
DQ: Are there professional barriers to being involved with the legislative process, such as retaliation from institutions or individuals who do not share your same viewpoints?

DQ: Are there professional barriers to being involved with the legislative process, such as retaliation from institutions or individuals who do not share your same viewpoints?

Nurses will feel empowered to perform when their nurse leaders show confidence in their abilities to do a good job. The reason for this is that nurses feel significant inside the company since they have the ability to make choices, propose and participate in activities without having to seek clearance from higher ups. Nurses’ work lives are improved when leaders demonstrate confidence in their job, are able to reward their organizations by increasing retention and improving the capacity to give higher quality care (Hughes, 2019). Good communication between nurses and their supervisors is essential in the development of these partnerships. Effective nurse performance has been shown to be associated with positive interpersonal ties amongst staff.

Re: Topic 4 DQ 1

DQ Are there professional barriers to being involved with the legislative process such as retaliation from institutions or individuals who do not share your same viewpoints
DQ Are there professional barriers to being involved with the legislative process such as retaliation from institutions or individuals who do not share your same viewpoints

As a healthcare worker, involvement in some legislative initiatives and processes can be beneficial for individuals as well as the organizations that they work for. Although there are many benefits, there can also be barriers and possible retaliation when staff becomes involved in what can be labeled as controversial topics amongst people who do not necessarily share the same viewpoints. Healthcare policy is necessary because, “the playing field for health care is not level; this effective policy processes that actively involve key stakeholders are essential” (Weberg et al., 2019, p. 436). These policies and processes aim at leveling the playing field, but the task at hand is not always easy. The processes “require courage, time, persistence, and he ability to form effective and meaningful relationships” (Weberg et al., 2019, p. 436). These relationships can help staff in making sure, “they understand the issue, the proposal’s objectives, the specific language chosen, and how the proposals fit within existing law” (Weberg, et al., 2019, p. 455). As long as there is no harm being inflected on our patients with changes in policies, there should never be retaliation from the institution or individuals. Changes are often times difficulty, but they are often met with great results. As an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) it is important to advocate for our staff and protect them under a variety of circumstances. All staff is entitled to their own viewpoint and varying viewpoints are what this world is built on. When someone’s viewpoint is different from our own, we should not retaliate. As a hopeful future APRN in healthcare management, schedules, time off, and assignments should not be retaliated against. The same standards should apply as they do now as to not retaliate against race, sex, religion, ect. The nurse leader should also, “invest time with the legislative committee staff so they can appropriately communicate the rationale for the proposal of legislators as it moves forward” (Weberg et al, 2019. P. 455). APRNs must be able to disseminate appropriate information and why it is important to our employees.


Weberg, D.R., Mangold, K., Porter-OGrady, T., Malloch, K. (2019). Leadership in nursing practice: changing the landscape of health care. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.



Click here to ORDER an A++ paper from our MASTERS and DOCTORATE WRITERS: DQ: Are there professional barriers to being involved with the legislative process, such as retaliation from institutions or individuals who do not share your same viewpoints?

       Professional barriers to being involved in the legislative process prevent nurses from being more active in the political arena at the local, state, or federal government. Institutions may find reasons to remove an employee who

DQ Are there professional barriers to being involved with the legislative process, such as retaliation from institutions or individuals who do not share your same viewpoints
DQ Are there professional barriers to being involved with the legislative process, such as retaliation from institutions or individuals who do not share your same viewpoints

participates in legislation or activities against the organization’s objectives. Individuals who do not share the same viewpoint can be exclusionary to others, rude, or aggressive. It is important to have the moral and ethical courage to stand for one’s beliefs in these situations (Weberg et al., n.d.). Nurses who pursue legislative changes are often fighting for patients or the profession. This requires calm, cool-headed behavior where the nurse leader believes in the rightness of the legislation and follows through to improve the circumstances for patients and/or the profession (Weberg et al., n.d.). Items such as nurse-patient ratios benefit the profession and the patient.

Another barrier is the lack of education. Prior to this class, I was not aware of how to go about actually being a part of attempting legislative change. I knew professional organizations such as the American Nurses Association support and lobby for changes directed toward improvements in patient care and the profession. It is important to know how to begin the task of active participation. Weberg et al. (n.d.) provides the steps of participation in detail that I could follow as an advanced nurse who believes that a particular piece of legislation will support patient care and nursing.

DQ: Are there professional barriers to being involved with the legislative process, such as retaliation from institutions or individuals who do not share your same viewpoints?

Approximately two years ago, some of the employees wanted to join the nursing union. There is one hospital in our system that is unionized. This small group of nurses wanted better staffing ratios to care for patients. They extended an invitation to all nurses from each department to meet with union representatives. Before anyone even knew what was happening, the hospital handed out fliers stating how bad unionization is for the profession. They stated how horribly expensive union dues were. There obviously was no mention of the negotiating that occurs on behalf of nursing to create an equitable work environment. Many of the nurses involved in starting the idea of unionization were fired for other “incidents”. Needless to say, unionization did not get far in our institution. Retaliation and browbeating are alive and well in situations where change is contrary to the individual or organizational thought. The nurses who were fired believed in changing the organizational contract with nursing.




Weberg, D., Mangold, K., Porter-O’Grady, T., & Malloch, K. (n.d.). Leadership in nursing practice: Changing the landscape of health care (3rd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.


There are absolutely professional barriers to being involved with the legislative process. Policy and politicians carry with them negative stereotypes including “controlling information, cajoling others to support issues, coercing others to support issues, being impatient while individuals consider information, being

closed-minded to others’ ideas, being confrontational and dishonest, and sharing

only part of the information or partial truth telling” (Weberg et al., 2019, pg 437). Alongside these behaviors can come fears of retaliation should one not agree. Luckily these stereotypes do not have to be perpetuated.


It is key to first understand that while not everybody shares the same opinions or short term goals, we are all part of the same team. People in patient care should, at the end of the day, care about patient safety. Assuming this, it may be easier to put issues into the context of patient care, even if there are two intense opposing views. Disagreements tend to be more challenging when the two sides absolutely cannot understand their opponent. If both sides at least accept that they are about patient care and can agree on that, then that gives context and a foundation for further discussion by narrowing the topic.


Of course, this is easier said than done. Politics and legislature can feel quite personal, and it can be challenging to balance personal and professional relationships with personal and professional beliefs. During her new grad residency, a close friend of mine’s nurse’s union went on strike. She was still in her probationary period of residency, brand new to the unit and the profession, and felt very caught in the middle of everything. There was disagreement between management and senior nurses about supporting the strike, and the fear of retribution and retaliation should the strike line be crossed was huge. It was a really confusing position for her to be in as a brand new nurse.


Weberg, D., Mangold, K., Porter-O’Grady, T., & Malloch, K. (2019). Leadership in nursing practice: changing the landscape of health care (3rd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Re: Topic 4 DQ 1

Nurses Professional Barriers in the Legislative Process

Nurses are becoming more involved in the legislative process and are given an opportunity to give their views regarding the leadership of healthcare organizations. The thought to involve nurses in the legislative process is to have more people behind a greater change that involves everyone. However, there are conflicts or discrepancies when nurses take a particular stand or a viewpoint that is different from everyone else. Legislation can be a source of all conflicts and ethical dilemma if the nurse’s opinions do clash with individual’s values (Porter-O’Grady & Malloch, 2016). Clash of opinions can deter the organizational progress by failing to make effective decisions that can transform the organization’s culture.

However, there are several ways to iron out these issues and get down to smooth working operations. First, nurses can have a special sitting with the upper management to discuss the situation and make it clear what their concern is and want they feel about the initiated changes. A great leader should be a good listener, and should be able to provide better ways of resolving wrangles. As a leader I would intervene and explain to them the risks of having a hostile working environment. I would let them know the benefits of disagreeing while making critical decisions. Disagreeing allows people to dig deep in the information by incorporating everyone’s idea in order to come up with amicable solutions to resolve the matter. As a leader I will try to listen to both sides keenly and respond to them with utmost respect and with compassion for everyone’s beliefs. I will thereafter give satisfying solutions that will help them work harmoniously to meet their dreams and objectives of the organization.


Porter-O’Grady, T. & Malloch, K. (2016). Leadership in nursing practice: Changing the

landscape of health care (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. Leadership in nursing practice: Changing the landscape of health care (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning