Discussion: Regulatory Environment
Discussion: Regulatory Environment
Question Description
Respond to your colleagues by describing how the regulatory environment and regulations chosen by your colleague differ from those in your state/region. Provide specifics and examples.
(I need to respond to a post made by a colleague) ( Add 3 references)
Torres, Liliana
RE: Week 5 Discussion
The practice of a nurse practitioner varies from state to state in the United States. These laws and regulations can be divided into three

categories: full practice, reduced practice, and restricted practice (American Nurse Practitioner, 2018). Because I am from New Jersey and currently reside in Colorado, I will elaborate on the differences in regulations for nurse practitioners between the two states.
Nurse practitioners have full practice rights in Colorado. All nurse practitioners must be able to “evaluate patients; diagnose, order, and interpret diagnostic tests; and initiate and manage treatments, including the prescription of medications and controlled substances” (American Nurse Practitioner, n.d.-a). Nurse practitioners can order physical therapy referrals, sign disabled placard cards, and sign POLST forms, but they cannot sign death certificates (Barton Associates, 2019). After a thousand hours of practice with a physician or another nurse practitioner, a nurse practitioner in Colorado can prescribe (Scope of Practice, n.d.-a). An RN license, a graduate degree, and national certification are required for licensure (American Nurse Practitioner, n.d.-a).
Nurse practitioners have reduced their practice in New Jersey. Reduced practice states “reduce NPs’ ability to engage in at least one element of NP practice” (American Nurse Practitioner, 2018), with elements defined as “ordering of specific diagnostic tests, provision of emergency medical services, dispensing of specific medications and other treatments, and medical referrals” (Louie, n.d.). When prescribing medications, the nurse practitioner must work with a physician and follow a written protocol. Furthermore, when prescribing controlled substances, the nurse practitioner “must consult the supervising physician” (Scope of Practice, n.d.-b). Furthermore, in order to prescribe medications and devices, nurse practitioners must have “at least six additional hours of pharmacological education” (Nurse Practitioner Schools, n.d.). Nurse practitioners do not have independent practice, but they can order physical therapy referrals, sign death certificates in certain circumstances, sign disabled placard cards, and sign POLST forms. (2019, Barton Associate) An RN license, completion of an NP program, and national certification are required for licensure (American Nurse Practitioner, n.d.-b).
Nurse practitioners are recognized as primary care providers in both states.
Nurse Practitioner in America (2018). State of the practice environment Retrieved from https://www.aanp.org/state/state-practice-environment
Nurse Practitioner in America (n.d.-a). Colorado-Information and Resources for Colorado Native Americans. Obtainable from https://www.aanp.org/advocacy/colorado
Portioning American Nurse (n.d.-b). New Jersey-Information and Resources for New Jersey Nurse Practitioners. obtained from https://www.aanp.org/advocacy/new-jersey
Barton & Associates (2019). Scope of Practice Regulations for Nurse Practitioners obtained from
K. Louie (n.d.). A Guide for Graduate Nursing Students and Practicing APRNs on APRN Scope of Practice FNP programs available online. Retrieved from https://www.onlinefnpprograms.com/features/aprn-practice-authority-guide/#content-div-state-31.
Nurse Practitioner Programs (n.d.). What Differences in Nurse Practitioner Authority Exist Between States? Retrieved from https://www.nursepractitionerschools.com/faq/does-np-practice-authority-differ-by-state/
The scope of practice (n.d.-a). Policy on Scope of Practice in Colorado: State Profile Retrieved from http://statesofpracticepolicy.org/co/#tab-nurse-practitioners.
The scope of practice (n.d.-b). State of New Jersey Policy on Scope of Practice: State Profile Bottom of Form: http://scopeofpracticepolicy.org/states/nj/
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