.  It involves both stealing someone else’s work and lying about it afterward. ( Quoting and paraphrasing is acceptable for submission.   Educational and professional integrity equals, not stealing ideas or words from others and if done, giving credit. Paraphrasing and quoting directly is also acceptable.   Shifting my reading habits to journals, scholarly articles and all else approved by the University will ensure accurate information to paraphrase.  I hope to master this class and all others in order to graduate.  Focusing on time management, reading, proofreading, revising, visiting writing center, implementing feedback, using APA manual, and holding myself accountable for following the NCU, Academic Integrity Policy, will help me write scholarly articles.   Always remembering that as a Health Psychology Graduate, the rules need to be followed, yet creativity and innovation are also very important. 


Henline,  B/ (2015, April 27). Dean of the School of Marriage and Family Sciences at Northcentral University,  Writing with Integrity, Slideshow

Academic Writer Tutorial: Basics of Seventh Edition APA Style, Paraphrasing and Quotations, Video