
Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Part 2: Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics

NURS 6003 Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Part 2: Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics

Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Part 2: Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics

Academic and professional resources are essential for MSN students since they help them in preparing for their careers. Academic resources and strategies refer to any out-of-class supports that MSN students can use for their academic work to acquire knowledge better. Professional resources and strategies help MSN students to create and develop a solid and consistent network that will develop them professionally and personally after the MSN program. The purpose of this assignment is to identify and describe academic and professional resources that I can apply to the MSN program and to promote success in nursing practice.

Academic Resource/Strategy 1: Nursing Journals

Nursing journals are an excellent academic resource for MSN students since they focus on research and evidence-based information. Journals present, review, critique, and communicate nursing issues, which are a major focus for MSN students (Oermann et al., 2021). I can use journals as an academic resource to understand issues affecting nursing practice and identify solutions to those issues. Journals are a great resource for evidence-based research for MSN students in their research projects. Besides, they include general publications of interest to all those practicing nursing (Oermann et al., 2021).  Examples of nursing journals that I can use for my academic success include the American Journal of Nursing, American Nurse Today, and The Journal for Advanced Nursing Practice (Oermann et al., 2021). The nursing journals can keep me informed and allow me to develop standards of care, better understand patient needs, and become a more effective NP.

Academic Resource/Strategy2: Nursing Research Databases

A nursing research database refers to organized collections of computerized information or data such as nursing books, periodical articles, and multimedia that can be searched to retrieve information.  MSN students are expected to write research papers while pursuing their specialty degree. Nursing research databases are particularly useful in locating relevant studies that will guide the literature review (Oermann et al., 2021). Examples of databases I can use for academic success include CINAHL, Cochrane, Medline, and UpToDate. CINAHL is the largest nursing database providing indexing for nursing and allied health literature (Oermann et al., 2021). UpToDate is the top resource for evidence-based clinical decision-making used by healthcare professionals globally.

Academic Resource/Strategy3: Study Groups

Forming or being part of a study group is a great academic strategy that can be applied to succeed in the MSN program. A study group

Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Part 2 Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics
Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Part 2 Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics

is an informal peer group of 4-6 students. It is helpful for problem sets, reviewing lecture readings and materials, and studying for exams (McCabe & Lummis, 2018). Participation in a study group can help MSN student improve their studying skills. By pooling our resources, I can share tips and pointers with my fellow students about more efficient ways to take notes, prepare for exams, and manage time (McCabe & Lummis, 2018). Besides, study group members hold each other accountable, offer gentle encouragement, and provide opinions when faced with challenges.

Professional Resource/Strategy1: Attending Annual Conferences

Conferences are a vital component of a nursing career. They offer MSN students the opportunity to begin new activities and to network with fellow students and nurses. For example, the AANP Specialty and Leadership Conference offer NPs and students opportunities to network within their specialty (Goolsby & DuBois, 2017). The American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) holds a large annual conference that offers nurse practitioners and students professional growth and networking (Goolsby & DuBois, 2017). The National Student Nurses Association Annual Conference provides student nurses with diverse learning opportunities and chances to network with fellow students. I can attend such conferences to network with other PMHNP students and professionals.

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Professional Resource/Strategy2: Nursing Professional Organizations

Nursing professional organizations are dedicated to the professional and personal development of their members and the general advancement of the nursing profession. Joining a professional nursing organization is essential to every student and practicing nurse owing to the dynamic field of nursing (Goolsby & DuBois, 2017). The nursing organizations encourage nurses to stay up to date on current practices, be updated on what healthcare leaders are saying, and get a sight of what other hospitals are doing to innovate and advance patient care. Benefits of an MSN student joining a professional organization include education opportunities, local meetings, annual conventions, networking, career assistance, certification discounts, and access to experts and mentors (Goolsby & DuBois, 2017). I can join professional organizations such as the AANP, which provides opportunities to students for professional growth and networking. I can also join American Psychiatric Nurses Association (APNA), a resource for psychiatric-mental health nursing. It provides resources a PMHNP, and a student needs to keep their practice current. They also offer continuing education, evidence-based resources, and dynamic collaboration.

Professional Resource/Strategy3: Professional Nurse Mentorship Programs

Nurse Mentorship is a synergetic relationship between a beginner nurse, the mentee, and an experienced nurse, the mentor. Nurse mentorship programs promote mutual professional growth between the mentor and the mentee through an active and supportive relationship (Foolchand & Maritz, 2020). The mentor’s role is to offer guidance to their mentee and support them when growing their nursing careers (Foolchand & Maritz, 2020). MSN students can develop professional relationships with their professors and nurse educators, potentially leading to career opportunities. I tend to use this strategy by applying for a professional mentor at the Walden University mentorship program. A nurse mentor can help me navigate through the specialty and establish my PMHNP career.


MSN students should utilize academic and professional resources to succeed in their master’s program and NP careers. I identified academic resources and strategies, including nursing journals, nursing research databases, and study groups. These resources can help to acquire out-of-class knowledge better. Professional resources and strategies include Attending Annual Conferences, joining nursing professional organizations, and professional nurse mentorship programs. The resources and strategies can help me network with other MSN students and practicing nurses and get job opportunities.


Foolchand, D., & Maritz, J. E. (2020). Experience of nurses regarding the clinical mentoring of student nurses in resource-limited settings. Health SA = SA Gesondheid25, 1434.

Goolsby, M. J., & DuBois, J. C. (2017). Professional organization membership: Advancing the nurse practitioner role. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners29(8), 434-440.

McCabe, J. A., & Lummis, S. N. (2018). Why and how do undergraduates study in groups?. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology4(1), 27.

Oermann, M. H., Wrigley, J., Nicoll, L. H., Ledbetter, L. S., Carter-Templeton, H., & Edie, A. H. (2021). Integrity of Databases for Literature Searches in Nursing: Avoiding Predatory Journals. ANS. Advances in nursing science44(2), 102–110.