
DNP-815A Topic 1 DQ 2 Select a nursing theory that you will use to guide your DNP Project

DNP-815A Topic 1 DQ 2 Select a nursing theory that you will use to guide your DNP Project

DNP-815A Topic 1 DQ 2

Select a nursing theory that you will use to guide your DNP Project. Define the nursing theory and explain its role and contribution to the profession of nursing and how this nursing theory will guide your DNP Project. DNP-815A Topic 1 DQ 2 Select a nursing theory that you will use to guide your DNP Project

The nursing theory that will guide the DNP project will be Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory. The focus is on patients’ holistic care and comfort in the healthcare setting. It exists in three categories which include relief, ease, and transcendence (Barreto et al., 2020). The content in which comfort can occur is physical, psychospiritual, environmental, and sociocultural (Barreto et al., 2020). The physical includes sensations, immune or homeostatic functions, for example, a patient feeling pain (Barreto et al., 2020). The psychospiritual incorporates sexuality, esteem, and awareness, which includes but not limited to anxiety and or fear (Barreto et al., 2020). The environmental aspect relates to external details that change the human experience, such as light, sounds, color, temperature, and landscapes (Barreto et al., 2020). In the sociocultural context, comfort pertains to traditions, finances, and family (Barreto et al., 2020).

The end role of this theory is to promote a comprehensive assessment for patients to identify needs. It has contributed to the nursing profession by institutionalizing a process to create a care plan to meet the patient’s comfort needs. Unfortunately, the theory of comfort is most used when the patient is in a debilitating condition. For instance, Barreto et al. (2020) implemented the approach in hospitalized elderly patients treated in the intensive care unit. They found that nursing diagnoses correspond to the needs of critically ill patients, but it does not guarantee priorities specific to comfort care. Therefore, the study recommended that the theory be implemented to meet the patient population’s needs. Another research study by Belet Lydia Ingrid (2019) studied patients with cervical cancer. It noted that the implementation of Kolcaba’s theory was necessary to support patients in the healing process and found that it can also improve comfort to the patient during their treatments.

As mentioned above, this theory is often used after patients face a deteriorating health condition. In this stage, many may not be able to clearly identify or properly verbalize needs due to the clinical situation. This theory will guide my DNP project by allowing patients to determine what they identify as comfort. The project aims to give all patients the opportunity to discuss wishes before a critical clinical situation. It is expected to occur by implementing the Five Wishes in the primary care setting.



Barreto Cardoso, R., Alfradique de Souza, P., Pereira Caldas, C., & Ribeiro Bitencourt, G. (2020). Nursing diagnoses in hospitalized elderly patients based on Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory. Revista de Enfermagem Referência, 4, 1–9.

Belet Lydia Ingrit. (2019). The application of Levine’s and Kolcaba’s Theories in the nursing care of patients with the third stadium of cervical cancer. IJNP (Indonesian Journal of Nursing Practices), 3(2), 75–81.

Excellent patient-centered care experiences are significant because it reflects the values and beliefs of health care clinicians that drive the implementation of patient-centered care principles. To identify the agencies with best practices, John Hopkins conducted an evaluation of patient-centered care in hospitals which is connected to Watson’s theory of human caring.

The attending nurse caring model is designed to oversee and deliver continuous collaborative caring-healing nursing therapeutic practices, and it incorporates a caring theory as a philosophical and ethical base grounding nurses in shared world culture and view (Ortiz, 2021). The process of collective vision, values, goals, shared knowledge and caring therapeutics can generate new care and pattern delivery structure.

The utilization of Watson’s caring theory is a way to articulate the beliefs and values DNP-815A Topic 1 DQ 2 Select a nursing theory that you will use to guide your DNP Project embedded within nursing practice since her theory is consistent with the pillars of patient-centered care (Ortiz, 2021). My patient population is patients with End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). Identifying and achieving patient-centered goals is an important component of dialysis care. DNP-815A Topic 1 DQ 2 Select a nursing theory that you will use to guide your DNP Project

Targeting the best practices process may lead to a better outcome, and contingency plans must be individualized taking into account the patient’s treatment goals. I would utilize the caring theory to guide me on my DNP project as this nursing theory is linked to the conceptual elements of high-quality patient-centered care.

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References DNP-815A Topic 1 DQ 2 Select a nursing theory that you will use to guide your DNP Project

Chan, C.T., Blankestijin, P.J., Dember, L.M., Gallieni, M., Harris, D.C.H., Lok, C. E., Mehrota, R., Stevens, P.E., Wang, A.Y., Cheung, M., Wheeler, D.C., Winkelmayer, W.C., & Pollock, C.A. (2019). Dialysis initiation, modality choice, access, and prescription: Conclusions from a Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Controversies Conference. Kidney International, 96 (1), 37-47.

Ortiz, M. R. (2021). Best Practices in Patient-Centered Care. Nursing Science Quarterly, 34 (3), 322-327. DNP-815A Topic 1 DQ 2 Select a nursing theory that you will use to guide your DNP Project

Identification, research, teaching, and communication are very crucial in treating and managing a disease condition hence the nursing process guides the nurse in the care and management of the patients as a unique individual. Orem’s theory of framework points to theoretical constructs of Self-Care, Self-Care Deficits, and Nursing Systems which are all interrelated in providing support and foundations for nursing practice (Marques et al., 2022).

Orem noted the inseparability of a person’s physical, psychological, interpersonal, and social aspects of health and suggests that human services provided by the nurse aid in recovering skills that may be deficient due to altered health status.

The theory encompasses constructs that guide the nurse in rendering holistic person-centered care which includes the foundational capabilities and disposition that entails skills and traits, basic conditioning factors (BCFs) for self-care deficit ability, self-care requisites, includes actions, and items required for the patient to achieve holistic self-care, including health, development, and general well-being achieving these assist in attaining holistic self-care, including health, development, and general well-being (Yip, 2021).

The context involved with Orem’s self-care theory reflects the nursing process that helps in the identification of a patient’s problem by systematically collecting and organizing data analysis, identification of people’s needs through the data analyzed, planning based on the information reviewed, implementation, and evaluation of care. Using clear and patient own language in educating a patient and revaluation and reemphasizing thought topics will empower patients to become involved and become experts in their care subsequently preventing and reducing diseases and infection.

The DNP project focuses on the identification and management of the causes of urinary tract infection (UTI) among nursing home residents to reduce the rate of hospitalization. This theory introduces the use of the nursing process and individualized approach in the care of patients DNP-815A Topic 1 DQ 2 Select a nursing theory that you will use to guide your DNP Project

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Professional advancement model theory is selected for this discussion. This nursing theory can be used in the process of defining and encouraging the promotion of professional contribution in nursing practices. The main role of this theory is the introduction of competency based nurses aiming to contribute in nursing profession from the unit level to advanced clinical practices. The theory encourages the professional development of nurses while focusing on all

areas of clinical practices. The clinical practice and care delivery are the important points in the professional development of nurses and advocated in this nursing theory (Paul, 2019). The production of leadership trait and incorporation of tenants’ traits in nursing profession are essential in the delivery of healthcare services and winning the satisfaction of the patients. DNP-815A Topic 1 DQ 2 Select a nursing theory that you will use to guide your DNP Project

The nurses are supposed to select a particular point and concentrate on it while developing their ndividual interest and introducing strengths. The acquisition of advanced knowledge and nursing skills will help nurses to effectively achieve the defined criteria of services while integrating the knowledge to clinical practices.

The main feature of the theory is the advancement of knowledge and implementation of integrated skills and practices into the nursing profession. This attitude is effective for me in the successful completion of my DPI project. The adoption of this theoretical model will encourage me to my professional growth and developmental skills for the successful completion of the project (Paul, 2019). The recognition of significance of professional contribution is an

important aspect of the theory and an essential trait of the advanced practice nurse to follow in the achievement of objectives and to make decisions for the enhancement of patient care outcomes.

References DNP-815A Topic 1 DQ 2 Select a nursing theory that you will use to guide your DNP Project


Alligood. (2018). Nursing theorists and their work (Alligood, Ed.; Ninth edition.). Elsevier.


Paul ,F., Abecassis,L., Freiberger,D. and Hamilton,S. (2019). Competency-based Professional DNP-815A Topic 1 DQ 2 Select a nursing theory that you will use to guide your DNP Project

Advancement Model for Advanced Practice RNs. J Nurs Adm, 66-72.


Nursing theories provide the foundational knowledge that enables nurses to care for their patients and guides their actions. Orem’s self-care theory was put forward by the American nursing scientist Orem in 1971. She believes that individuals are able to be responsible for their own health. When an individual can’t meet his own self-care needs, there will be defects. It is more lasting and effective for the nurses to improve the patients’ self-care abilities through health education and skill training than to directly meet their needs (Zhu,et al 2021) .  Self-care theory aims to constantly awaken the patients’ self-awareness, encourage them to take part in their own nursing plans and medical activities, and give full play to their self-care abilities, so as to enhance their quality of life and prognoses.

Based on my DNP project chosen topic on fall among hospitalized patients Orem’s self-care model will be utilized because of its theory on self-care . Recognizing that some of these activities are not performed by the patient, it is the nurse’s role to determine the best way to fulfill the deficit. This can be achieved by restoring a person’s capacity for self-care if the patient lacks the physical capacity or on the other hand if the patient lacks knowledge the nurse can offer guidance and education.(studycorgi,2021) For instance, most falls are affected by an injury, the nurse should offer help in the management of the injury so that the patient could recover faster and return to normal functioning. The nurse is also required to provide information that could help the person to care for the injury after being released from acute care and formulate measures to prevent future occurrences thereby promoting better health outcomes.

Orem’s nursing theory stresses the importance of health care and sees restoring the person’s capacity for self-care as the key goal behind nursing. It offers a comprehensive view of nursing in contemporary practice settings, which is applicable to various cases and circumstances.




StudyCorgi. (2021, October 1). Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Theory in Nursing Practice. Retrieved from

Zhu, T., Liu, H., Han, A., Gu, H., & Li, X. (2021). Orem’s self-care to treat acute coronary syndrome after PCI helps improve rehabilitation efficacy and quality of life. American journal of translational research13(4), 2752–2762.