
HIM-615 Health Care Information Technology Professional Interview

HIM-615 Health Care Information Technology Professional Interview

HIM-615 Health Care Information Technology Professional Interview

Health Care Information Technology Professional Interview

The management of health care information projects is critical and requires stakeholders to understand the different components and their significance in attaining the expected deliverables. As such, this paper interviews an information technology professional involved in project management in my current organization who sheds light on different aspects of IT projects and their actualization. The paper consists of two parts, where the initial part entails ten questions to get more information from the expert. The second part involves details of the question based on sub-areas.

Part 1: Ten Questions

a). Why does an IT project require project management aspects?

b). What project development methodology do you deploy to carry out IT projects in healthcare settings?

c). Which is the most appropriate project management methodology in health care IT projects?

d). What is the role of a business analyst in health IT projects?

e). How does a project methodology prepare a business analyst in challenging projects?

f). Do health IT professionals need skills sets in their professional roles?

g). How do they deploy these sets in their career, especially at your level?

h). What sought of skills are appropriate in conducting effective IT projects and their completion?

i). What is quality assurance?

J). What is the role of system testing methodology in health IT?

Part 2

Project Development Methodology used by the Professional

Project development and management methodologies provide a roadmap for the implementation of projects to attain their desired outcomes. Studies show that forward-thinking managers and leaders do not stick to one methodology and are more likely to use a hybrid involving two or more approaches so that they can accommodate any project issues like scope creep that may happen. According to the interviewee, project managers in IT should attempt to combine these approaches without impacting the overall cost of their projects. As such, the IT professional shared that to complete tasks, he employs both agile and waterfall models.

Waterfall is considered the traditional software development approach because of its attributes. The methodology clarifies the process

HIM-615 Health Care Information Technology Professional Interview
HIM-615 Health Care Information Technology Professional Interview

into a linear flow based on a specific sequence to allow users to understand the next level. Using the Waterfall methodology, the IT profession opined that he could develop Gantt charts for planning and scheduling the tasks and teams to complete them (Andrei et al., 2019). A core aspect of the methodology is its progressive nature implying that one cannot go back to dealing with any changes. The approach is also simple to understand and allows for easy analysis and testing, leading to saving of time. However, it can only match specific needs, implying that maintenance projects cannot use.

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To make for the deficits of the Waterfall approach, the IT professional asserted that he uses the agile model. The method is suitable for projects that are incremental and iterative as demands and solutions evolve through a collaborative approach among self-functioning teams and even users. The methodology was initially created for software development and established responses to the insufficiencies emanating from the Waterfall approach (Halani & Jhajharia, 2022). The IT professional was categorical that his combination of the two approaches is founded on the values and principles that Agile offers that Waterfall does not contain.

Role of a Business Analyst in Health IT Projects

According to the IT professional interviewed, the advent of modern data creation techniques has necessitated a rise in the generation of electronic health data, opening up opportunities for clinical analysts with the role of enhancing healthcare, managing risks, and improving patient outcomes. Therefore, a healthcare business analyst augments and boosts the efficiency and profits of a health facility by evaluating its data management approaches, financial activities, and services it provides. The analyst oversees health outcome projects and serves as the link between the organization and its customers. The business analyst also gathers and creates functional specifications, conducts workflow analysis, and acts as the liaison between the technical team and clients. The health IT profession also explained that business analyst identifies areas that need improvement within the medical facility to maximize returns.

Project management methodology like Agile and Waterfall prepares the business analyst to ensure that they identify the financial returns from any project for the stakeholders, especially the project sponsors. The professional also asserted that Agile methodology is essential for business analyst since he can make changes to the projected revenues and expenditure concerning any project.

Application Developer Skills Set Used by the IT Professional

Application development is a sequence-based process used in the development of computer software or a set of programs to complete different functions required by business organizations. Application development skills are essential as they demonstrate the ability of a software developer to attain the requirements of an organization. The developer needs business analysis skills, effective communication skills, quality assurance, and performance testing attributes, product management skills, the use of agile methodologies and scrum management, and design skills. For instance, design skills ensure that customers get appealing software that offers a smooth experience and value (Meloncon & Scott, 2017). The IT professional also opined that he uses writing skills to ensure that the wording in the software is easy for users.

The professional also uses user interface and user experience skills to ensure users’ satisfaction levels are high. The implication is that these skills are essential, and one can use them in their career as IT professionals to develop high-tech, user-friendly, and attractive products. I will use these skill sets to enhance my software development abilities and ascertain the best quality products for clients.

Quality Assurance Process and System Testing the Methodology

The quality assurance process entails planned and methodical operations conducted in a quality system to ascertain that a product or service meets the expected quality requirements. The quality assurance approach is process-based where the involved people analyze requirements, plan tests, design tests and execute them to identify defects. The process also entails running re-tests and regression tests as well as running release tests. System testing methodology entails a process where software developers run tests on installed applications and systems to ensure their functionalities meet organizational requirements (Wager et al., 2021) System testing methodology is used to evaluate completed and integrated systems as an entire unit to ascertain if it meets the specified requirements and organization’s business’s functionalities.


The interview with the health IT professional demonstrates the critical role that different IT experts play in health information technology. These professionals must apply aspects related to project management like using the right methodology, business analysis and the need to integrate and use quality assurance and system testing approaches.



Andrei, B. A., Casu-Pop, A. C., Gheorghe, S. C., & Boiangiu, C. A. (2019). A study on using

waterfall and agile methods in software project management. Journal of Information Systems & Operations Management, 125-135.

Halani, K. R., & Jhajharia, K. (2022). A Quantitative Study of Waterfall and Agile

Methodologies with the Perspective of Project Management. In Contemporary Challenges for Agile Project Management (pp. 111-133). IGI Global.

Meloncon, L., & Scott, J. B. (Eds.). (2017). Methodologies for the rhetoric of health & medicine.

Taylor & Francis.

Wager, K. A., Lee, F. W., & Glaser, J. P. (2021). Health care information systems: a practical

            approach for health care management. John Wiley & Sons.