
Discussion Aim of Feminism

Discussion Aim of Feminism

Discussion Aim of Feminism

Click here to ORDER an A++ paper from our Verified MASTERS and DOCTORATE WRITERS: Discussion Aim of Feminism

The response papers should include a synthesis of the key points in the readings and a critical gendered/ sociological analysis of the material.Do not just summarize.

you must write a minimum of 2500 words in this course. This will be accomplished through various assignments, including reading response papers, artifact presentation, final paper or exam, and a storytelling assignment. In this paper, you must critically review and reflect on all of the assigned readings, course work, such as website, video, etc.

Failure to submit a response will receive a zero. The total of all response papers is 24 points of your grade. Remember this is NOT a last-minute assignment. The first RR is mandatory. The final three RR’s are worth 6 points each. The RR assignment is worth more than any other assignment. Please be aware that not completing the RR will mean not passing the class. Once the week is completed, there are no make-up opportunities for the RR. This class no longer requires a midterm or final. Therefore, the writing in your RR is vital to show me you are understanding gender theories, perspectives and course materials.

A well-written post elaborating on your spirituality according to your worldview and the influence your conception of spirituality has in the way you care for patients. I agree as mentioned in your writing that, treating others as one would like to be treated, that humans share a close bond with nature, and we are all connected to each other is a vital component of relieving human suffering in the world as we all aim to help one another through tough times in life with support, guidance, and love as nurses do on a daily basis by incorporating patients faith and spirituality into their plan of care. I would like to expand on your post by mentioning the following, the acknowledgment and implementation of using patients religious or spiritual beliefs in their care facilitate a patient-centered experience during times of illness while promoting patients’ overall well-being and counteracting any forms of spiritual distress to optimize their state of health for the best outcomes. How can nurses assess patients’ spiritual needs? Nurses can assess if patient’s spiritual needs are unmet by observing and noting the following, if patients ask, “why is this happening?”, “why me?”, “who am I?”, or “how will I be remembered?” or if patients are withdrawn or isolated, seem afraid to be left alone, refuse care, and if they state they are scared or worried (Marie Curie, 2019, para. 8). After these quick assessments of areas regarding the patient’s spirituality, nurses can then further their assessment by utilizing a conversation tool with their patients to gain insightful information on assisting to help patients address their spiritual needs. The assessment tool to be utilized is known as “HOPE” based on the following questions that will be asked to the patient, Hope – “What are your sources of hope, strength, comfort, and peace?”, Organized religion – “Do you have a religion or faith? How important is your faith religion or faith to you?”, Personal spirituality and practices – “What do you do that gives you a sense of meaning and purpose in life? In what ways does this add to your sense of identity?”, and Effects on medical care and of life issues – “Has being unwell stopped you doing things that give your life meaning and purpose? Are there any specific practices we should know about in providing for your care?” (Marie Curie, 2019, para. 10). Nurses providing spiritual care by first performing these assessments allow for building of the nurse-patient relationship in trust and rapport and will give the patient a sense of being listened to and cared for based on their views. This approach of astute nursing fosters the patients’ health in the right direction of patient-centered care to achieve the best outcomes during states of illness.

There are 5 weeks of RR papers.All students must complete week one to get up to speed and receive feedback. If you work hard for the first RR, you will be assured full credit. You may skip one RR without penalty.

To receive credit, your response papers must demonstrate thoughtful consideration of ALL the readings, websites, and/or films assigned in relationship to issues in the course and demonstrate to me that you read all the readings assigned. Follow these guidelines.

1 -2 points will demonstrate minimal effort.

3 points will demonstrate moderate effort and minimal sociological understanding.

4 points includes all the above, deeper sociological connections, all the assignment work and include connections to past/other readings,

5 points will also include all the above and a final paragraph making specific sociological connections.

6 points will include all the above and these two additional questions answered:

i. How does this module apply to your life?
ii. What current event is reflected the reading? This week is a RR paper. If you don’t listen to my lecture, you will not earn full credit for your RR paper. sad


aron cullity00:02Hi class Professor quality here and today I’m here to talk to you all about feminism. So feminism. That’s a pretty loaded word
00:16My experience reading other students reading responses I think Bell Hooks has it right that when we hear that word.
00:26Most of the time, we’ve gotten it through secondhand information. And if we were in class together right now. The first thing I would do it. I would ask you to sit in groups of three and brainstorm.
00:40All of the words that come to mind when I say feminism for some people it can be very emotional. Some people get angry.
00:50Some people feel that has nothing to do with men only a certain type of women, something that’s old school, etc, etc. Okay.
01:05Then if we were if we were in class, I would invite you all to put these words that you’ve brainstormed about together on the board so that we could reflect and about them. And notice
01:22What kind of imagery and words and ideas came up and then we would probably talk about what feminism isn’t and what feminism is. And of course,
01:37Bell Hooks has an incredible definition which when we read that definition we find out that perhaps every one of you is a feminist because feminism is a movement sexism sex exploitation and oppression simple
01:59Words powerful words that help us to a
02:05Break through some of the myths and assumptions that so many of you have been socialized who understand
02:16One, I hope.
Discussion Aim of Feminism02:18Today, smart will help you understand is for the stigma is the word feminist of feminism by saying, men can be feminist to and indeed many men are feminist
02:37So again, when we review hooks definition, a movement to end sexism sex exploitation and oppression, we find out that the problem is sexism. Okay. And as I just said males benefit too.
02:54Many men know in their hearts. The Patriarchy is wrong and in the hearts and minds they that
03:05It’s something we should be ending. But we also know that there is a backlash whenever we want to create social change.
03:15And people realize that they must be willing to give up some things so that others can have more equality and be less oppressed and that’s why bell hooks and I say feminism is for everybody.
03:32One of the first things bells hooks talks about when we talk about feminist politics is the idea that the definition does not
03:43Imply that men are the enemy feminine feminism is often misunderstood and mostly we learn it from the patriarchal media remember media isn’t something just floating around out in society media is manufactured by
04:03Individuals often times men, however.
04:08We already know that women can also be anti feminist and
04:14When we get these messages from the media. We have to remember that whatever way somebody was socialized the theories, the ideologies two perspectives that they have learned about the way the world works.
04:27Will shape how they write about women in a TV show how men will be portrayed in a movie how advertisers will use for example, women’s bodies to sell a product which is a form of sexism for sure and oppression.
04:53So we know that many of our social institutions shape the way we understand feminism, we could learn about the roles of men and women through faith communities to certainly learn about the roles of men and women.
05:09In families in the educational system through sports through how the economy is set up how the criminal justice system is set up so I want you to think about how all these different social institutions.
05:28In instill in us. This notion about gender specifically
05:36Hooks talks about some of the earliest second wave feminism that you know there may have been some anti male sentiment in the early days because women were responding to
05:52This oppression and domination and they were angry. They were angry at the injustices that were occurring to women around them and
06:04I often say, I’m excited when my students get angry because anger leads to action. Right. Sometimes students tell me, Oh, it’s they feel sad, they feel hopeless about some
06:17Any quality happening in society, but I feel like if something gets you angry. Maybe you’ll stand up and move towards action. So in some ways, anger, can be okay.
06:31Another thing to remember about the second wave of feminism is that these women at this stage of feminism that hooks is talking about were mostly
06:39white middle class college educated and they were basically focusing on some of the social problems that they were experiencing.
06:53Even though they were actually in many ways, being led by men in a lot of their activist activities as well. But now looking back on the second wave of feminism. We know that because these particular majority white women had more power than, say,
07:17Women of Color poor women working class women indigenous women disabled women LGBT Q community that they got a lot more media attention and were
07:35Were didn’t realize that they were not including all women in their movement.
07:45Another interesting idea that hooks talks about is that females are sexist too well of course because women are socialized to compete with each other.
07:58Women can explode out the women, particularly because of issues around race or class and women are socialized in the same sexist world that men are socialized and so of course, women can be sexist to right
08:16Because of this sort of inherent racism that was part of the earlier movements. A lot of the white middle class women, as I said before, got a lot of the media attention which created
08:32Sort of this polarizing moment in history when we look at the second wave of feminism
08:41Hooks talks a lot about the idea that just naming what was going on.
08:49And getting media attention about these issues wasn’t good enough to
08:56Change patriarchy, that it needed to transform the entire system to end patriarchy and sexism.
09:06And the idea that there was this faulty notion that what women wanted was just what men wanted. Okay, which isn’t the case, right, because if we go back to the definition if a movement to end sexism sexual exploitation and oppression. That’s what women wanted and still want
09:29There are a lot of different categories of feminism or feminist the reformist feminists focus primarily on work and economics yet sexism did not end
09:42For lower classes of women, women of color who are still exploited and subordinated to do basically the dirty work, including other women.
09:53Work and Work that men didn’t want to do so, again, as usual, we see in the structure of our society, especially in the United States that
10:03Poor immigrant working class non white not heterosexual women in many ways were excluded. So as some women gained power and privilege.
10:14This notion of lifestyle feminism ushered in the idea that there were many kinds of feminism and the problem was that some of this today. We call it choice feminism, which I included a really interesting short read in the module for this week.
10:32The problem was that this caused the politics to be removed from much of feminism and we have to remember that.
10:42As we I’ve told you at the beginning of our class that
10:47The personal is political meaning really everything that happens to us has is political. And when we remove the politics from a social justice movement, then we’re really sort of
11:05aligning with the status quo because change will not happen without that political aspect.
11:14Basically, meaning without challenging the status quo. We cannot have structural or institutional change. OK. So again,
11:25That kind of feminism is really similar to the so called choice feminism of today, sort of picking and choosing the kind of issues and changes. Well, still sort of been bracing and oppressive sexist ideology.

Click here to ORDER an A++ paper from our Verified MASTERS and DOCTORATE WRITERS: Discussion Aim of FeminismDiscussion Aim of Feminism

11:45I’m not sure how many of you have heard of the term consciousness raising the consciousness raising was a very powerful tool during the days of the second wave feminism, because
11:59Rather than being in a sort of a structured meeting setting men of the many of these meetings happened in in women’s homes, right, not in offices, not in schools.
12:15Again. Generally, these were white and middle class college educated women who had a lot of internalized sexism that they were experiencing and questioning the meanings of their existence.
12:31And women needed a safe place to discuss and discover the different meanings around what they were questioning when it came to their roles in society.
12:47Perhaps some of you have can talk to your parents or even maybe your grandparents or grandmother’s as it was because this sense the consciousness racing groups actually were women only. And so you might get some me in a
13:09From some older friends and relatives about what these what this racing was all about. Or you might also get some myths and assumptions around what consciousness racing was and you can people straight
13:25So as we continue on in hooks is a wonderful book feminism is for everybody. Um, she talks about Sisterhood is still powerful and he’s consciousness raising, oops, and
13:42This was the beginning of women’s studies, I’m pro comes a lot of these courses. However, we’re still most being taught by men in
13:54The university setting were more reading writing about men. And so this was an opportunity to put women at the center and focus on women as bodies, the socialization of women in general.
14:17Studying and thinking about this notion as we read in the beginning of the class that women’s bodies are men’s property women, the idea that women are dangerous basic specific men.
14:32The in the idea that women wanted to begin to control their own sexuality and drape and harassment get effective birth control and have reproductive rights.
14:45They wanted to challenge job discrimination and of course to do all this, you know, words are powerful, but we need to do this too.
Discussion Aim of Feminism14:55In a way that we can create policy change.
14:59It’s important here to think about when we think about feminism as an intersection issue, which are going to talk much more specifically about next week.
15:11As we continue on our journey. However, an intersection will approach is to not pit women against each other and find commonalities not differences, and I hope that you might notice that throughout our two previous weeks.
15:29This is what is an important key to understanding in this class that we’re often taught socialize to look at differences, yet our commonalities is what brings us together.
15:43Which also helps us recognize that we have some of the same social problems, but not our all of our social problems are the same. And if we work across
15:56Race and gender and class issues, we can see that I’m an inter sectional approach is a really important way to talk about social justice and social change.
16:08Finally, the last chapter that I assigned in the hooks text around feminist educational education and critical consciousness.
16:21As we think about the way the world works. She says, everything is rooted in theory, as I said before, everything is political. The personal is political.
16:31And it’s important that when we connect to the educational system and our critical consciousness that we’re socialized to accept sexist thoughts in ways. And so because of this the development of Women’s Studies programs departments publishing magazines films media, etc.
16:53Was in a way
16:56A way to show that women’s studies feminism was not all about trashing men, but it was about becoming enlightened politically around issues.
17:12In our society. However, as hooks talks about there was some
17:19Upset in academic circles about who was getting published, who was had the focus
17:27And of course, as many things expand and change. These are always things that happen. For example, if
17:37If feminist ideology and literature was only being published in academic journals and it wasn’t sort of mass market based. Then again, who will be the people that have access to this.
17:55Knowledge, just like all of you. I don’t think you probably sit around reading journal articles for fun, unless you’re a super academic nerd, which some of us are. However, this is also a way to keep knowledge from the rest of society. So think about that for a minute.
18:19The idea around enlightening. Everybody is that the failure to teach everybody about feminism was a crucial failing.
18:30So as the academic world and women with the resources to be part of the middle class to be at the university, etc.
18:42Maybe they were being educated about theoretical issues around patriarchy, but the mainstream theories about women and oppression were still around. Okay, so people of society cannot know the positive contribution the feminist movement made if we’re not able to highlight those gains.
19:06And as I’m sure you’ve noticed in other social justice movements. Many times the contributions of
19:13social justice movements are co opted and appropriated by the dominant culture and then re constructed in a more negative light, which is why many of you might have believed that feminism is about man hating or radical
19:34You know, feminist lesbians who hate other women or anti feminine, over and above, etc, etc. Again, back to the sort of academic
19:48Notions around this movement. The idea around this exclusive jargon, kind of a more elite group of women.
20:02Made it so that a lot of people did not understand the many ways that feminism has positively changed all of our lives, which is why feminism and feminist knowledge is for everybody.
20:17So some of the questions that my students have asked in the past. And I’d like you to maybe think about it for your reading responses is
20:28How can feminism benefit men.
20:33How can feminism give hope to young women.
20:37Think about what would feminism do for the world. These are some. Usually when we have class together. I asked students to pick a week that they’ll come up with some questions that we can discuss in class. So I’m sharing a few of these with you from last semester.
20:57Should feminism be incorporated into the K through 12 curriculum. I think that’s a really good question and thought because I think that if we wait till
21:08Students are in a 300 level college class, then we’re really missing out on socializing younger and upcoming generations to sort of understand the societal stereotypes on women and marginalized groups so
21:29You know, more recently, there’s actually been a lot of really wonderful children’s books and young adult books, focusing on the idea of what feminism is and isn’t
21:43So we’ll continue to read the hooks book in the coming weeks and
21:52I hope that you’ve enjoyed learning about feminism from bell hooks. The other article that I assigned this week the fry article is one of my favorite articles, only two pages.
22:08And when we talk about. It’s called a systemic birdcage of sexism, she starts the article off talking about the root of the word OPPRESSION WHICH IS PRESS. And I think that it’s very evocative when you read the first
22:27Paragraph about
22:29Pressing and how that what that word means to mold or flattened things to reduce them by squeezing a something out.
22:42Something that is pressed is caught between
22:45Or among forces and barriers which are so related she says to each other that jointly THEY RESTRAIN restrict or prevent things motion on mobility.
23:00They reduce right and so this big word oppression that we throw around a lot. I want you to think about
23:09What structural oppression really is right and one of the main things that she talks about is this notion of a structural double bind right so damned if you do damned if you don’t. And when she talks about sort of this invisible oppression that women in this case experience right
23:38You know, she says, consider the birdcage right. And of course, if you’re inside of the cage. Maybe you can’t see the other wires. Maybe you can’t notice the
23:51Sort of mundane taken for granted. Every day oppression that exists in your lives. However, when we take a more of a macro view of what the birdcage looks like in this example.
24:09She says it is a network of forces and barriers which are systematically related which conspire to the mobilization reduction and molding of women.
24:21And the lives that we lead. I think this this little to page reading is very, very powerful, especially when she talks about sort of the double bind and i think you know for some of you, you have experienced maybe
24:38What you might think of as a double bind damned if you do, maybe you’re out shopping before Kobe right and
24:46You’re kind of dress down and your sweats and this and that. And you say, Hey, you know, the woman at Nordstrom didn’t wait on Me because she thought I looked funky, or I didn’t have any money that may happen to you. Occasionally, but the thing is the difference between
25:06Being it being a structural oppression is that you know you can opt out, you can change your clothes. You can look a different way. Perhaps, however, if you’re being judged on your race or maybe your sexuality.
25:22Or your ability and you are part of a particular marginalized groups. You can’t really opt out of these sort of notions of who’s valued who’s not valued. So that’s a different kind of a structural
25:38double bind or perhaps you’ve been in a meeting at work and as a woman you voice, an idea.
25:48And nobody really responds to it and then someone else in the group. Perhaps you know and says exactly what you said and that voice is heard that voice is valued that voice is listened to.
26:03And when this happens, you know, again and again because of structural inequality and sexism. That’s a different kind of a double bind
Discussion Aim of Feminism26:14Oftentimes we talk about this notion of women and women’s bodies on the one hand, if you’re you know this this idea that women somehow have to encompass being Madonna, as well as a whore. Okay. So on the one hand, you should be chaste and pure and lovely and set aside.
26:40For talks about being a lady. And then on the other hand you’re somehow supposed to also be able to turn into some type of
26:49Attempt trust or
26:52You know this overly sexualized being which again links back to what we read about as women as being dangerous or out of control, if you will.
27:04And as we think about those two words that I just said, it’s pretty hard to sort of be both of those things, or even want to be both of those things right.
27:13And then finally, this week I asked you to watch the film dreams of equality. What does mainstream feminism promise. I think this is just an interesting discussion about that was recorded about two years ago and pre coven we’re always going to remember
27:35Pre coven post coconut right and but I think that’s an interesting discussion and I think it helps all of you to sort of situate yourself.
27:46Within a particular place for your own social location as you think about these ideologies and theories and perspectives that we’re we’re learning about
28:01Next week, we’re going to talk about more about intersection ality and oppression. More specifically, and privilege as well. And I just want you to
28:15Start thinking about not only your own ideas about where you got your ideas about feminism and maybe now after you finish this module and you have your reading response and have an opportunity to have some discussion on these issues. Where do you feel like you fit now.
28:35As well as the idea of your own sort of status and social location. So when we talk about intersection ality want you to think about what are all the different statuses that that you hold. Okay, I’m just going to say that about that now. And then I’ll talk more about that next week. Okay.

In my own worldview, spirituality is acknowledging that even if people have their own deity, the common ground is knowing that there may be a higher being that exists in the world. For me, this higher being is good and that we are created quite similarly for a reason. I like to think that we are all connected somehow as our layers are so similar and we are made out of similar things, biologically speaking. I like to think that there is something good in humankind and so I meditate about this almost daily. It seems as if my culture that is heavy on Christianity plays a role, but I have a lot of love toward differences. 

I feel that this has influenced my patient care because not only is individualized care important, it is important to accept the person’s beliefs and care for them without any judgment. My spirituality, which also is influenced heavily by Christianity, has taught me that having faith through a higher being includes all of life’s good existence in all that humans experience (Bogue and Hogan, 2018). This is what exists in ordinary life while doing things such as traveling, forming relationships, and as our text stated, also in the nursing field to name a few (Bogue and Hogan, 2018). For me, I find satisfaction whenever I care for my patients even if the nursing field is one of the craziest decisions I’ve ever done in my life. However, serving others gave me purpose as a human being which I am willing to do.


Bogue, D.W, Hogan, M. (2018). Foundational Issues in Christian Spirituality and Ethics. In An Introduction to Christian Values and Decision Making in Health Care. (Chapter 1). Grand Canyon University.