Assignment: Theories of Organizations
Assignment: Theories of Organizations
Question Description
Discuss the mission, vision, values, and stated goals of the organization where you work using the information from your assigned readings and the self-paced tutorial. You can find the information on your hospital’s website, or you can discuss it with your organization’s administrative staff. If you are unemployed, you can obtain this information from a hospital’s website or by interviewing a nursing colleague to answer questions. 1-6. Describe your organization’s nursing mission or philosophy.
Describe your unit’s nursing mission or philosophy. Is the mission or philosophy in line with the larger organization’s? Compare and contrast the similarities and differences.
Describe your individual role in achieving the mission or goals of your unit or department.
Describe the nursing department’s structure. Is the model centralized or decentralized? Provide reasoning to back up your answer.
Mention at least two advantages and disadvantages of the organization’s nursing model.
Use your analysis to describe how nursing could strengthen its mission, vision, and organizational structure. At least two examples are required.
Explain key organizational theories as social systems.
Determine how an organization’s mission, vision, and values provide strategic direction.
Investigate organizational structure and design in the workplace.
Discuss how your organization’s centralization and decentralization structures work.
Define shared governance, including the advantages and disadvantages for nursing.
A total of four (4) references are required: two (2) from required course materials and two (2) from peer-reviewed sources. All references must be less than five years old (unless making a specific point using a seminal piece of information)
Peer-reviewed references include references from professional data bases like PubMed or CINHAL that are relevant to the population and practice area, as well as evidence-based clinical practice guidelines. Wikipedia, UpToDate, Epocrates, Medscape, WebMD, hospital organizations, insurance recommendations, and secondary clinical databases are examples of unacceptable references.
All written assignments, unless otherwise specified, must adhere to APA 6th edition formatting, citations, and references.
Download the Microsoft Word APA 6th edition template here. Before submitting the assignment, make sure to cross-reference the APA 6th edition book as well.
Page Count/Word Count
Unless otherwise specified, all papers should be at least 600 words long (about 2.5 pages), excluding the title and reference pages.
Leadership and Nursing Care Management, 5th edition, Elsevier-Saunders, 2013.
Read Chapters 3,13,14,15, and 16.
Cross-trained medical assistants are only capable of performing clinical and organizational tasks. As a result of the lack of prescriptive authority, Stephanie, the medical assistant, was practicing beyond the scope of her training. There is a violation of both federal and state laws (AAMA 2019). Patients should be treated with nonmaleficence by a medical assistant. Medical assistants are responsible for keeping patient records, collecting data, and collecting lab specimens in primary care settings. Based on both an ethical and legal perspective, Stephanie behaved outside her field of experience in the case study. Because Stephanie made a medical decision without having the appropriate medical or nursing experience to prescribe amoxicillin to Mrs. Smith, she committed immoral acts that may have resulted in unintended patient damage and maleficence. The nurse practitioner’s license was used to treat Mrs. Smith by Stephanie who impersonated a nurse practitioner, forged the APRN’s signature on the script, and abused her diagnostic and prescriptive powers. In the state of Illinois, Stephanie may be terminated or revoked for her actions, pay monetary penalties, spend time in prison, and be unable to work as a medical assistant (Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, n.d.).
Nurse Practitioner
Medical Assistant Stephanie’s improper use of authoritarian power has now presented an ethical dilemma for the nurse practitioner. This would therefore constitute malpractice, with legal and ethical repercussions for the nurse practitioner. A nurse practitioner faces legal repercussions for not practicing justice in this case. She should discuss her concerns with her and decide how to handle the situation. It is unknown whether Stephanie knew about the danger she was putting the patient in and she has put the NP profession at risk. A nurse practitioner has an ethical obligation to assess the patient’s condition and choose the appropriate medication before deciding on drug treatment. Liability for negligent supervision is one of the legal consequences for the nurse practitioner (Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, (n.d.)). When a nurse practitioner forges a prescription on their behalf, they are morally and legally responsible for informing the medical assistant. The NP may be sued for malpractice and/or negligence. The nurse practitioner’s treatment falls short because the patient was not assessed until he was prescribed amoxicillin. We don’t know if the patient needed amoxicillin. The patient was not harmed, according to the case report. If the patient was not harmed, the NP might be charged with neglect rather than malpractice.
Medical Director
It will be an ethical dilemma for the Medical Director to decide how to deal with the problems. Despite the fact that the patient was in danger, it’s not stated whether or not the situation impacted the patient. Stephanie’s medical assistance was not harmful, and the next question is whether it should be reported or handled in the clinic (Weiss, 2022). The Medical Director may be penalized for violating state and federal laws. In the event that a patient was injured or died, a lawsuit would be filed against the organization, the NP, and the Medical Assistant. It is possible that fraud charges are based on reimbursements for services that did not take place.
Medical assistants must be disciplined, such as termination and legal action, to avoid the recurrence of this incident. An unethical act could result in the practice being closed if a certain number of complaints are filed with the medical board. Furthermore, ethical issues arise regarding information disclosure and mandatory reporting, as well as patient safety implications. There is a sense of moral obligation associated with medicine prescriptions in this practice. To minimize medication errors and ensure the safety of patients, appropriate technologies should be used, such as prescribing software and electronic drug references.
- In order to determine the reason Stephanie prescribed Mrs.Smith medication, the first step would be to investigate thoroughly. If an illegal situation arises, such as this one, I will implement a policy. All members should be reminded to review their guidelines and job descriptions. The scope of practice for each employee will be reviewed and explained in meetings with all employees. At that point, I will follow up with all employees to ensure that their understanding has been conveyed properly. An employee will be retrained if he or she needs help understanding. It will be inspected periodically to see if the work environment is conducive to productivity. Every employee will be able to see and read the policies displayed around the office. In order to prevent a similar incident from happening again, a protocol would be developed based on ethical and legal guidelines. If someone breaks the rules, disciplinary action will be taken (Atkinson, 2019). By leading by example, I would be able to effect a positive change in the practice. In my role as a role model, I will set an example of positive behavior. Respecting all staff members and communicating effectively would be my top priorities. I would also actively listen to all member’s concerns. As part of my efforts to establish a culture of accountability for all actions and failures within the practice, I would also consult with the team about future decisions (Aboramadan & Dahleez, 2020).
AAMA. (2019). Disciplinary Standards and Procedures. Disciplinary standards and procedures. aama-ntl/cma-aama-exam/faqs-certification/disciplinary-standards.
Aboramadan, & Dahleez, K. A. (2020). Leadership styles and employees’ work outcomes in nonprofit organizations: the role of work engagement. The Journal of Management Development, 39(7/8), 869–893.
Atkinson. (2019). Preparing physicians to contend with the problem of dual loyalty. Journal of Human Rights, 18(3), 339–355. to an external site.
Nurses. (n.d.).
Weiss. (2022). Duty to Report Incompetent Physicians. American Family Physician, 106(4), 450–452.