
Discussion: Contagious Diseases

Discussion: Contagious Diseases

Discussion: Contagious Diseases

Question Description
My assignment I want you reply participate my friend I attached the article first read it and than answer:

This is my query. I ask a friend, and they respond.

Q: Given that depression, anxiety, and stress are not contagious diseases, what causes caregivers, medical residents, and nurse practitioners to become ill with the same disease as their patients?

The first student to respond:

I completely agree with you. Although depression, anxiety, and stress are not contagious diseases, caregivers, medical practitioners, and nurse practitioners may contract the same illness as their patients in rare cases. One of the main reasons for this is that, in addition to their personal concerns, they are constantly exposed to the problems of others. They become burned out over time, increasing their risk of depression and stress.

Q: Given that any action taken to assist the elderly may be considered communication, what would you be willing to give up and what would you be willing to do to assist an elderly neighbor or family member in need?

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Second student response:

A communication skill program would be an excellent opportunity for family members to get together and try to understand one

Discussion Contagious Diseases
Discussion Contagious Diseases

another. As stated in the article, I believe this program would aid in closing the gap between the elderly and the young. I am willing to make time and financial sacrifices, rely on my abilities, and assist an elderly neighbor or family member. I would listen to the elderly tell the story of their lives, where I would learn about their lives and traditions. I may spend some time with them because they require conversation. Furthermore, I would learn to be patient in order to understand them because the elderly gradually lose their hearing and/or insist on their point of view. We must understand that elderly feelings include loneliness, the loss of someone dear such as a spouse, stress, depression, anxiety as they try to keep up with the times, a decline in physical and functional abilities, diseases, and career loss when they do not have a job to spend time and enjoy with other people their age. As a result, I would construct a veranda for elderly members of my family or neighbors to gather with neighbors and enjoy their time where my family or my neighbors’ family could check on them. Furthermore, the veranda would be close by, allowing them to gather whenever they wanted rather than waiting until they met someone far away. Furthermore, I may allow children to sit with the elderly in order to learn more about their grandparents’ experiences, traditions, and skills; this would help families have a more stable life, as well as strengthen family bonds and relationships.

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