
Discuss Challenges Associated With Maintaining Multiple Interfaces Between Health Care Systems.

Discuss Challenges Associated With Maintaining Multiple Interfaces Between Health Care Systems.

Discuss Challenges Associated With Maintaining Multiple Interfaces Between Health Care Systems.

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Discuss challenges associated with maintaining multiple interfaces between health care systems. What are some examples of timing and data integrity challenges you may have experienced in your own career or you feel may be encountered when an organization operates multiple systems on different platforms?
Discuss Challenges Associated With Maintaining Multiple Interfaces Between Health Care Systems.
Multiple Interfaces in the health care system are vital to delivering excellent-quality patient service care since they initiate critical data to the point of care. An aligned system with a robust interface among public health, health care, and the community and non–health care sectors could produce better prevention and treatment outcomes for populations. This paper discusses challenges associated with maintaining multiple interfaces between health care systems.

Organizations to reach their goal and keep the vision for the future need the planning process and action their employees will be taking to meet those goals with specific purpose is called strategies planning. Healthcare is a complex organization that is continuously changing, to run it smoothly should have well-defined objectives and layout processes to hieve that, with reviews and changes accordingly. One of the purposes of strategic planning is to improve communication among all the levels in the organization (Whitney, 2018). Factors affect planning for the future goal of an organization includes Internal and external; factors those he budgeting, staff’s experienced level, Level of care provided by organization to the community, organization’s culture and times spent and commitment (Greeter & Harrison,2019).

Challenges Associated With Maintaining Multiple Interfaces Between Health Care Systems.

The Healthcare system is the organization of people, institutions, and resources that deliver health care services to meet target populations’ health needs. It essential to have processes for communication and collaboration between different health professionals for high-quality care. However, health systems are fragmented, and increasing specialization is leading to further fragmentation and disassociation; hence maintaining them in an organization comes with costs and multiple administrative and security issues (Figueroa et al., 2019)
Maintaining multiple interfaces between healthcare systems also brings changes in policies and regulations, compounding drawbacks faced by healthcare managers and leaders to deliver high-quality care. Multiple interfaces in the healthcare system call for organizational alignment, which often leads to health system restructuring, requiring a change in the values, structures, processes, and systems that can constrain how health managers and leaders align their organizations to new agendas. Federal and State decisions are often made focusing on cost savings, resulting in budgetary constraints within which health systems must operate. Often financial resource constraints can lead to inadequate human and technical resource allocation, creating a disconnect between demand and supply. Reducing spending in acute care brings further complexities related to managing multiple stakeholder collaborations (Figueroa et al.,2019)
Healthcare administrators and leaders also face operational inefficiencies in providing primary health and referral services to address highly complex and shifting needs, often resulting in the waste of resources. Organizations are required to be flexible and deliver higher quality care at a lower cost. Moreover, the dominant hierarchical culture in multiple interfaces comes with a lack of collaborative and distributed culture that limits healthcare organizations’ performance. Besides, this culture reduces hospital efficiency. Other challenges are weakened hospital performance, including the lack of allocative efficiency and transparency, poor hospital processes that hamper effective systems for preventing and controlling hospital-acquired infections, payment reforms, value-based funding, and fee-for-service that encourage volume. Similarly, organizations’ managerial work distribution is often not clearly defined, leading to different or extreme work conditions for middle and front-line managers. (Figueroa et al.,2019)
Unregulated and undefined expectations at the organization level lead to adverse effects such as stress, reduced productivity, unpredictable work hours, and long-term impact on organizational efficiency and high-quality care delivery. Furthermore, frequently, front-line clinicians are also required to take the leadership role in the absence of managers without proper training. Despite this, included studies indicate that middle and front-line managers’ involvement in a well throughout decision -making can be limited due to various reasons, including lack of support from the organization itself and misalignment of individual and organizational goals (Sharma & Aggarwal, 2016).

Click here to ORDER an A++ paper from our Verified MASTERS and DOCTORATE WRITERS: Discuss Challenges Associated With Maintaining Multiple Interfaces Between Health Care Systems.Discuss Challenges Associated With Maintaining Multiple Interfaces Between Health Care Systems.

Timing and Data Integrity Challenges in Organization Operating Multiple Systems on Different Platforms

Accessing timely health data and sharing with the team of professionals for providing continuity of care is a primary activity in the healthcare environment. Operating on multiple systems on different platforms makes it unachievable. Gigantic and a more often entry interrogation of the measures adopted in maintaining credibility and authenticity healthcare seekers’ Electronic Health Records (EHRs). (Velthoven et al. 2016) Besides, sharing seamless data is a significant concern, and simultaneously assuring secured transmission and legitimate access of the records is a challenge. Electronic health data are sensitive documents and demand utmost confidentiality and privacy to be maintained by the data’s custodians. Interoperability challenges are categorized into a functional, semantic, network, syntactic, and structural diversification of healthcare information systems and schemas (Sharma & Aggarwal, 2016)


Centre and front-line health managers and leaders are disproportionately affected by challenges at the system and organizational level, contributing to increasing and often conflicting responsibilities. Besides, the challenge of indistinct administrative boundaries, expanding the scope of practice, and lack of systemic support at the policy level in the multiple interfaces between healthcare systems are leaving healthcare managers with undefined roles. Imperfectly defined roles contribute to reduced accountability, transparency, autonomy, and understanding of responsibilities.


Figueroa, C.A., Harrison, R., Chauhan, A. et al (2019). Priorities and challenges for health leadership and workforce management globally: a rapid review. BMC Health Survey Res 19, 239 (2019).
Sharma, M., & Aggarwal, H. (2016). EHR adoption in India: Potential and the challenges. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9(34), 1-7.
DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i34/100211.
Van Velthoven, M. H., Mastellos, N., Majeed, A., O’Donoghue, J., & Car, J. (2016). Feasibility of extracting data from electronic medical records for research: an international comparative study. BMC medical informatics and decision making, 16(1), 1-10.

Topic 1 DQ 1

What would spirituality be according to your own worldview? How do you believe that your conception of spirituality would influence the way in which you care for patients?

Spirituality is a broad concept with different perspectives from diverse people. Spirituality is important in human life, as it is considered both a motivating and harmonizing force. Further, spirituality is a difficult and multidimensional part of individuals’ life as an inner belief system. According to Polat and Ozdemir (2022), spirituality is an aspect of humanity that includes how people seek and express their meaning and purpose, and the way individuals experience connectedness to self, the moment, nature, others, and the sacred. Further, spirituality can be described as a set of beliefs that bring liveliness and meaning to the actions of life (Dewi & Hamzah, 2019). This indicates that spirituality is a significant dimension of people’s quality of life. Following the various descriptions of spirituality, spirituality can be described as seeking and expressing a meaningful connection with something greater than oneself, and a purpose of one’s existence to experience inner peace, love, hope, support, and comfort.

As nurses strive to provide holistic care to patients, spirituality influences nurses to address the spiritual needs of the patients. With spirituality being a key component in health and healing, spirituality influences nurses to lessen patients’ anxieties, provide hope, and empower patients to achieve inner peace by providing appropriate coping mechanisms and counseling during stressful situations. Nurses apply spiritual care to address patients’ needs of the spirit when they experience disease, fears, concerns, and sorrow (Polat & Ozdemir, 2022). Further spirituality influences nurses to provide therapeutic approaches that are based on compassionate relationships (Polat & Ozdemir, 2022). Spirituality allows nurses to care for the human spirit by developing caring and safe relationships and interconnectedness with patients to support spiritual well-being and health. Thus, spirituality is essential in nursing care.


Dewi, D. S & Hamzah, H. B. (2019). The relationship between spirituality, quality of life, and resilience. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 349, 145-147.

Polat, H. T. & Ozdemir, A. A (2022). Relationship between compassion and spiritual care among nurses in Turkey. Journal of Religion and Health, 61, 1894-1905.

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