
DQ: Do you agree that structural violence perpetuates health disparity?

NRS 429V Week 2 Discussion 1 NEW

DQ: Do you agree that structural violence perpetuates health disparity?

In today’s world, family is defined by the term “family of choice,” according to Sue Green (2018). Green (2018) describes family of choice as, “people chosen by an individual to care, love, and trust rather than the family of origin,” as well as “people who are together out of friendship and love, not bloodlines.” Animals are also considered members of the family in the present-day. The people patients refer to as “family,” bloodline or not, are the ones who are going to support and care for the patient the most. It is imperative that nurses assess and identify family dynamics early on, so that they can promote family health, thereby improving the patients’ overall health. Green (2018) mentions that, “the health of the family influences the health of the individual.” As nurses familiarize themselves with the various family structures out there, it will allow them to better care for and serve the patients’ needs and desires.

The family system’s theory is a “classic approach to studying family processes and problems” (Green, 2018). According to Katherine Rosenbusch (2010), family systems are “considered open systems in that the individual members and the unit can be influenced by internal and external environments,” and are “adaptive because they meet the demands of the changes that impact the group.” For example, a father of a family—who is the primary provider—has a heart attack and is hospitalized for a long time, this adds stress to and can drastically affect the family dynamics. To me, I consider the family system’s theory to be somewhat of a “domino effect” because when one thing happens something else follows suit.

DQ Do you agree that structural violence perpetuates health disparity
DQ: Do you agree that structural violence perpetuates health disparity?

DQ: Do you agree that structural violence perpetuates health disparity?


Green, S. (2018). Understanding Families and Health Promotion. CCC Web Books by AWS & CDD.

Rosenbusch, K. (2010). Cross -cultural adjustment process of expatriate families in a multinational organization: A family system theory perspective.


This is an insightful response Morgan. I concur with your post. The structure of families is consistently changing and diversifying. Health is associated with multifactorial causation and the family can affect health of a person in numerous ways. Therefore, the changing dynamic of family structure can greatly influence risk and protective factors that impacts health (Kaakinen et al., 2018). Family members are likely to share risk factor health that may emanate from several socio characteristics of their communal society, neighborhood, culture, community, and housing. Family members also share positive aspects that promote good health. Family is also exposed to the same health-related lifestyle and dietary behaviors. Moreover, the family also share financial resources in managing poor-health and health care cost including the protection enjoyed by the availability of financial resources in relation to health issues. As such, it is imperative for health care system to consider the changing the dynamics of families and recognize them in patient health care delivery to improve outcomes.

DQ: Do you agree that structural violence perpetuates health disparity?

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Kaakinen, J. R., Coehlo, D. P., Steele, R., & Robinson, M. (2018). Family health care nursing: Theory, practice, and research. FA Davis.

The definition of family is something that is ever changing and evolving as society has started to break free from societal norms. Urban dictionary defines family as “a group of people, usually of the same blood (but do not have to be), who genuinely love, trust, care about, and look out for each other”. I found this definition to be the most accurate because it addresses all different types of family structures. It is important as care givers that we acknowledge nontraditional family structures. I believe family is a subjective term, meaning that the family unit includes what the person says it does, even if we do not view family as such. I compare this to pain; it is what the patient says it is regardless what we may think. With this being said it is important that we keep an open mind and never just assume anything. If someone is important to a patient they in turn should become important to us and included in patient care and teaching.

DQ: Do you agree that structural violence perpetuates health disparity?

“This theory is based on the idea that the family is interconnected by individual members, and the actions of one family member affect all members of the family. The individuals create a system in which environment, behaviors, and reactions influence values and morals.” (Grand Canyon University, 2018). A shift within the family system happens with the emergence of new participants and environmental experiences. One of the main points of the family systems theory is that the action of one person can affect all other members of the family because they are all interconnected. In order to understand an individuals behavior we must study the family as a whole . It doesn’t matter if the family unit is what we might perceive as traditional or not, the family systems theory can be applied.

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