
N 515 PE Discussion

N 515 PE Discussion

Discussion: Article on Nurse Burnout

The research study by Montgomery et al. (2017) discusses how nurse burnout syndrome and work environment affect the level of patient safety. The components of the study include problem presented, purpose of the research, a theoretical framework used, and a review of literature.

Problem presented

The problem presented in the article is the issue of nurse burnout syndrome and work environment and their effects of patient safety levels. The article asserts that burnout affects nurses’ health, brain structure and functions that include cognitive which impacts their performance and patient safety quality.

Purpose of the Research Study

The purpose of the study was to assess nurse-reported patient safety levels and their relationship to burnout and the

N 515 PE Discussion
N 515 PE Discussion

nursing practice environment (Montgomery et al., 2017). The article demonstrates the impact of these interventions and interactions on burnout and workplace environment.

Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework used in the article is based on findings from different research studies which demonstrate that burnout and nursing practice environment impact patient safety levels in different settings (Montgomery et al., 2017). The theoretical model illustrates the need for effective interventions by organizations and providers to increase nurse-reported burnouts and their effects on patient safety grade in healthcare facilities in different parts of the country.

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Literature Review

The authors use findings from previous studies to demonstrate the negative effects of burnout and workplace environment on patient safety. Burnout impacts the recognition of errors and lowers th

N 515 PE Discussion
N 515 PE Discussion

e time for patient surveillance by nurses. The literature advances that burnout leads to adverse events that reduces the patient safety levels (Montgomery et al., 2017). The review of literature in the article also shows that work environment has direct impact on nurse burnout. However, they note that limited evidence and findings exist to show the effects of a combination of work environment and burnout on patient safety levels.


Montgomery, A. Patrician, P. A. & Azuero, A. (2017). Nurse Burnout Syndrome and Work

Environment Impact Patient Safety Grade. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 0(0): 1-7.

DOI: 10.1097/NCQ.0000000000000574