HQS 620 Topic 3 DQ 2
DQ: How do key stakeholders and project team members differ and how are they the same?
As defined by The Project Management Institute, Stakeholders are “people and organizations who are actively engaged in the project, or those who may be affected positively or negatively by the result of project success or failure (Project Stakeholders – Who Are They & Why Are They Important? n.d.). While team members are people who will work for the project completion. They are similar because they both will be involved in the project and will know the nature of the project; however, they will have a different degree of involvement. They will also both be affected by the success or failure of the project; however, the effect may vary depending on their interests. Team members can all be stakeholders in a project but not all stakeholders can be team members. Team members carrying out the project are chosen based on their capacity to contribute to the achievement of the project goals. Stakeholders can be classified as Internal and external. Internal stakeholders are people within the organization or business (managers team members, executives) while External Stakeholders are those outside the organizations (clients/customers, users, suppliers, and investors (Project Stakeholders – Who Are They & Why Are They Important? n.d).
The purpose of strategic planning in a health care environment is not only important in that setting but any business setting as this creates the foundation. It allows systematic approaches to any situation, especially with how complex or simple some procedures might be, this gives guidelines any of those situations. But as it can become more complex with each situation being different, there are planning committees that are available for each organization to help plan for any future issues. Factors that may affect future planning in an organization are budgeting, level of staff, time and level of care (Whitney, 2019). A useful tool in future planning is with the SWOT analysis, identifying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the the organization or the situation at hand. This can then help guide towards a decision that is needed to be made.
Identification of stakeholders (internal or external) is crucial in every project so the manager can build working relationships with them even before the project starts. This can also let them feel that their involvement in the project is needed and recognized. It is necessary also to make a record of all individual roles and responsibilities in the project. To ensure that they are being heard during project development, constantly updating them with the progress of the project is one way. Through this, their contribution can also be recognized in every phase of the project. They can have self-assessment and see ways to contribute more towards the project goal’s achievement. Communication with them on a regular basis is another way. This can give them visibility and transparency on what is happening whether the project is on track and can deliver what is expected of it (Project Stakeholders – Who Are They & Why Are They Important? n.d).
Project Stakeholders – Who Are They & Why Are They Important? (n.d.). Www.teamwork.com. Retrieved September 26, 2021, from https://www.teamwork.com/project-management-guide/project-stakeholders
Can project team members be considered stakeholders? – Project Management Questions. (n.d.). Www.projectmanagementquestions.com. Retrieved September 26, 2021, from http://www.projectmanagementquestions.com/322/can-project-team-members-be-con
Stakeholders refers to the individuals or group of individuals with interest in the project outcomes (Sipes, 2019). Examples of
stakeholders in a project include project managers, project team, sponsors, customers, executives, as well as the actual users. Stakeholders are directly affected by the project. Also, there inputs can directly affect the entire project. In most cases, most organizations practice effective project management, they continuously communicate to enhance collaboration within the project. There are two major types of stakeholders in a project: the internal stakeholders and the external stakeholders. Internal stakeholders refer to those within the organization. They include internal customers, resource managers, as well as the peers or co-workers. On the other hand, external stakeholders in a project may include contractors, government entities, and suppliers.
Project team refers to the individuals or groups of individuals who work collaboratively to achieve the objectives of the project (Brown,2021). The main composition of team includes project manager, staff, project management, and other professionals who may be directly involved in performing different activities towards the success of the project. Project teams consist of experts and professionals with the knowledge and skill in performing different tasks. The structure and characteristics of the project team often vary; however, the team leadership roles usually remain the same or constant. The formation of project teams always require adherence to the objectives and the demands on different processes within an organization. In other words, the development of team member requires consideration of different skills and experiences.
Sipes, C. (2019). Project management for the advanced practice nurse. Springer Publishing Company.
Brown, L. (2021). What is a Project Team and Who All Are Involved? Retrieved from https://www.invensislearning.com/blog/what-is-a-project-team
All team members of a healthcare project are stakeholders. Some stakeholders are team members, and some are not. Those stakeholders that are not team members are behind the scenes as financiers or legal/accounting advisors. Their input is needed, particularly as the SOW is developed. Key stakeholders are patients, professional providers, the healthcare institution, payors, and policymakers, such as the various levels of government in which the institution is located. The stakeholders with the same attributes as team members include the PM and professionals involved in project implementation. These people work at tasks that are within their realm of healthcare expertise, and the project is underway. Therefore, high-quality training and interpersonal communication are needed from all on the team.
Project team members are chosen due to characteristics that the PM agrees will assist in forward progress. Stakeholders and team personnel require a “safe space” to participate all during the procedure. Discussions or presentations by members shall be open, clear, safe, periodic, and formal or informal, and the PM leads carefully to reduce conflict and bring consensus related to the project goals as quickly as possible. Complex healthcare issues and projects may need much time for reaching the conclusion. A PM must have training in the art of active listening and conflict resolution. Steady timing of communication patterns helps move projects forward. Scientific or business expertise in goal setting and preparation for an SOW is critical. This series of courses in healthcare quality at CGU is guiding our class to achieving these aims.
Chiocchio, F., Lebel, P., & Dube, J.-N. (2016). Informational role self-efficacy: a validation in interprofessional collaboration contexts involving healthcare service and project teams. BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH, 16. https://doi-org.lopes.idm.oclc.org/10.1186/s12913-016-1382-x
Edmondson, A., Nembhard, I. (2009). Product development and Learning in Project Teams: The Challenges are the Benefits. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 26, 123-138. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1540-5885.2009.00341.x
Ploeg, J., Davies, B., Edwards, N., Gifford, W., & Miller, P. E. (2007). Factors influencing best-practice guideline implementation: Lessons learned from administrators, nursing staff, and project leaders. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 4(4), 210–219. https://doi-org.lopes.idm.oclc.org/10.1111/j.1741-6787.2007.00106.
In developing a quality improvement project or practice change in health care, stakeholders input and influence serve to guide detailing and development of the project. Stakeholders can be internal-involved in the project team, or external- affected by the outcome of the project (Brown, 2021). While their roles may differ, internal and external stakeholders are both invested in the project and its goals to improve health care quality and workflows. Internal stakeholders include the project team members, project manager, and direct sponsor, and external stakeholders include consumers of health, suppliers, and outside health care providers that can utilize the findings and of the project in future practice (Brown, 2021). Part of the many responsibilities of the project manager is to manage the various stakeholders, using their influence and interests to guide the project’s course. Of the many different subgroups of stakeholders, those working closely with the project are most likely to be working to improve their own workplace practices. Their voices are key in the early identification of the problem in the current practice, and in developing a change in practice. The project manager should utilize their voice when developing early stages of planning for the project as well as seeking feedback throughout to keep their voice present throughout the project.
Brown, L. (2021, September 16). Who Are Project Stakeholders and Why Are They Important For a Project? Invensis Learning Blog. https://www.invensislearning.com/blog/who-are-project-stakeholders