
DQ: Compare two leadership theories

DQ: Compare two leadership theories

Grand Canyon University DQ: Compare two leadership theories-Step-By-Step Guide


This guide will demonstrate how to complete the Grand Canyon University DQ: Compare two leadership theories  assignment based on general principles of academic writing. Here, we will show you the A, B, Cs of completing an academic paper, irrespective of the instructions. After guiding you through what to do, the guide will leave one or two sample essays at the end to highlight the various sections discussed below.


How to Research and Prepare for DQ: Compare two leadership theories  


Whether one passes or fails an academic assignment such as the Grand Canyon University DQ: Compare two leadership theories depends on the preparation done beforehand. The first thing to do once you receive an assignment is to quickly skim through the requirements. Once that is done, start going through the instructions one by one to clearly understand what the instructor wants. The most important thing here is to understand the required format—whether it is APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.


After understanding the requirements of the paper, the next phase is to gather relevant materials. The first place to start the research process is the weekly resources. Go through the resources provided in the instructions to determine which ones fit the assignment. After reviewing the provided resources, use the university library to search for additional resources. After gathering sufficient and necessary resources, you are now ready to start drafting your paper.


How to Write the Introduction for DQ: Compare two leadership theories  

The introduction for the Grand Canyon University DQ: Compare two leadership theories  is where you tell the instructor what your paper will encompass. In three to four statements, highlight the important points that will form the basis of your paper. Here, you can include statistics to show the importance of the topic you will be discussing. At the end of the introduction, write a clear purpose statement outlining what exactly will be contained in the paper. This statement will start with “The purpose of this paper…” and then proceed to outline the various sections of the instructions.


How to Write the Body for DQ: Compare two leadership theories  


After the introduction, move into the main part of the DQ: Compare two leadership theories  assignment, which is the body. Given that the paper you will be writing is not experimental, the way you organize the headings and subheadings of your paper is critically important. In some cases, you might have to use more subheadings to properly organize the assignment. The organization will depend on the rubric provided. Carefully examine the rubric, as it will contain all the detailed requirements of the assignment. Sometimes, the rubric will have information that the normal instructions lack.


Another important factor to consider at this point is how to do citations. In-text citations are fundamental as they support the arguments and points you make in the paper. At this point, the resources gathered at the beginning will come in handy. Integrating the ideas of the authors with your own will ensure that you produce a comprehensive paper. Also, follow the given citation format. In most cases, APA 7 is the preferred format for nursing assignments.


How to Write the Conclusion for DQ: Compare two leadership theories  


After completing the main sections, write the conclusion of your paper. The conclusion is a summary of the main points you made in your paper. However, you need to rewrite the points and not simply copy and paste them. By restating the points from each subheading, you will provide a nuanced overview of the assignment to the reader.


How to Format the References List for DQ: Compare two leadership theories  


The very last part of your paper involves listing the sources used in your paper. These sources should be listed in alphabetical order and double-spaced. Additionally, use a hanging indent for each source that appears in this list. Lastly, only the sources cited within the body of the paper should appear here.

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NRS 451 Topic 1 Discussion Question 2

Nursing theories exist in healthcare to help nurse leaders identify and develop leadership skills and improve their abilities to lead others. The style of the nurse leader can be essential to encourage employees’ acceptance of change and motivating employees to achieve a high quality of care (Albagawi, 2019). Two theories of interest include the Transformational Leadership Theory and the Situational Leadership Theory. The Transformational Leadership Theory created by James Burns in the 1970’s involves leaders and followers working together to advance to a higher level of morality and motivation. The transformational leadership theory focuses on how a leader’s vision can influence an entire group to accomplish goals that develop trust.

The leader expects a lot from their staff and is often used with those with minimal leadership experience who need step-by-step instructions on completing tasks effectively (Choi et al., 2016). A transformational leader’s strengths in relation to nursing practice are empowering others, inspiring, focusing on long-term success, being vision-oriented, taking care of followers, identifying commonalities with followers, and having humanitarian ideas (Whitney, 2018). Transformational leaders are regarded as charismatic leaders who offer staff a vision and a mission by instilling pride and gaining staff respect and trust to achieve the required outcomes (Choi et al.,2016).

These leaders treat people as individuals, offer coaching and individual employee attention, encourage problem-solving, and communicate high expectations. Transformational leaders regard their followers as equals, each with his skills and experience, and seek to bring out the best in them through coaching and encouragement instead of barking orders. Employees feel supported, so they work hard and stay. The weaknesses of transformational leaders in nursing practice include a leader’s lack of focus and leadership experience, the potential to misuse power, and favoritism that leads to staff burnout and mistrust.

Situational Leadership Theory was developed in the 1960s by Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard. It was developed by Paul Hersey & Kenneth Blanchard in the 1970s and relies on adapting leadership styles based on the situation and predicts the most appropriate ones based on the situation and the follower’s varying maturity and ability levels ranging from incapable and unwilling to highly motivated and capable (Whitney, 2018). Situation leadership theory strengths in relation to nursing practice are often used by leaders who pay closer attention to their staff’s strengths, weaknesses, morale, and motivation. Also, along with adapting to the team, a leader is expected to improve the maturity level of the followers, which creates better morale and stronger team relationships. Weaknesses in relation to nursing practices are that success with such a flexible style of leadership hinges entirely on the abilities and qualities of the leader. Leaders need to be able to read other people and judge their needs, emotional status, and social dynamics to promote positive outcomes.



Albagawi, B. (2019). Leadership styles of nurse managers and job satisfaction of staff nurses: Correlational design study. European Scientific Journal January15(3), 254-275.

Choi, S. L., Goh, C. F., Adam, M. B. H., & Tan, O. K. (2016). Transformational leadership, empowerment, and job satisfaction: the mediating role of employee empowerment. Human resources for health14(1), 1-14.

Whitney, S. (2018). Chapter 1: Theories and Concepts in Leadership and Management; Nursing Leadership & Management: Leading and Serving. Retrieved from


Replies to Alexandra Rocco

Various leadership theories developed to help nurses in their daily activities in the healthcare system. Nurse leaders find it simpler to regulate and control their junior staff in achieving the set organizational aims. Nurse leaders’ honesty and ethical conduct contribute to other healthcare staff to achieve patient outcomes. Some theories have been developed to describe successful nursing leadership. The depiction of these theories relies on the practices and conduct.

According to Whitney (2018), leadership and management go together; there cannot be leadership without management and vice versa. At some point, all nurses carry out leadership and managerial roles. Managerial roles and leadership roles may overlap in a sense that both look ahead and are not narrow minded (Whitney, 2018). Both roles also heavily influence, not only their group, but outsiders as well (Whitney, 2018). Whitney (2018) goes on to say, “Nurse leader-managers are change agents. They accept the current structure and processes of the organization but are aware of the need for change according to ever-changing realities and desire organizational growth as needed.” Nurse leaders can take advantage of having influence over a group and beyond that to facilitate change. Valiga (2019) argues that “leaders utilize the strengths and talents of those around them to influence positive change, often empowering others to take on leadership roles of their own. They encourage, support, and mentor their followers. In turn, followers challenge leaders and suggest alternatives to their ideas.” Despite being very similar, however, there are also some differences. For example, managerial positions are assigned, whereas leadership roles are appointed through influence (Whitney, 2018). More differences include–managers typically are in authoritative roles and have subordinates, compared to leaders who usually lack that same authority but have followers (Whitney, 2018).

First, there is transformational leadership theory. James MacGregor Burns, a historian and political scientist, developed the concept of transformational leadership in the 1970s (Whitney, 2018). Burns’s goal was to describe the leadership styles of great world leaders like John F. Kennedy and Mahatma Gandhi. According to Burns, transformational leadership refers to when the nurse leader aims to alter the work environment to help achieve success (Whitney, 2018). The leader and followers uplift each other to much better levels of morality and motivation.

Transformational leadership theory is unique as it focuses on the follower’s needs in the workplace. The leader nurse is vision-oriented; this can help upgrade the organization’s mission and vision to help achieve long-term success. In most instances, the leader nurse often acts as a role model to the followers (Whitney, 2018). When the nurse serves as a role model, it becomes easy for followers to visualize the organization’s expectations and be actively involved in the change (Sherman & Habel, 2021). Transformational leadership is new in the nursing field as nurses previously used the transactional leadership technique.

The first strength of the leadership theory is that transformational leadership fosters innovation and creativity. There is increased collaboration in transformational leadership; hence, innovative solutions and creative ideas get developed (Sherman & Habel, 2021). The other strength is that there is employee satisfaction. Most nurses work in a demanding work environment, but transformational leaders will enhance the organization’s mental and psychological health (Whitney, 2018). Another strength is that there is the ability to foster organizational change.

The leadership theory also has its weaknesses. First, the style is not applicable universally. There are times that the nursing operations encounter emergencies that need quick solutions. Additionally, traditional nursing factors do not facilitate the applicability of the leadership theory (Sherman & Habel, 2021). When followers can make decisions, they may find the responsibilities too demanding.

On the other hand, there is the servant leadership theory in nursing practice. The model argues that nurse leaders are servants of the people. Therefore, the nurse leader wholeheartedly works towards satisfying the followers’ wants in the organization (Whitney, 2018). The leadership theory is popular among Christian nurse leaders. Servant leaders often act in a Christ-like way (Whitney, 2018). The critical objective of servant leaders is to show followers that their work is essential. Some qualities of servant leaders include listening to people from a non-judgmental perspective, choosing words carefully when addressing clients and workers, and thinking before reacting.

DQ Compare two leadership theories
DQ: Compare two leadership theories

DQ: Compare two leadership theories

The first strength of the leadership theory is that there is follower inclusivity whereby, once the employees see the leader’s dedication, they will follow them. There is the discouragement of unproductive behavior (Burkus, 2020). When the leader serves the employees well, they, in turn, offer customer satisfaction. Secondly, there is a positive work environment as the leader supports and builds a shared goal (Whitney, 2018). Another strength is that servant leadership helps boost morale in an organization. Contrarily, there are weaknesses to the theory; the first weakness is that it is challenging to explain and communicate the concept of servant leadership (Burkus, 2020). The next one is that retaining servant leaders in the healthcare system is challenging and time-consuming. Another weakness is that followers view servant leaders as weak; therefore, it may be hard to heed their rules (Burkus, 2020). Servant leadership is hard to achieve as it requires an individual with high authenticity levels.

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  • SS

Shiny Jolly Sebastian

replied toAlexandra Rocco

Feb 19, 2022, 9:35 PM


Replies to Alexandra Rocco

Hello Alexandra Well said about leadership theories in the healthcare set up. There are other four more leadership theories among which I would like to point about Behavioral and contingency theory. There are pros and cons in each theory.

Behavioral theory.

The behavioral leadership theory examines how leaders act and assumes that these attributes can be replicated by other leaders. It is also known as the style hypothesis, and it proposes that successful leaders are not born but may be developed through observable conduct.

Behavioral theory has several advantages, the most important of which is that it allows leaders to learn and determine what actions they want to take to become the type of leader they want to be. It enables leaders to be adaptable and flexible in response to changing situations. Another significant advantage of this leadership style is that it implies that everyone may be a leader.

The behavioral theory has some drawbacks, such as the fact that, while it provides for flexibility, it does not precisely recommend how to respond in specific situations. There are dozens of leadership styles based on behavioral theory, but there is not one that is appropriate for every situation.

Examining a task-oriented vs. a people-oriented leader is an excellent example of behavioral theory in action. If a team is having problems, a task-oriented leader will look at the process to see if the workflow needs to be modified. A people-oriented leader will look at the people and approach them directly, asking what the problem is. Behavioral leadership theory helps leaders focus on their actions and use their decisions to be a great leader, regardless of whatever behaviors they pick. It is the best example in healthcare set up. (WGU,2020).

DQ: Compare two leadership theories

Contingency theory.

The contingency leadership theory, also known as situational theory, focuses on a leader’s context. These ideas examine the situational repercussions of a leader’s success or failure. The effectiveness of a leader is directly influenced by the current setting. While a leader’s personality has a role in his or her success, the context and scenario in which the leader finds himself or herself is the most crucial component. The contingency hypothesis offers many benefits, including the ability for leaders to be effective regardless of their situational environment. However, this hypothesis has been criticized, with some claiming that there is not enough information in the context of any given circumstance.

Contingency theory emphasizes the significance of a situation, but it may overlook the psychology of employees or the firm. It also might not devote enough attention to how leadership styles evolve over time. (WGU,2020).


Western Governors University, (2020). Leadership Theories and Styles. Retrieved from


  • JK

Jaspreet Kaur

replied toAlexandra Rocco

Feb 20, 2022, 7:47 PM


Replies to Alexandra Rocco

Hello Alexandra,

You Have a great informative post. From various leadership theories, there is behavior theory. Behavior is also called a path-goal theory. In behavior theory, the leader provided the path to achieve the goal which leads to rewards. This theory usually involves environmental effects on behavior too, employees or followers work on the path without the presence of a leader too. Different metrics in healthcare are shared with staff daily which includes score of patient experiences, infection rate, fall, their post-discharge, or visits review to a team which encourages the team to work towards improving patient care.

Reference: Whitney, S. (2018). Theories and concepts in leadership and management. In Grand Canyon universities(ed.). Nursing leadership & Management: Leading and Serving. 


  • DT

Dorothy Ticharwa

replied toAlexandra Rocco

Feb 20, 2022, 11:41 PM


Replies to Alexandra Rocco

Hello Alexandra

Thank you so much for such a wonderful post. I enjoyed reading the unique theory which is transformational leadership theory. The transformational theory has risen over the years. According to Whitney (2018), Organizations in all industries are seeing a rapid change in today’s digital era. Transformational leaders know how to encourage, inspire and motivate employees to obtain and create meaningful change. The result is an engaged workforce that is empowered to innovate and help shape an organization’s future success. Transformational leaders focus less on making decisions or establishing strategic plans and focus more on driving towards the achievement goal and driving the vision forward.




Whitney, S. (2018). Theories and concepts in leadership and management. In Grand Canyon universities(ed.). Nursing leadership & Management: Leading and Serving.

DQ: Compare two leadership theories




Yosia Simbolon

Posted Date

Feb 19, 2022, 12:44 AM


Replies to Alexandra Rocco

Compare two leadership theories. Provide an overview of each and discuss the strengths and weaknesses in relation to nursing practice.

The behavioral leadership theory mainly is about leader behaviors and how others mimic their traits. This is seen as how leaders are not born with the best of traits but gain them through learning and experience (Whitney, 2019). Therefore behavioral theory on leadership says that success is done through work and the behavior of the leader. In relation to the nursing practice, a major strength of this theory is that it utilizes evidence-based research to have more objective and accurate. A weakness however is that behavior is difficult to measure as it can be said behavior is not affected by the person but by their environment.

In a contingency leadership theory, it is a leader who is adaptive and therefore uses other leadership styles to best match the current situation. In other words, this is a type of leadership style that is more focused on success in small areas. A strength of this theory is that adaptive in that as you continue to lead, there becomes less micromanagement and more macro-management or in other words less task-oriented and more relationship-oriented (Webster, 2021). A weakness however with this is that with no set leadership style it can change to other styles which have more weaknesses rather than success for that small situation.

. Provide an overview of each and discuss the strengths and weakness in relation to nursing practice.

Alexandra Rocco

Posted Date

Feb 19, 2022, 5:42 PM


Replies to Alexandra Rocco

Various leadership theories developed to help nurses in their daily activities in the healthcare system. Nurse leaders find it simpler to regulate and control their junior staff in achieving the set organizational aims. Nurse leaders’ honesty and ethical conduct contribute to other healthcare staff to achieve patient outcomes. Some theories have been developed to describe successful nursing leadership. The depiction of these theories relies on the practices and conduct.

First, there is transformational leadership theory. James MacGregor Burns, a historian and political scientist, developed the concept of transformational leadership in the 1970s (Whitney, 2018). Burns’s goal was to describe the leadership styles of great world leaders like John F. Kennedy and Mahatma Gandhi. According to Burns, transformational leadership refers to when the nurse leader aims to alter the work environment to help achieve success (Whitney, 2018). The leader and followers uplift each other to much better levels of morality and motivation.

Transformational leadership theory is unique as it focuses on the follower’s needs in the workplace. The leader nurse is vision-oriented; this can help upgrade the organization’s mission and vision to help achieve long-term success. In most instances, the leader nurse often acts as a role model to the followers (Whitney, 2018). When the nurse serves as a role model, it becomes easy for followers to visualize the organization’s expectations and be actively involved in the change (Sherman & Habel, 2021). Transformational leadership is new in the nursing field as nurses previously used the transactional leadership technique.

The first strength of the leadership theory is that transformational leadership fosters innovation and creativity. There is increased collaboration in transformational leadership; hence, innovative solutions and creative ideas get developed (Sherman & Habel, 2021). The other strength is that there is employee satisfaction. Most nurses work in a demanding work environment, but transformational leaders will enhance the organization’s mental and psychological health (Whitney, 2018). Another strength is that there is the ability to foster organizational change.

DQ: Compare two leadership theories

The leadership theory also has its weaknesses. First, the style is not applicable universally. There are times that the nursing operations encounter emergencies that need quick solutions. Additionally, traditional nursing factors do not facilitate the applicability of the leadership theory (Sherman & Habel, 2021). When followers can make decisions, they may find the responsibilities too demanding.

On the other hand, there is the servant leadership theory in nursing practice. The model argues that nurse leaders are servants of the people. Therefore, the nurse leader wholeheartedly works towards satisfying the followers’ wants in the organization (Whitney, 2018). The leadership theory is popular among Christian nurse leaders. Servant leaders often act in a Christ-like way (Whitney, 2018). The critical objective of servant leaders is to show followers that their work is essential. Some qualities of servant leaders include listening to people from a non-judgmental perspective, choosing words carefully when addressing clients and workers, and thinking before reacting.

The first strength of the leadership theory is that there is follower inclusivity whereby, once the employees see the leader’s dedication, they will follow them. There is the discouragement of unproductive behavior (Burkus, 2020). When the leader serves the employees well, they, in turn, offer customer satisfaction. Secondly, there is a positive work environment as the leader supports and builds a shared goal (Whitney, 2018). Another strength is that servant leadership helps boost morale in an organization. Contrarily, there are weaknesses to the theory; the first weakness is that it is challenging to explain and communicate the concept of servant leadership (Burkus, 2020). The next one is that retaining servant leaders in the healthcare system is challenging and time-consuming. Another weakness is that followers view servant leaders as weak; therefore, it may be hard to heed their rules (Burkus, 2020). Servant leadership is hard to achieve as it requires an individual with high authenticity levels.



Burkus, D. (2020, December 18). Servant leadership theory. David Burkus.


Sherman, R. O., & Habel, M. (2021, July 9). The role of transformational leadership in nursing. digital guides and publications


Whitney, S. (2018). Theories and Concepts in Leadership and Management. Grand Canyon University.



  • SS

Shiny Jolly Sebastian

replied toAlexandra Rocco

Feb 19, 2022, 9:35 PM


Replies to Alexandra Rocco

Hello Alexandra Well said about leadership theories in the healthcare set up. There are other four more leadership theories among which I would like to point about Behavioral and contingency theory. There are pros and cons in each theory.

Behavioral theory.

The behavioral leadership theory examines how leaders act and assumes that these attributes can be replicated by other leaders. It is also known as the style hypothesis, and it proposes that successful leaders are not born but may be developed through observable conduct.

Behavioral theory has several advantages, the most important of which is that it allows leaders to learn and determine what actions they want to take to become the type of leader they want to be. It enables leaders to be adaptable and flexible in response to changing situations. Another significant advantage of this leadership style is that it implies that everyone may be a leader.

DQ: Compare two leadership theories

The behavioral theory has some drawbacks, such as the fact that, while it provides for flexibility, it does not precisely recommend how to respond in specific situations. There are dozens of leadership styles based on behavioral theory, but there is not one that is appropriate for every situation.

Examining a task-oriented vs. a people-oriented leader is an excellent example of behavioral theory in action. If a team is having problems, a task-oriented leader will look at the process to see if the workflow needs to be modified. A people-oriented leader will look at the people and approach them directly, asking what the problem is. Behavioral leadership theory helps leaders focus on their actions and use their decisions to be a great leader, regardless of whatever behaviors they pick. It is the best example in healthcare set up. (WGU,2020).

Contingency theory.

The contingency leadership theory, also known as situational theory, focuses on a leader’s context. These ideas examine the situational repercussions of a leader’s success or failure. The effectiveness of a leader is directly influenced by the current setting. While a leader’s personality has a role in his or her success, the context and scenario in which the leader finds himself or herself is the most crucial component. The contingency hypothesis offers many benefits, including the ability for leaders to be effective regardless of their situational environment. However, this hypothesis has been criticized, with some claiming that there is not enough information in the context of any given circumstance.

Contingency theory emphasizes the significance of a situation, but it may overlook the psychology of employees or the firm. It also might not devote enough attention to how leadership styles evolve over time. (WGU,2020).


Western Governors University, (2020). Leadership Theories and Styles. Retrieved from


  • JK

Jaspreet Kaur

replied toAlexandra Rocco

Feb 20, 2022, 7:47 PM


Replies to Alexandra Rocco

Hello Alexandra,

You Have a great informative post. From various leadership theories, there is behavior theory. Behavior is also called a path-goal theory. In behavior theory, the leader provided the path to achieve the goal which leads to rewards. This theory usually involves environmental effects on behavior too, employees or followers work on the path without the presence of a leader too. Different metrics in healthcare are shared with staff daily which includes score of patient experiences, infection rate, fall, their post-discharge, or visits review to a team which encourages the team to work towards improving patient care.

DQ: Compare two leadership theories

Reference: Whitney, S. (2018). Theories and concepts in leadership and management. In Grand Canyon universities(ed.). Nursing leadership & Management: Leading and Serving. 


  • DT

Dorothy Ticharwa

replied toAlexandra Rocco

Feb 20, 2022, 11:41 PM


Replies to Alexandra Rocco

Hello Alexandra

Thank you so much for such a wonderful post. I enjoyed reading the unique theory which is transformational leadership theory. The transformational theory has risen over the years. According to Whitney (2018), Organizations in all industries are seeing a rapid change in today’s digital era. Transformational leaders know how to encourage, inspire and motivate employees to obtain and create meaningful change. The result is an engaged workforce that is empowered to innovate and help shape an organization’s future success. Transformational leaders focus less on making decisions or establishing strategic plans and focus more on driving towards the achievement goal and driving the vision forward.

DQ: Compare two leadership theories



Whitney, S. (2018). Theories and concepts in leadership and management. In Grand Canyon universities(ed.). Nursing leadership & Management: Leading and Serving.





Replies to Alexandra Rocco

Compare two leadership theories. Provide an overview of each and discuss the strengths and weaknesses in relation to nursing practice.

The behavioral leadership theory mainly is about leader behaviors and how others mimic their traits. This is seen as how leaders are not born with the best of traits but gain them through learning and experience (Whitney, 2019). Therefore behavioral theory on leadership says that success is done through work and the behavior of the leader. In relation to the nursing practice, a major strength of this theory is that it utilizes evidence-based research to have more objective and accurate. A weakness however is that behavior is difficult to measure as it can be said behavior is not affected by the person but by their environment.

DQ: Compare two leadership theories

In a contingency leadership theory, it is a leader who is adaptive and therefore uses other leadership styles to best match the current situation. In other words, this is a type of leadership style that is more focused on success in small areas. A strength of this theory is that adaptive in that as you continue to lead, there becomes less micromanagement and more macro-management or in other words less task-oriented and more relationship-oriented (Webster, 2021). A weakness however with this is that with no set leadership style it can change to other styles which have more weaknesses rather than success for that small situation.

An organization’s projects and ability to realize its goals and aspirations depend on the fundamental quality of leadership. Different leadership theories exist. I’m going to talk about two different leadership philosophies in this project: transactional leadership and transformational leadership. Transactional leadership theory states that leaders can motivate their followers to perform well by using rewards and penalties in a transactional setting. (Garcia, 2019). You can be sure that your employees will stay motivated to generate high-quality results over the long run if you provide them an incentive program. Sanctions are appropriate because they help to lessen the exhaustion that comes with prolonged exposure to stressful circumstances at work. However, there is a “promise” that no subpar work will be produced as a result of this policy, even if employees lose their motivation to do work of extremely high quality. Since it is imperative to avoid doing any work of poor quality, this may be quite advantageous in the practice of nursing. Threats of compensation and other forms of punishment may be employed to stop the delivery of subpar clinical care.

However, the idea of transformational leadership entails a very “committed” leadership approach that requires managers to work with their staff to identify areas that need change and to come up with effective strategies for making those changes together (Charalambous, 2019). This is a very effective leadership style because employees are motivated to be more interested in and impactful than their boss features when leaders are involved at the “ground level.” This demonstrates that increasing employee engagement may have a greater impact on a leader’s ability to influence their workforce than any other strategy. This strategy may be very helpful for a nurse working in a nursing environment because it promotes better cooperation among nurses.   Engaging transformation theory-based, nurses in the planning process would boost their excitement for their profession and enable them to improve their problem-solving skills in the area of health. This leadership approach is associated with some unfavorable traits, such as the idea that employees and managers would work together to produce solutions that, in the end, would be advantageous for everyone concerned. Conflict is likely to arise if some people feel that their opinions are not being heard and their ideas are rejected.


Charalambous, M., (2019, Dec). The Pros and Cons of Transformational Leadership. Retrieved from

Garcia, C., (2019, Jun). Transactional Leadership: Strengths and Weaknesses. Retrieved from