
DQ: Discuss how the concept of “health” has changed overtime

DQ: Discuss how the concept of “health” has changed overtime

DQ: Discuss how the concept of “health” has changed overtime

Health is an evolving concept that will continue to do so. The 1800’s was a time of disease and infection secondary to the lack of sanitation methods (Grand Canyon University, 2018, 3). Once sanitation methods came into play, health transitioned into a new concept, but it still did not stop there. When disease began to disable individuals, health became a much wider concept than just sanitation, it was being able to function and remain free from disease. Health promotions have also evolved with the concept of health. The country of United States took the initiative to decrease the chances of poor health and improve health choices. The United States Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP) focuses on public health and provides monetary help to facilities to provide the public with the health care they deserve (Grand Canyon University, 2018, 7). Providing patient with evidence-based practice (EBP) interventions for health promotions is important as they deserve the best care possible. EBP is scientific research that has been proven to be effective in caring for patients. We aren’t going to use a practice that is 20 years old when it was shown to case trauma, we are going to use the new and improved practice to avoid the past experiences.

According to the textbook, the definition of health has changed overtime, Infectious diseases were prevalent and difficult to control in the early 19th century, primarily due to lack of adequate sanitation procedures including in adequate disinfection of drinking water and excessive disposal of human waste. Health was seen in simple terms as free of disease during this period. Disease become more manageable once proper sanitation measures instituted in the 19th and 20the centuries, shifting the definition of health to mean the ability to remain a functional part of society (Falkner, 2018).


Grand Canyon University (Ed). (2018). Health promotion: Health & wellness across the continuum.Retrieved from

In the 19th century health used to be seen as being free from disease. Diseases were more widespread due to lack of sanitary conditions. IN the late 19th and early 20th centuries sanitary conditions were better understood and steps were taken to properly manage them leading to more manageable diseases. During the 20th century vaccinations were invented and the definition of health shifted more towards prevention. As health promotion grew, the definition of health became viewed as an accumulation of factors such as physical, mental, and spiritual wellness (Falkner, 2018). Today the objective is to make a culture of wellbeing in which health promotion and illness anticipation is the center instead of looking for treatment after illness has set in.

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We now understand that health and wellness and prevention of illness go hand in hand. We cannot always choose our state of health,

DQ: Discuss how the concept of "health" has changed overtime
DQ: Discuss how the concept of “health” has changed overtime

but we can make choices to move towards wellness. For example, a person cannot control a strong family history of heart disease, but they can make choices in diet and exercise to help achieve wellness.

The term health promotion is new, but the concept has been around a long time. Promoting good health is an idea that has been around for as long as there have been attempts to improve the public’s health. Health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health. It moves beyond a focus on individual behavior towards a wide range of social and environmental interventions (World Health Organization, 2018).

Evidence based practice (EBP) is important because individuals and families deserve treatment that works and EBP has been put to the test and proven. As nurses we want to implement quality and cost-effective health promotion interventions.

Evidence-based health promotion programs are interventions that are based on evidence that is generated by scientific studies. The evidence shows that the program is effective in preventing disease and improving health. These programs have gone through a research process to determine if they show the results that are intended by the program. (Wisconsin’s Evidence-Based Health Promotion Programs for Older Adults, 2017)

The nurse’s role in providing practices in health promotion is key and involves being an advocate, deliverer of care/services, care manger, educator, and researcher. By using EBP to do this the nurse is driving change to improve practices to improve patient care.

Falkner, A. (2018). Health Promotion in Nursing Care. Retrieved from Health Promotion: Health & Wellness Across the Continuum:

Policy and partnership for health promotion action — addressing the determinants of health.

(2018). Retrieved from World Health Organization:

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