
Discussion: Exploring Middle Range Theories and Framing Practice Issues

Discussion: Exploring Middle Range Theories and Framing Practice Issues

Walden University Discussion: Exploring Middle Range Theories and Framing Practice Issues-Step-By-Step Guide


This guide will demonstrate how to complete the Walden University Discussion: Exploring Middle Range Theories and Framing Practice Issues assignment based on general principles of academic writing. Here, we will show you the A, B, Cs of completing an academic paper, irrespective of the instructions. After guiding you through what to do, the guide will leave one or two sample essays at the end to highlight the various sections discussed below.


How to Research and Prepare for Discussion: Exploring Middle Range Theories and Framing Practice Issues


Whether one passes or fails an academic assignment such as the Walden University Discussion: Exploring Middle Range Theories and Framing Practice Issues depends on the preparation done beforehand. The first thing to do once you receive an assignment is to quickly skim through the requirements. Once that is done, start going through the instructions one by one to clearly understand what the instructor wants. The most important thing here is to understand the required format—whether it is APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.


After understanding the requirements of the paper, the next phase is to gather relevant materials. The first place to start the research process is the weekly resources. Go through the resources provided in the instructions to determine which ones fit the assignment. After reviewing the provided resources, use the university library to search for additional resources. After gathering sufficient and necessary resources, you are now ready to start drafting your paper.


How to Write the Introduction for Discussion: Exploring Middle Range Theories and Framing Practice Issues

The introduction for the Walden University Discussion: Exploring Middle Range Theories and Framing Practice Issues is where you tell the instructor what your paper will encompass. In three to four statements, highlight the important points that will form the basis of your paper. Here, you can include statistics to show the importance of the topic you will be discussing. At the end of the introduction, write a clear purpose statement outlining what exactly will be contained in the paper. This statement will start with “The purpose of this paper…” and then proceed to outline the various sections of the instructions.


How to Write the Body for Discussion: Exploring Middle Range Theories and Framing Practice Issues


After the introduction, move into the main part of the Discussion: Exploring Middle Range Theories and Framing Practice Issues assignment, which is the body. Given that the paper you will be writing is not experimental, the way you organize the headings and subheadings of your paper is critically important. In some cases, you might have to use more subheadings to properly organize the assignment. The organization will depend on the rubric provided. Carefully examine the rubric, as it will contain all the detailed requirements of the assignment. Sometimes, the rubric will have information that the normal instructions lack.


Another important factor to consider at this point is how to do citations. In-text citations are fundamental as they support the arguments and points you make in the paper. At this point, the resources gathered at the beginning will come in handy. Integrating the ideas of the authors with your own will ensure that you produce a comprehensive paper. Also, follow the given citation format. In most cases, APA 7 is the preferred format for nursing assignments.


How to Write the Conclusion for Discussion: Exploring Middle Range Theories and Framing Practice Issues


After completing the main sections, write the conclusion of your paper. The conclusion is a summary of the main points you made in your paper. However, you need to rewrite the points and not simply copy and paste them. By restating the points from each subheading, you will provide a nuanced overview of the assignment to the reader.


How to Format the References List for Discussion: Exploring Middle Range Theories and Framing Practice Issues


The very last part of your paper involves listing the sources used in your paper. These sources should be listed in alphabetical order and double-spaced. Additionally, use a hanging indent for each source that appears in this list. Lastly, only the sources cited within the body of the paper should appear here.

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NURS 8114 Discussion

Discussion: Exploring Middle Range Theories and Framing Practice Issues

Practice Issue

My practice in oncology nursing over the past decade has afforded me several opportunities to witness the adverse effects that cancer treatment can have on patients, both short-term and long-term. After moving to an outpatient infusion role more recently, I noticed variable degrees of treatment for patients receiving Taxane medications and prevention of peripheral neuropathy. Based on the clinician’s chemotherapy teaching and the individual nurse’s knowledge of the drug and the possible side-effect determined the degree of prevention methods used. For example, if the practitioner educated the patient prior to treatment on methods to reduce peripheral neuropathy, such as cold therapies, the patient was more likely to receive this treatment. There is no identified standard of care for Taxane receiving patients and prevention of this potentially life-long side effect. 

 Nursing theory can assist in developing and supporting a standard of care for Taxane receiving patients in the outpatient infusion center. Middle range nursing theories, which can “guide nursing interventions and change conditions of a situation to enhance nursing care”, exist for development of such a practice need. (McEwin & Wills, 2019, p. 209) Specifically, Nola Pender’s Health Promotion Theory and the Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms will be discussed in relation to this practice issue here.

Discussion: Exploring Middle Range Theories and Framing Practice Issues

Middle Range Theory: Pender’s Health Promotion Theory

            Nola Pender created the Health Promotion Model of nursing theory in 1982 when working to describe the effect of nursing practice on patient health outcomes. (Gonzalo, 2021). Simplistically, the theory implies that health-promoting behaviors “result in improved overall health, enhanced functional ability, and better quality of life” (Gonzalo, 2021). In relation to the practice issue identified, utilizing the appropriate health promoting behaviors, such as cold therapy, on a consistent basis improves the quality of life for this patient population. This health promotion activity begins with patient focusing on patient education and advocacy. 

Middle Range Theory: Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms

            Adverse symptoms are generally a high influencing factor for patients to seek healthcare. The Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms

Discussion Exploring Middle Range Theories and Framing Practice Issues
Discussion Exploring Middle Range Theories and Framing Practice Issues

was created to improve understanding of the relationship between patient symptoms and their experiences to improve selected interventions. (Lee, Vincent, & Finnegan, 2017). This nursing theory can be used to assess patients in clinical settings for unpleasant symptoms, such as chemotherapy induced side-effects. It can also help nurses to understand the impact of side-effects and how the individual patient experience is affected by environment, psychological, and psychosocial influences. (Lee, Vincent, & Finnegan, 2017). There are several facets of this nursing theory that can support prevention and atreatment of peripheral neuropathy in Taxane receiving patients. 

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Gonzalo, A. (2021). Nola Pender: Health Promotion Model (Nursing Theory Guide). Retrieved from

Hi Katie. I would like to add that,  Nola P.developed the Health Promotion Model theory that focuses on positive motivations with the purpose of promoting wellness, prevention and healthy lifestyles (Masters, 2015) Major assumptions of the pander’s health promotion model stress that the individual is in control of shaping and sustaining their health behaviors within their environment. (Pender, N. J. ,1990). she developed the Health Promotion Model theory that focuses on positive motivations with the purpose of promoting wellness, prevention and healthy lifestyles (Masters, 2015). In order for a behavioral change to occur and be maintained it must be self-initiated (Butts & Rich, 2018)

Healthcare providers play an important role and influence in the patient’s life.  We have a chance to improve a patient’s well-being and prevent disease when health-promoting behaviors are established in the community environment.The use of Pender’s Health Promotion Model explored displays how it can positively affect and improve health behaviors.  Today the value of healthy lifestyles and behaviors holds even higher significance as health insurance becomes out of reach for many individuals due to rising costs.  Pender’s health promotion model drives the nurse to tailor their education to meet the individual and environmental needs of their patient in order to initiate a health-promoting behavioral change (Butts & Rich, 2018).


Butts, J. B., & Rich, K. L. (2018). Philosophies and Theories for Advanced Nursing Practice. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Masters, K. (2015). Nursing Theories a Framework for Professional Practice (2nd ed.).

Pender, N. J. (1990). Expressing Health Through Lifestyle Patterns. Nursing Science Quarterly,

 3, 115-122.

Lee, S. E., Vincent, C., & Finnegan, L. (2017). An Analysis and Evaluation of the Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms. Advances in Nursing Science40(1), E16–E39.

McEwin, M., & Wills, E. M. (2019). Theoretical basis for nursing (5th ed.). Wolters Kluwer. 

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