
DQ: What aspects of the topic readings do you find the most interesting

PHI 413 Topic 1 DQ 2

DQ: What aspects of the topic readings do you find the most interesting

According to Bogue & Hogan (2010), spirituality is experienced in and through relationships with sacred or higher power, family, individuals, connectedness with nature, which permeates life, providing purpose, meaning strength, and guidance expressed through individual’s values, beliefs, practices, and traditions. My original introduction to spiritualism began at a young age when my parents introduced me to religion and God through the Catholic Church. However, as I was exposed to other beliefs, spiritual experiences, and religions throughout the years, I have incorporated other religious aspects into my spirituality and no longer express myself through a specific faith but through a general overall spiritual belief in a higher power. For example, I have learned to treat others as I wish to be treated, that humans have a strong bond to nature, and that we are somehow all connected. In addition, I believe in the concept of karma and reincarnation (past lives), that souls travel together for love, support, and to help each other grow and learn. Although Catholicism is no longer the primary religion in my life, it is still part of my foundation and helps shape my faith.

There are many topics being explored in our readings. The one I found most interesting is the defining and understanding of the worldview. The readings overall are putting into words impressions I have personally had or wondered but never quite took the time to know how to convey and express. I’ve found the readings enlightening and helpful. I appreciate the recognition the readings provide of how a worldview is influenced and from the incredibly various sources and experiences our worldview can come to be shaped by (Bogue & Hogan, 2020). It gives space for trauma, religion, culture, and more! I believe this calls to the need for even more actions of mercy, especially in the realm of religion.

I found a lot of similarities between my personal spiritual views in regard to disease and healing and the reading’s views. I believe both disease and healing are a part of the human experience God has sent us here to have. They’re not a result of action or inaction, but just exist as a part of the reality of this imperfect world. Science can heal us and miracles can heal us. Ultimately, I believe after death, we will be transformed and freed or healed of our imperfections and in every way.

Bogue, D. W., & Hogan, M. (2020). Foundational Issues in Christian Spirituality and Ethics. Practicing dignity: An introduction to Christian values and decision making in Health Care.

I found the topic of Scientism interesting. According to scientism, the only reality we know is that which has been tested in hard sciences (Moreland, 2018). Other beliefs are based on emotions and opinions (Moreland, 2018). In scientism, nothing can be known of God’s existence (Moreland, 2018). Scientism is causing people to leave Christianity, partially because it cannot relate to developments of modern science from a biblical point of view (Moreland, 2018). Christianity and Scientism do not seem to go together. From my point of view, however, Christianity and science go hand in hand. Science and faith. It would be difficult to fathom some scientific facts without a higher power behind their creation.

In a Christian view, in restoration, there will be an absence of sin, pain, death, war, or greed (Bogue & Hogan, 2020). The disease can be an unavoidable part of the human experience. Such as sin, pain, and death. When plagued with disease, individuals can find comfort in God and the restoration. Rather than belief in physical healing, they can heal their souls and minds, finding comfort in the faith of God and his restoration.


Bogue, D. W., & Hogan, M. (2020). Foundational Issues in Christian Spirituality and Ethics. Practicing dignity: An introduction to Christian values and decision making in Health Care.

Moreland, J. P. (2018). 10 things you should know about scientism. Crossway.

Replies to Daniela Goodman

Scientism is the most interesting aspect I got from the reading. Scientism refers to procedures and attitudes associated with or attributed to natural scientists; nonetheless, some religious scholars have used it as a negative term to denote an overconfidence in the efficacy of natural scientific methods applied to all areas of research.

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Moreland (2018) explains that “Scientism is at the very foundation of our secular culture, and its nature and weaknesses should be the first priority in this area of church teaching”. Scientism opposes the Christian worldview as it can justify and explain the existences of human and other things that are in existence, it asserts that everything that is not sufficiently scientific cannot be known, or that it may not even exist in the first place to be known. (Bogue & Hogan, 2020).

The disobedience of man led to the fall from a sinless, perfect state to disease and suffering. (Bogue & Hogan, 2020). Sin separated man from God and disease and misery became prevalent in the universe. Christian worldviews believe in divine healing, which can be received if the diseased person believes (faith) and the restoration Christ brings will wipes away sin, pain, death, war, greed, or suffering.


Bogue, D. W., & Hogan, M. (2020). Foundational issues in Christian spirituality and ethics. In Grand Canyon University (Eds.), Practicing dignity: An introduction to Christian values and decision making in health care

Moreland, J.P. (2018, September 19). Ten things you should know about scientism. Crossway.

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The aspects of the topic readings that I find the most interesting are the discussion of scientism and its implications for understanding disease and healing. Scientism is a philosophy that holds that science is the only valid source of knowledge, and that it should be used to explain all aspects of life, including disease and healing(Crossway, 2020). This has implications for how we view healing, as it requires us to rely on scientific evidence and knowledge to understand and explain the causes of diseases and how they can be treated.

My view of the analysis of disease and healing in the readings is that it is necessary to use a combination of scientific evidence and traditional knowledge to understand and treat disease. While science can provide insight into the causes and treatments of diseases, traditional healing practices and remedies can also provide important information that can help us to understand and treat diseases. Therefore, it is important to consider both scientific evidence and traditional knowledge when looking for solutions to health issues.

For example, in the readings, it is discussed that the Bible can provide insight into the causes of sickness and how to treat it(Science & Religion Dialogue, n.d.). This can be seen in the Bible’s references to the healing power of faith and prayer, as well as its teachings about the importance of living a life of holiness. The Bible also provides guidance on how to care for the sick and how to use traditional herbs and oils as remedies. These teachings can provide valuable insight into the causes and treatments of diseases, and they should be considered alongside scientific evidence.

In conclusion, scientism has implications for how we understand and treat disease, but it is not the only source of knowledge that should be used (Crossway, 2020). Traditional healing practices and remedies, as well as the teachings found in the Bible, can provide valuable insight into the causes and treatments of diseases. Therefore, it is important to consider both scientific evidence and traditional knowledge when looking for solutions to health issues.


Crossway. (2020). 10 Things You Should Know About Scientism. Retrieved May 5, 2021, from

Science & Religion Dialogue. (n.d.). What is Scientism? Retrieved May 5, 2021, from

In the realm of healthcare, the fusion of Christian spirituality and ethics profoundly shapes the way I perceive compassionate care and approach health and healing. At its core, compassionate caring from a Christian viewpoint is rooted in the teachings of Christ, which emphasize love, empathy, and service to others.

Christian ethics underscores the fundamental principle of treating others as we would want to be treated—a perspective that resonates deeply within healthcare. This ethical framework shapes my approach to patient care, driving me to treat each individual with respect, dignity, and compassion. It motivates a holistic approach that not only tends to the physical ailments but also acknowledges the spiritual and emotional aspects of healing.

The biblical concept of compassion, illustrated in Jesus’ actions of healing and care for the sick and marginalized, becomes a guiding light in my practice. His examples, like the healing of the lepers or the parable of the prodigal son, exemplify unconditional love and forgiveness. This encourages me to approach patients without judgment, and to provide care and support that transcends the clinical and dives into the depths of human understanding and empathy.

Moreover, the Christian notion of selflessness and service is reflected in my practice. It shapes a mindset that sees healthcare not just as a profession but as a vocation—a calling to serve those in need. This motivates me to go the extra mile, not merely to alleviate symptoms, but to be a beacon of hope and comfort in times of distress.

In summary, compassionate caring, as informed by Christian spirituality and ethics, forms the cornerstone of my approach to health and healing. It encompasses respect, empathy, and an unwavering commitment to serving others, seeking to foster holistic well-being beyond the physical realm.



The Holy Bible (New International Version). Matthew 7:12

Swinton, J., & Pattison, S. (2010). Moving beyond clarity: towards a thin, vague, and useful understanding of spirituality in nursing care. Nursing philosophy : an international journal for healthcare professionals11(4), 226–237.

Jemal, K., Hailu, D., Mekonnen, M., Tesfa, B., Bekele, K., & Kinati, T. (2023). The importance of compassion and respectful care for the health workforce: a mixed-methods study. Zeitschrift fur Gesundheitswissenschaften = Journal of public health31(2), 167–178.