
Worldview and Nursing Process Personal Statement NUR 513

Worldview and Nursing Process Personal Statement NUR 513

Grand Canyon University Worldview and Nursing Process Personal Statement NUR 513– Step-By-Step Guide


This guide will demonstrate how to complete the Grand Canyon University  Worldview and Nursing Process Personal Statement NUR 513 assignment based on general principles of academic writing. Here, we will show you the A, B, Cs of completing an academic paper, irrespective of the instructions. After guiding you through what to do, the guide will leave one or two sample essays at the end to highlight the various sections discussed below.


How to Research and Prepare for  Worldview and Nursing Process Personal Statement NUR 513                                   


Whether one passes or fails an academic assignment such as the Grand Canyon University Worldview and Nursing Process Personal Statement NUR 513 depends on the preparation done beforehand. The first thing to do once you receive an assignment is to quickly skim through the requirements. Once that is done, start going through the instructions one by one to clearly understand what the instructor wants. The most important thing here is to understand the required format—whether it is APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.


After understanding the requirements of the paper, the next phase is to gather relevant materials. The first place to start the research process is the weekly resources. Go through the resources provided in the instructions to determine which ones fit the assignment. After reviewing the provided resources, use the university library to search for additional resources. After gathering sufficient and necessary resources, you are now ready to start drafting your paper.


How to Write the Introduction for  Worldview and Nursing Process Personal Statement NUR 513                                   


The introduction for the Grand Canyon University Worldview and Nursing Process Personal Statement NUR 513 is where you tell the instructor what your paper will encompass. In three to four statements, highlight the important points that will form the basis of your paper. Here, you can include statistics to show the importance of the topic you will be discussing. At the end of the introduction, write a clear purpose statement outlining what exactly will be contained in the paper. This statement will start with “The purpose of this paper…” and then proceed to outline the various sections of the instructions.


How to Write the Body for  Worldview and Nursing Process Personal Statement NUR 513                                   


After the introduction, move into the main part of the  Worldview and Nursing Process Personal Statement NUR 513 assignment, which is the body. Given that the paper you will be writing is not experimental, the way you organize the headings and subheadings of your paper is critically important. In some cases, you might have to use more subheadings to properly organize the assignment. The organization will depend on the rubric provided. Carefully examine the rubric, as it will contain all the detailed requirements of the assignment. Sometimes, the rubric will have information that the normal instructions lack.


Another important factor to consider at this point is how to do citations. In-text citations are fundamental as they support the arguments and points you make in the paper. At this point, the resources gathered at the beginning will come in handy. Integrating the ideas of the authors with your own will ensure that you produce a comprehensive paper. Also, follow the given citation format. In most cases, APA 7 is the preferred format for nursing assignments.


How to Write the Conclusion for  Worldview and Nursing Process Personal Statement NUR 513                                   


After completing the main sections, write the conclusion of your paper. The conclusion is a summary of the main points you made in your paper. However, you need to rewrite the points and not simply copy and paste them. By restating the points from each subheading, you will provide a nuanced overview of the assignment to the reader.


How to Format the References List for  Worldview and Nursing Process Personal Statement NUR 513                                   


The very last part of your paper involves listing the sources used in your paper. These sources should be listed in alphabetical order and double-spaced. Additionally, use a hanging indent for each source that appears in this list. Lastly, only the sources cited within the body of the paper should appear here.

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Worldview and Nursing Process Personal Statement NUR 513

As a core of the healthcare delivery system, nurses develop and articulate their worldviews to navigate their roles and responsibilities and understand their patients and health population. Worldviews help nurses to offer culturally sensitive care, especially in a highly diverse healthcare system. Nurses integrate their worldviews with appropriate nursing theories to implement the nursing process for different patients (Brewington et al., 2020). As nurses reflect on their past and experiences, their worldviews and application of appropriate nursing theories become important in defining and shaping their actions and decisions. The purpose of this essay is to describe my worldview and nursing theory that influence my practice.

Personal Worldview

Individuals develop worldviews influenced by different aspects of their lives; from beliefs, assumptions, and values. People interpret and assign meaning to their world through these aspects. A person’s worldview is essential in shaping their practice philosophy and approach to care, especially in working with patients from diverse backgrounds due to the diversity of cultures, practices, and spiritual influence. My worldview is rooted in Christianity and humanism. My faith and belief in God as a Christian and consideration of the common good based on philosophical teachings like utilitarianism and virtue ethics shape my worldview. I believe that God created man in His image to show His goodness to others. I consider my patients as unique based on their creation as human beings who deserve inherent dignity and respect. I strive to do my best and care for them through the Christian and inherent values like compassion, love, and self-sacrifice. These values shape and define my interactions and relationships with patients, their families, and health populations (Nunnery, 2019). My culture instills in me service-focused care. It also lays a robust foundation for holistic care by considering patients as individuals with a multifaceted life comprising spiritual, emotional, psychological, and physical aspects.

These perspectives are essential in offering support and considering the patients as part of the whole Christian community (Wei et al., 2020). I consider my patients and their families as the larger community that requires support and integration to help deliver holistic care based on their needs and concerns. Utilitarianism and virtue ethics implore me to do well for the greater common benefit of the majority knowing that one receives what they give and can only give what they possess through their character.  My role as a nurse is to ensure that I practice to the best level of my skills and knowledge in maintaining and restoring lives. Guiding my patients in spiritual care and other aspects of their care plans is essential for the overall attainment of quality care.

Nursing Theory

Nursing theories allow nurses to develop care plans that meet patient needs and concerns, especially holistic care. The nursing theory that aligns with my Christian and humanistic worldview is Jean Watson’s holistic caring theory. At the core of this theory is the importance of transpersonal relationships and caring in the healing process. The theory presents caring as the foundation of effective and efficient nursing practice, emphasizing that nurses should implement the curative factors in their individualized plans (Watson et al., 2020). The theory implores nurses to express kindness and genuine concern in engaging patients, understanding their needs, and demonstrating altruistic values. The carative factors entail developing a humanistic approach to care, instilling faith, compassion, love, and hope, and being sensitive to oneself and others. The human caring theory by Watson enforces my approach to patient-centered care by prioritizing the basic human needs in the care provision process for quality nursing care.

At the core of this theory is a focus on holistic and humanistic care. The caring theory developed by Watson emphasizes the observance of values that are similar to Christian teachings. These include compassionate care, love, empathy, kindness, and genuine concern in interactions and relationships with patients (Nunnery, 2019). Both my worldview and nursing philosophy align with the theory based on the emphasis on hope, and faith which enhance positive healthcare provision. Watson’s theory shows that nurses and other healthcare providers can attain wellness and holistic care by focusing on shared ethical values that entail respect, justice, and integrity. These values are a core part of nursing practice as they help nurses and other providers make ethical decisions. Watson emphasizes teaching and learning for both nurses and patients, which are similar to the Christian culture that integrates support and community living (Mudd et al., 2020). Offering sufficient patient support entails providing health education to improve their understanding of health conditions and instilling behavioral changes that promote healthy behaviors. The similarities between the nursing theory and my Christian and humanism worldview illustrate the importance of shared humanity and care for others which are critical to attaining nursing practice outcomes.

Practice Example

The emergence of pandemics and epidemics presents practical challenges for nurses due to the rise in care demand amidst limited resources. The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated the highest level of unpredictability in clinical settings. In the early stages of the pandemic, nurses as frontline care providers widely contracted the disease with their health being at stake because of limited knowledge about the epidemiology of COVID-19 at that time (Brewington et al., 2020). If such unpredictability continues, many people are less likely to pursue nursing leading to a supply shortage that exacerbates the current one. My worldview can assist in addressing the issue since the focus is ensuring the survival of human beings through the provision of patient-centered care. Nurses should be ready and willing to save lives even when in difficult situations like handling life-threatening novel diseases like COVID-19.

Again, the theory of human caring offers a solution to dealing with strange conditions since it provides a chance for nurses to be optimistic when implementing evidence-based scientific research and also a belief in miraculous healing (Dhandapani et al., 2020). For instance, the emergence of COVID-19 and its declaration as a health emergency led to several research efforts to develop vaccines. The world hoped that a vaccine would be developed to reduce or mitigate the dangers of the condition.

Using my Worldview and Nursing Theory in Future Practice

My Christian and humanistic worldview and Watson’s caring theory will impact my future practice as a nurse in different yet fundamental ways. I will focus on patient-centered care that addresses core physical, emotional, and spiritual needs and concerns. Patient-centered care improves the overall wellness and well-being of patients and increases satisfaction in one’s nursing practice (Mlambo et al., 2021). Both my worldview and nursing theory emphasize healing as a core part of a patient’s physical needs. The implication is that based on these two perspectives, one can uphold ethical values in making decisions and developing holistic care plans. Watson’s model advances learning and teaching, imploring one to continue professional development and growth to improve competence by applying current trends (Chen et al., 2020). Christian values like faith and love reinforce holistic and patient-centered care for nurses. Therefore, practicing in alignment with the values and principles of the two concepts will improve the fulfillment of my career leading to exceptional development as a healthcare provider.

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Worldviews and nursing theories shape and define one’s nursing practice and professional development. My worldview has been shaped by Christian teachings and beliefs as well as humanism based on virtue ethics and utilitarianism. The implication is that as a nurse, my worldview and nursing theory like Jean Watson’s caring model, are essential to overall care delivery, especially evidence-based and patient-centered holistic care.



Brewington, J., & Godfrey, N. (2020). The professional identity in nursing initiative. The

            Research Journal of the National League for Nursing, 41(3), 201.

DOI: 10.1097/01.NEP.0000000000000667.

Chen, S., Lai, Y., & Tsay, S. (2020). Nursing perspectives on the impacts of COVID-19. Journal

            of Nursing Research, 28(3), e85.

Dhandapani, M., & L., G. (2020). Envisioning nursing profession grounded on advanced nursing

education: A new paradigm change. International Journal of Nursing Science Practice and Research.

Mlambo, M., Silén, C., & McGrath, C. (2021). Lifelong learning and nurses’ continuing

professional development, a metasynthesis of the literature. BMC Nursing, 20, 1-13. DOI:

Mudd, A., Feo, R., Conroy, T., & Kitson, A. (2020). Where and how does fundamental care fit

within seminal nursing theories: A narrative review and synthesis of key nursing concepts. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 29(19-20), 3652-3666.

Nunnery, R. K. (2019). Advancing your career: Concepts of professional nursing. FA Davis.

Watson, J., & Woodward, T. K. (2020). Jean Watson’s theory of human caring. SAGE

Publications Limited.

Wei, H., Fazzone, P. A., Sitzman, K., & Hardin, S. R. (2019). The Current Intervention Studies

Based on Watson’s Theory of Human Caring: A Systematic Review. International Journal for Human Caring, 23(1). DOI:10.20467/1091-5710.23.1.4

Nurses provide their professional care to those in need with guidance from their worldviews. According to Butts and Rich (2018), worldview refers to the set of human assumptions and beliefs that determine the interpretation and explanation of experiences. It is perceived as a social construct since the interactions that one has in their societies influence it. Nurses often work with patients and providers from diverse backgrounds. The diversity implies that they need to understand the manner in which their worldview can influence the nature of care they provide to individuals from diverse backgrounds from theirs. It therefore implies that nurses should demonstrate competencies in ensuring that their worldviews do not affect adversely the nature or quality of care they give to their patients. Consequently, this research paper is a reflection of my worldview. It examines various aspects related to it that include my religious, spiritual, and cultural elements that influence my practice. It also examines a nursing theory that relates to my worldview and the ways in which it will assist my future development as a nurse.

The first strength of the leadership theory is that there is follower inclusivity whereby, once the employees see the leader’s dedication, they will follow them. There is the discouragement of unproductive behavior (Burkus, 2020). When the leader serves the employees well, they, in turn, offer customer satisfaction. Secondly, there is a positive work environment as the leader supports and builds a shared goal (Whitney, 2018). Another strength is that servant leadership helps boost morale in an organization. Contrarily, there are weaknesses to the theory; the first weakness is that it is challenging to explain and communicate the concept of servant leadership (Burkus, 2020). The next one is that retaining servant leaders in the healthcare system is challenging and time-consuming. Another weakness is that followers view servant leaders as weak; therefore, it may be hard to heed their rules (Burkus, 2020). Servant leadership is hard to achieve as it requires an individual with high authenticity levels.

My Personal View

I believe that every nurse has a unique spiritual, religious, and cultural belief that guides his or her personal and professional practice. The religious belief that guide my practice is that what do and observe guide my practice. I believe that there exists truth in what I see and do. As a result, I aim at ensuring that the things that I do protect the rights and needs of the others. I also ensure that my behavior is in alignment with my professional regulations. It is true that nurses provide care to patients from diverse religions. I acknowledge the existence of the various religions, including their religious practices, values and beliefs. I also provide my care with a focus on ensuring that these aspects are protected in the process. However, I strongly believe that it is through science that these aspects related to their beliefs of the patients and others are met. From this assertion, I perceive myself to consider science to be my religion rather than the religious practices that others believe in in the world. I value the scientific innovations that aim at improving the experiences and outcomes of care for the patients.

Therefore, it should be noted that while I believe in science, it does not affect the care that I give to the patients since I value and respect theirs in my professional practice. I also believe that nursing is a caring process. The nurse uses their knowledge and existing resources to ensure that the needs of the patient are met in an efficient manner (Butts & Rich, 2018). Further, I believe that the provision of care to those in need entails the consideration of the patient as a whole being. This includes examining the factors that influence their recovery and response to the care. Consequently, I strongly advocate the consideration of the manner in which environment, health status, and approach to care influence the health and wellbeing of the patient.

Nursing Theory

I think the theory of human caring by Jean Watson resonates with my philosophy in nursing. According to Watson, nursing is caring profession. The caring aspect of nursing allows the free flow of energy from the body, mind, and spirit to facilitate the recovery process. Through it, nurses find the process of caring for those in need as mutually beneficial. Watson believed that the role of the nurse is to help the patient in a position that can allow self-healing to take place. In doing this, the roles of the nurse in the process of giving their care is to promote patient health, prevent disease or illness, care for them, and restore optimal health functioning (Butts & Rich, 2018). Watson also considered the need for innovation in the provision of patient care. Accordingly, the nurse should work collaboratively with the patients in identifying their needs and the most effective ways in which they can be achieved (Sitzman & Watson, 2017). This focus extends to the use of the available technologies in health to facilitate recovery. According to Watson, the provision of nursing care also focuses on concepts that include patient, environment, health, and the nurse (McMillan & Gardner-Webb University, 2017). This focus ensures that not only the patient but also provider’s needs are also met in the provision of care.

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There exist some similarities between my nursing philosophy and provisions of the nursing theory by Watson. Firstly, there is the aspect of nursing being a caring process. My worldview and Watson’s agree on the fact that the role of the nurse is to care for the patient. There is also the aspect of innovation. Watson identified the need for innovation in the provision of care. I also believe that scientific innovations are important in promoting the health and wellbeing of the patients. The last similarity between my philosophy and Watson’s is the focus on the concepts of person, environment, health, and nursing (Finkelman, 2018). I believe that the most important aspect of care is considering these concepts in the process of providing nursing care to patients.

The theory of nursing by Watson reinforces my approach to care by ensuring that I focus on the unique needs of the patient and not generalizing to the wider patient population. An example of a situation where my worldview and Watson’s theory might prove important is when addressing the occurrence of Corona virus in my setting. Corona virus is a new disease that was recently discovered in China. Its effective management relies mainly on ensuring that the prioritized needs of the patient are met during the caring process and the utilization of innovative technologies in healthcare to prevent its spread. Therefore, this example shows the combined use of my belief in science and caring in the theory of human caring by Watson.

Influence on My Future Nursing Practice

Watson’s theory and my philosophy will influence my future practice in many ways. One of them is informing my practice through research. The provisions of the theory and my worldview are likely to prompt me to explore the manner in which optimum patient heath can be achieved with the use of multiple frameworks of care. They will also influence my practice by increasing the need and relevance of patient-centeredness. According to Watson, patients’ needs are unique. Therefore, they should be individualized for the realization of optimum outcomes of care (McCance & McCormack, 2017). The last way in which Watson’s theory and my worldview will influence my nursing practice is increasing my advocacy for the use of evidence-based practice in care. I believe in science. Therefore, the provision of nursing care should rely mainly on the utilization of best available clinical evidence to enhance recovery and prevention of a disease.


Worldviews influence the manner in which individuals perceive and interpret their social experience. I believe that science guides nursing practice. Human beings should be guided by what they see and feel. I also believe that nursing is a caring profession. My philosophy shares close similarities with those of Jean Watson’s theory of human caring. Therefore, I need to explore the ways in which I can utilize it to inform my future nursing practice.


Butts, J. B., & Rich, K. L. (2018). Philosophies and theories for advanced nursing practice. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Finkelman, A. W. (2018). Professional nursing concepts: Competencies for quality leadership. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett.

McCance, T., & McCormack, B. (2017). Person-centred practice in nursing and health care: Theory and practice. Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.

McMillan, M. O., & Gardner-Webb University. (2017). The effects of Watson’s theory of human caring on the nurse perception and utilization of caring attributes and the impact on nurse communication. Boiling Springs, NC: Gardner-Webb University.

Sitzman, K., & Watson, J. (2017). Watson’s caring in the digital world: A guide for caring when interacting, teaching, and learning in cyberspace. New York, NY: Springer.



Worldview and Nursing Process

Personal worldviews have a direct effect on the care that nurses provide to their patients. A worldview refers to the collection of aspects such as values, attitudes, beliefs, and expectations of our surrounding world. A worldview forms the philosophy of nurses in their practice. It guides nurses in making ethical and legal decisions in patient care. Worldviews differ from one person to another. The difference is attributable to the influence of factors such as culture, socialization, and individual social and professional practices. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to explore my personal worldview, a nursing theory that relates to it and their influence on my professional nursing practice.

Personal Worldview

My worldview revolves around being empathetic with others and respecting their needs. I believe that nurses should be empathetic to their patients and others. They should place themselves in the experiences of their patients as well as others they interact with in their professional and personal lives. I also believe that nurses should show love to others. They should demonstrate behaviors such as respecting diversity, being honest and truthful in their personal and professional lives. I also believe that nurses should offer patient care with love. The symbols of love that should guide the care given to patients should encompass aspects such as patience, understanding, respect, honesty, and openness (Munoz-Day, 2019). By showing love, nurses learn to treat others the same manner in which they wish to be treated too.

I also believe that nurses should be kind in their practice and personal lives. Kindness is a virtue that entails being considerate or generous to others. Nurses should show kindness to their patients. It is important in nursing practice, as it enhances patient engagement in the care process. Kindness in nursing entails providing patient-centered and compassionate care to the patient (Yeşilçınar et al., 2018). The incorporation of kindness into the care process results in patient satisfaction with the care as well as empowerment with the disease management process. For example, the empowerment of patients results in their increased treatment adherence and engagement in self-management behaviors that improve the outcomes of treatment for their health problems (Ng & Luk, 2019). By being considerate of the healthcare needs of the patients, nurses can develop accurate plans of care that addresses both the actual and potential health needs of the patients. Therefore, kindness, love, and being truthful should guide the practice of nurses in patient care.

My worldview on religion is that nursing practice should entail the consideration of the religious beliefs and practices of patients. Nurses should ensure that the religious preferences of the patients are considered, as they influence the experiences of patients with the care process. The consideration contributes to holism in patient care for optimum outcomes. Similarly, care should encompass the spiritual and cultural values and beliefs of the patients. The cultural values and beliefs of great importance to the patients should be prioritized in the provision of patient care, as they influence the uptake of specific care services (Yeşilçınar et al., 2018). Therefore, I believe that religion, spirituality, and culture are important elements that should be considered in the provision of patient care.

Nursing Theory

Orem’s theory of self-care resonates with my nursing philosophy. The self-care theory by Orem asserts that nurses play a critical role in helping patients achieve their self-care needs. They assist patients who do not have the power or will to engage in activities that contribute to the realization of their daily needs. The activities or support that the nurse gives to the patients aim at maintaining their lives or functioning and correct the deviation of their health to normal. Orem also asserted that the support from the nurse aims at ensuring that the incapability of the patients in meeting their self-care needs is addressed (Gligor & Domnariu, 2020). Through it, the nurse and patients form a therapeutic relationship that contributes to the establishment of supportive system needed to compensate the needs of the patients either partially or wholly.

A number of similarities exist between Orem’s self-care theory with my worldview. The first similarity is the importance of therapeutic relationship between the nurse and patients. The relationship contributes to the understanding of the actual and potential care needs of the patients (Younas, 2017). I believe that nurses should strive to form positive, therapeutic relationship with their patients to understand their needs better. The understanding forms the basis of the empathetic, loving relationship that culminates to the realization of optimum outcomes in patient care. The other similarity between Orem’s theory and my worldview is the recognition of the critical role of the nurses in assisting patients to achieve their self-care needs. The nurse assists patients who lack will and energy to meet their diverse health-related needs (Gligor & Domnariu, 2020). I also believe in helping patients to achieve their diverse needs. The help offered should take into consideration the uniqueness and abilities of the patients in achieving the desired self-care. In helping the patients, nurses should demonstrate respect, kindness, love, and understanding to their patients.

Orem’s theory reinforces my approach to patient care. Firstly, it provides me with the understanding of the assumptions that guide my interaction with the patients. For example, I approach patients with the assumption that they need assistance in achieving their diverse self-care needs. Orem’s theory also provides me with benchmarks for evaluating the effectiveness of patient care. The evaluation informs the need for additional interventions should the anticipated care needs are not met. An example can be seen from the use of the universal self-care outcomes to evaluate the effectiveness of the care interventions that were adopted to address the care needs of the patients (Younas & Quennell, 2019). Lastly, Orem’s theory influences the nature of relationship I have with my patients. I strive to understand the actual and potential health needs of the patients during my interaction with them. The understanding informs the development of the appropriate treatment plans to optimize the care outcomes.


An example of a recent experience where my worldview could have been applied is an encounter with a patient who did not want his child to a blood transfusion. The patient declined with the assertion that blood transfusion was against their religious beliefs and practices. The nurse and physician attending the child insisted that the child needed blood transfusion for him to live. This led to significant irritation and confrontation by the parent. My worldview could have been applied to the scenario. I would have aimed at understanding the concerns about blood transfusion and explaining to the parent its importance. I would have also demonstrated kindness by involving him in examining the different alternatives that existed and their benefits and risks. Through it, the parent could have made an informed decision about the need for blood transfusion for his child.

Influence of Nursing Theory and Worldview on my Future Practice

My worldview and Orem’s theory of nursing will assist me in developing my future practice. The worldview and theory will inform my future relations with my patients and other healthcare providers. They will strengthen my desire for improving my inter-personal and professional relationship skills to ensure that I address optimally the care needs of those I serve (Antonytheva et al., 2021). The worldview and theory will also influence my future practice by increasing my involvement in areas such as research in nursing. The worldview and theory will increase my awareness about the various aspects of nursing that influence patient care. The awareness will stimulate my interest in exploring the ways in which nursing research can inform evidence-based practice. Through it, I will be able to support the use of research and evidence-informed decisions in the provision of patient care (Munoz-Day, 2019). Therefore, I believe that my worldview and self-care theory by Orem will inform my future practice as a registered nurse.


In summary, worldview is an important aspect in nursing practice. A worldview informs the actions and decisions that nurses make in their daily practice. My worldview revolves around love, kindness, empathy, and being truthful to others. My worldview relates to self-care theory by Dorothea Orem. It recognizes the need for understanding and helping others achieve their needs in a manner that respects their values, beliefs, and practices. My worldview and theory will influence my future practice as a registered nurse. They will influence the relationship I have with the patients as well as my level of awareness about the different issues affecting nursing practice and patient care.




Antonytheva, S., Oudshoorn, A., & Garnett, A. (2021). Professional intimacy in nursing practice: A concept analysis. Nursing Forum, 56(1), 151–159.

Gligor, L., & Domnariu, C. D. (2020). Patient Care Approach Using Nursing Theories—Comparative Analysis of Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Theory and Henderson’s Model. Acta Medica Transilvanica, 25(2), 11–14.

Munoz-Day, E. R. (2019). Delivering Kindness: Creating a Healthy Environment by Role Modeling Caring in the Nursing Curriculum.

Ng, J. H. Y., & Luk, B. H. K. (2019). Patient satisfaction: Concept analysis in the healthcare context. Patient Education and Counseling, 102(4), 790–796.

Yeşilçınar, İ., Acavut, G., İyigün, E., & Taştan, S. (2018). Eight-Step Concept Analysis: Spirituality in Nursing. International Journal for Human Caring, 22(2), 34–42.

Younas, A. (2017). A Foundational Analysis of Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care Theory and Evaluation of Its Significance for Nursing Practice and Research. Creative Nursing, 23(1), 13–23.

Younas, A., & Quennell, S. (2019). Usefulness of nursing theory-guided practice: An integrative review. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 33(3), 540–555.

According to the American Nurses Association indicated that 68% of nurses are placing their patients’ health, wellness, and safety before their own. Nurses find it difficult to locate the self-care activities due to their busy schedules, and when a nurse cannot care for themselves, it is nearly difficult to take care of others (Linton & Koonmen, 2020).  Nurses can reduce stress by incorporating mindfulness techniques into their daily routine (Monroe et al., 2020). For example, the hospital where I work promotes mindfulness practices by hosting workshops and training sessions on stress reduction techniques, meditation, and deep breathing exercises. They provide a program called Healthy at Hopkins to encourage all Johns Hopkins employees to stay healthy.  Self-care is important aspect of preventing burnout among nurses. Nurses are often so focused on caring for others that they neglect their own needs.  Nurses can promote self-care by emphasizing the importance of taking breaks, eating nutritious meals, getting enough sleep, and engaging in activities that bring relaxation (Monroe et al., 2020). Fostering healthy work environments is essential for preventing burnout among nurses. A supportive work environment where nurses feel valued, respected, and supported can have a significant impact on their job satisfaction (Schlak et al., 2021).


Schlak, A. E., Aiken, L. H., Chittams, J., Poghosyan, L., & McHugh, M. (2021). Leveraging the Work Environment to Minimize the Negative Impact of Nurse Burnout on Patient Outcomes. International Journal of Environmental  Research and Public

Linton, M., & Koonmen, J. (2020). Self-care as an Ethical Obligation for Nurses. Nursing Ethics. Sage Journal.

Monroe, C., Loresto, F., Horton-Deutsch, S., Kleiner, C., Eron, K., Varney, R., & Grimm, S. (2020). The value of intentional self-care practices: The Effects Of Mindfulness on Improving Job Satisfaction, Teamwork, and Workplace Environments.