
NR 501 Week 3: Steps of Concept Analysis

NR 501 Week 3: Steps of Concept Analysis

Definition of concept: The concept this author has selected for analysis is caring. The caring concept is found in the nursing Theory of Human Caring, this Nursing Theory was developed by Jean Watson. According to Chamberlain College of Nursing (CCN) concept and theory analysis are dominant instruments that benefit and bring light to the nursing practice. There are eight steps to carry out when developing a concept analysis. These steps will be discussed by the writer during this discussion question.

The concept of interest for this discussion question is Caring.  Caring and nursing are two terminologies that are impossible to be separated. According to Lindberg, Fagerstrȍm, Sivberg, & William (2014) caring is the basis of nursing and is firmly connected to ethos, whereas nursing primarily relates to actual work done by the nurses.

Caring is the core of nursing

and is closely connected to ethos, whereas nursing mainly

relates to the actual work done by the nurses

According to Lindberg, Fagerstrȍm, Sivberg, & William (2014) caring quality encompass respect for patient self-determination, practice aspect of nursing, caring relationships that nurses and patients establish and the health and wel

NR 501 Week 3 Steps of Concept Analysis
NR 501 Week 3 Steps of Concept Analysis

lness attitude. In other words, it is crucial in caring to have an understanding of the culture, attitude, variability, relationship, action and acceptance.

To provide a description of one antecedent and one consequence of the concept we could start by stating that nursing education is of paramount importance for the profession. The achievement of nursing accomplishments is a key antecedent for nursing. In order for a nursing student to become an RN the candidate ought to complete and be successful in completing nursing school as well as achieving passing scores on the board exam. The student nurse must fulfill a set of clinical practice hours in the clinical settings in which the student will achieve the necessary clinical skills where they will apply the theoretical content learnt in the classroom setting. Once the nursing student accomplishes the degree and becomes a professional registered nurse, and get a job, there is a necessary training period to confirm that this newly graduated nurse is self-sufficient, confident and has adequate skills that is safe to care for patients.

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Identification of at least one empirical referent is how the concept of caring may be measured or assessed (CCN, 2017). Caring may be challenging to define and measure, since judgement and perception depends on both, the person providing and receiving the care. At the institution I currently work patient satisfaction is measured by a survey. This survey is mailed to patients at their home or by a telephone call survey after care is provided. This is a convenient tool that is able to set and maintain good quality standards within an institution.

There are many variations and perceptions of caring that may cause difficulties to explain in the sense of nursing, and can be perceived differently across cultures (Lindberg, Fagerström, Sivberg & Willman, 2014). This writer selected the concept of caring, focusing specifically on the care nurses provide to patients utilizing Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring.


NR 501 Week 3: Steps of Concept Analysis References

Chamberlain College of Nursing. (2017). NR-501 Week 3 Development of Nursing Theory and Concept Analysis [Online lesson]. Talley, IL: DeVry Education Group


Lindberg, C., Fagerstrȍm, C., Sivberg, B., & William, A. (2014). Concept analysis: patient autonomy in a caring context, Journal of Advanced Nursing 70(10), 2208-2221. (Links to an external site.)


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, caring is certainly an important concept and is central to the experience of nursing!  Watson’s theory of human caring will support your exploration of caring very well.

Possibly the most difficult aspect of a concept analysis is that of choosing an empirical referent.

In research, there are many surveys, tools, and “instruments” that are used to capture the presence of a concept.  Sometimes quality measures can also capture the presence of a concept.  However, while there may be an implication that a concept such as caring is involved, it may not specifically or precisely measure that concept in particular.  Surveys such as the Patients’ Perspectives of Care Survey (HCAHPS) measures many aspects of the hospital experiences but not “caring” as we usually define it conceptually.  It does measure the quality of interactions in terms of communication, attentiveness to needs (especially to pain management) and discharge education.  while this may occur, perhaps more easily supported in a caring environment and in caring interactions, the survey does not actually measure caring as it is often defined in theory.

One of the major activities in research is to test the validity of a research “tool”…with the question being….does it measure what it is supposed to measure?

Fortunately, WE don’t have to do that.  For example, Watson and associated developed a research tool which empirically measures caring as is defined in the theory of human caring (DiNapoli, Turkel, Nelson, & Watson, 2010).

How fortunate for us!

NR 501 Week 3: Steps of Concept Analysis Reference

DiNapoli, P. P., Turkel, M., Nelson, J., & Watson, J. (2010). Measuring the Caritas Processes: Caring Factor Survey. International Journal for Human Caring 14(3), 15-20.

Thank you for your additions and insights made to my response on this week discussion questions, I appreciate your observations and recommendations.

According to Ozan, Okumus, & Lash (2015) even though caring might represent an empirical and challenging form of a concept analysis; as a nurse I strongly believe that caring and its monitoring is of crucial importance. Indeed, the theory of Watson’s Human Caring focuses on human and nursing paradigm, which affirms that a human being is unable to be cured as an object. It disputes on the contrary that a human being, whether male or female, is an element of his or her environment, essence, and the macro world. Environment is described in this theory as appropriate, pleasant, appealing, and peaceful and that caring is the moral optimal that encompasses mind-body-soul commitment with one another. Nursing, classified as a humanitarian science, also described as a career that carries out personal, scientific, ethical, and aesthetical practice. Watson’s caring theory focus on assuring equity and cooperation between health and disorder that a person experience.

Measuring and evaluating care, is of extreme importance and is needed for the improvement of care and satisfaction of patient needs, however it is an abstract action, since it is based on perceptions. According to Ozan, Okumus, & Lash (2015) the theory of Human Caring is people-oriented that acquires the distinct character of human virtue without compromising its mind-body spirit. The theory postulates that the highest and most powerful curative source in nursing care is love. Watson’s caring theory describes nursing as the process of human-to-human caring that encompasses four elementary ideas: healing processes, interpersonal maintenance of relationship, the caring moment, and awareness of healing. Caring involves being present, a detailed observant, conscious, and intentional.


NR 501 Week 3: Steps of Concept Analysis Reference

Ozan, Y. D., Okumus, H., & Lash, A, A. (2015). Implementation of Watson’s Theory of Human Caring: A Case Study. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 8(1), 25-35. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)

The selected nursing concept for this analysis is compassion. Compassion is a durable concept that is largely used in nursing and healthcare. It has behavioral and emotional elements that influence the actions of nurses in their practice. Compassion is among the crucial elements and determinants of quality nursing care. Compassion has several definitions. For example, the Oxford dictionary defines it as sympathetic concern and pity for one’s suffering. The term also refers to the empathizing with a person who is suffering or harmed. It also refers to the feeling of being aware of another person’s suffering coupled with the intention to help them overcome the suffering (Tierney et al., 2019; Younas & Maddigan, 2019). Other authors have also defined it as a basic human kindness with deep awareness of others suffering coupled with the effort or wish to relieve it (Tierney et al., 2019).

Three defining attributes:

Compassion has several attributes. They include the authentic presence, noticing sufferings of others, and showing empathy towards the suffering. It is also the connectedness that nurses have with the suffering, engaging emotionally with others, and being motivated to assist or support others overcome their challenges. Compassion also has the attribute of seeking to empower the vulnerable to overcome their health problems, negotiating how to prevent or alleviate suffering, and using knowledge and skills to prevent, alleviate, or manage distress or suffering (Galetz, 2019).

1 Antecedent and 1 Consequence of the concept:

One antecedent of compassion is respect. Nurses must demonstrate respect to others for them to understand their sufferings or experiences. The respect helps them to understand the problem from the patient’s perspective and how to address it better. Respect also helps nurses to identify ethical practices that they can use to enhance the patient outcomes (Younas & Maddigan, 2019).

One consequence of compassion is trust between patient and the nurse. Compassionate care increases the trust that patients have towards the care given by the nurses. It also strengthens the professional relationship among them, which result in additional outcomes such as patient satisfaction, empowerment, and adherence to treatment plans. The strengthened trust also eliminates or reduces fear that patients could have towards healthcare systems and interventions (Younas & Maddigan, 2019). Therefore, patients are empowered to take responsibility for their health, hence, the realization of optimum outcomes in the care process.

Model Case:

A model case of compassion is a nurse involved in the care of a patient with terminal illness. The nurse must implement patient-centered interventions to promote peaceful death in such a patient. In this case, the nurse must demonstrate compassion by understanding the unique experiences of the patient, his or her sufferings, and attempt to implement interventions to minimize them. For example, the nurse administers analgesics to minimize pain in end of life care for patient’s psychological comfort and wellbeing.

Theoretical Applications of the Concept:

Dorothea Orem’s theory of self-care utilizes the concept of compassion. Accordingly, nurses must understand the experiences of their patients for them to assist the patients meet their needs. For example, nurses caring for a cancer patient understand the chronic pain that patients experience and implement interventions to reduce their suffering (Tierney et al., 2019).


I always apply the concept of compassion in my nursing practice. I always strive to understand what a disease means to the patient and explore evidence-based interventions to enhance treatment outcomes. I also go an extra mile to see that the additional factors that do not relate to the disease are addressed for optimum recovery. I also apply compassion by ensuring that the decisions that I make do not predispose patients to any unintended harm. Therefore, compassion is part of my professional practice.


NR 501 Week 3: Steps of Concept Analysis References

Galetz, E. (2019). The empathy-compassion matrix: Using a comparison concept analysis to identify care components. Nursing Forum, 54(3), 448–454.

Tierney, S., Bivins, R., & Seers, K. (2019). Compassion in nursing: Solution or stereotype? Nursing Inquiry, 26(1), e12271.

Younas, A., & Maddigan, J. (2019). Proposing a policy framework for nursing education for fostering compassion in nursing students: A critical review. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 75(8), 1621–1636.


I believe that there should be a distinction between care and caring.  A person may render care to someone and not be caring. On the other hand, a person can be caring without giving the proper care to patients. Although care and caring are supposed to be intertwined, in some instances they are not. While some nurses care for patients, others may simply be providing care because it is their job; not that they are caring. Care and caring have been inherently difficult concepts to define, but many believe that care is the central and unifying core of nursing itself. It is vital that nurses understand what care is and patients’ perception of what care means to them.

There is a difference between care and caring—good quality care is always important, but caring for patients is what they will really remember. Taking care of patients and caring for patients are not the same. Taking care of patients emphasizes objective professional care, such as the medical or psychological aspects of nursing. Caring for patients, on the other hand, is a humanistic way of interacting with patients that displays sincere care and concern for patients simply because they are human beings. Focus on patient-centered care necessitates adaptation to patient perceptions (Sossong & Poirier, 2013). It is during those caring moments that the transpersonal relationship between patient and nurse becomes clear.

Watson’s theory of human caring emphasizes the transpersonal relationships between patients and nurses (Watson, 2002). Patients are in various stages of illness and their perception of care and caring will be different versus what the nurse thinks or believes is care or caring. This is due to the needs of patients are different and is dependent upon what is occurring with the patient at that time. So, it is implicated that nurses across all medical disciplines must identify which aspects of caring are most important to patients at any given point in their disease process. According to Barnsteiner (2012), “Patient-centered care ensures the patient is at the center of the decision-making process and understands the plan of care that prevents errors from occurring”. Thus, it is essential to develop innovative strategies that can address the existing incongruence between patients’ and nurses’ perceptions of caring (Sossong & Poirier, 2013). Nurses must connect with patients on purpose to promote healing holistically. Then, nurses can develop interventions based on caring behaviors that are important to the patient.



Sossong, A., & Poirier, P. (2013). Patient and Nurse Perceptions of Caring in Rural United States. International Journal for Human Caring, 17(1), 79-85.

Watson, J. (2002). Assessing and measuring caring in nursing and health science. New York, NY: Springer

Barnsteiner, J. (2012). Quality and safety in nursing: A competency approach to improving outcomes. In G. &. Sherwood, Safety (pp. 149-169). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.