
In This Second Assignment for the Project, you will be Developing the Organizing Framework for the Project

In This Second Assignment for the Project, you will be Developing the Organizing Framework for the Project

In This Second Assignment for the Project, you will be Developing the Organizing Framework for the Project

The intended change and why the change is important
How the change will impact performance
Who is involved in the change and how will they help facilitate it
Include a minimum of three evidence-based sources to support the change as a \”best practice\”
Describe how the change will be communicated and implemented?

You must use accurate spelling and grammar and APA Editorial Format

****This change is bringing the Daisy Award for Excellence in Nursing to a facility in The Villages, Florida.
This project is to help Nurse retention by increasing nursing satisfaction. This facility in The Villages does not offer any real programs to enhance the nursing employee experience and also have a high rate of employee loss due to dissatisfaction. I believe this award will improve nurse satisfaction by giving them acknowledgement.

Cognizant of  the role that training plays when it comes to improving a nurse’s competencies in EBP and thus empowering them to contribute to the development of EBP, here are certain strategies that can be undertaken from both an organizational level, to the larger professional level. At the organizational level, the organization can organize for opportunities where their nurses can get trained on evidence based practice. On the greater professional levels, professional bodies such as the ANA and the ANCC have developed certification program for nurses. By including components of evidence based practice  in the certification exams, this ensures that nurses will prepare and apprise themselves on EBP and thus, in order to earn the certification, they will have to be competent in EBP. Alternatively, the institutions can include a whole different certification for EBP, where nurses will specifically be trained on EBP, tested on the same and thus, their competency will be proven by their certification. This will ultimately improve their ability to participate in the development and implementation of EBP.


Change and why important – 2 Points

Impact of change on performance – 2 points

Identification of who is involved with change and help facilitating change – 2 points

Three evidence-based sources to support best practice – 3 points

Change communicated – 2 points

Plan to implement change – 2 points

Accurate spelling and grammar and use of APA- 1 point

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Project Framework

Health organizations always strive to achieve their performance objectives. They ensure that the existing resources are utilized in a manner that will result in optimum care outcomes to their populations. They also ensure that the needs of their workforce, including the nurses are met. They engage in activities such as rewarding performance, training them, and providing safe working environments for them to deliver optimum care to their populations. While this proves the case, some health organizations face the challenge of retaining their workforce. They often incur high costs in hiring, training, and struggling to retain their new staffs. Evidence has consistently shown that poor retention strategies for the employees are associated with adverse outcomes such as high cost of operation, poor care, and high rate of dissatisfaction among the staffs. Therefore, this research paper explores the issue of increasing nurse retention in Village Regional Hospitals to promote quality, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness in care. Through this, the researcher aims to bring Daisy Award for Excellence in Nursing to The Villages, Florida.

The Intended Change and its Importance

The intended change in this project is to increase nurse retention as a way of enhancing job satisfaction among nurses in The Villages, Florida. According to Heidari, Seifi, and Gharebagh (2017), the high rate of turnover among the nurses is among the critical issues that is facing the healthcare organizations in the modern world. Statistics show that approximately 14% of bedside nurses and 24% of medical surgical nurses leave their jobs on annual basis all over the world. From a global perspective, the rate of nurse shortages in England is estimated to be 10%, 20% in Canada and an average of 12 to 21% in most of the European countries (Heidari et al., 2017). In America, the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that American healthcare system will require about 1.05 million newly employed nurses by the year 2022. The reasons for the acute need include the high number of nurses who are retiring, high turnover rates, and the increasing changes in patient dynamics (Bugajski et al., 2017). Faced with these challenges, it is therefore important that health organizations strive to retain their existing nursing workforce as a way of meeting the unexpected needs of the patient population.

Increasing nurse retention in The Villages, Florida, is important due to a number of reasons. Firstly, it is anticipated that the change will result in increased rate of satisfaction among the nurses. Increasing staff retention relies on the use of a number of interventions. They include the use of rewards for performance and provision of training opportunities for personal and professional development of the staffs. These interventions promote staff satisfaction, hence, their high retention and increased quality in the services provided to those in need (Bugajski et al., 2017). Increasing the retention of the nurses will also result in cost-efficiency in the organization. According to financial estimates, the cost impact of a turnover of one nurse is about $11, 740 to $36, 567. The high cost is attributed to factors such as decline in the quality of care, high workload and hiring, training, and retaining new employees. Consequently, increasing their retention rate is anticipated to reduce these costs incurred by health organizations (Duffield et al., 2014). The other benefit of increasing nurse retention entails sustained and improved quality of care. The nurses will be motivated to engage in activities that contribute to quality, safety, and efficiency in healthcare. The other benefits associated with the change include increase in patient satisfaction with care, reduction in adverse events, and realization of the organizational mission and vision. Therefore, a strong focus should be placed on increasing the rate of retention of the nurses in the organization.

How the Change Will Impact Performance

Increasing the retention rate of the nurses in The Villages, Florida, will have a significant impact on performance. As shown earlier, it will result in the improvement in the operational costs incurred in the organization. The improvement will occur due to a number of factors. Firstly, there will be a reduction in the costs incurred in hiring new nurses due to high turnover rates. There will also be improvement in the quality of care offered by the organization. The improvement will imply that the care needs of the patients will decline, hence, their readmission rates and demand for complex care (MacRae & Furnham, 2017). There will also be a reduction in adverse events such as medical errors, hence, the indirect cost benefit of the intervention. The other way in which the change will influence the performance of the organization is that the staffs will be highly motivated. Their high motivation will imply that they will be willing to explore new and efficient ways of providing care. There will also be increased utilization of new ways of providing care such as teamwork in the organization (Mullins, 2016). Cumulatively, these benefits will result in enhanced operational efficiency in the organization.

Change Participants

Several stakeholders will be involved in the change. They will include the nurses, nurse managers from different departments in the hospital, the nurse manager of the hospital, the finance officer, and the human resources officer. These personnel will engage in a wide range of activities that will contribute to the success of the process. The nurses are the ones who will be most affected by the change. As a result, they will be actively involved in determining their needs and the ways in which they can be met. They will be encouraged to provide their views concerning the ways in which their diverse needs can be met as a way of retaining them in the organization. The nurses will also participate actively throughout the change intervention by assessing, planning, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating the effectiveness of the interventions that will be adopted. The nurse managers from varied wards in the hospital will also have a role to play in the implementation of the change. They will provide vital information about the manner in which the needs of the nurses in their units can be met. They will also provide their insights into perceived organizational barriers that might hinder the implementation of these strategies. Similar to the case of the other nurses, these nurse managers will be involved in every phase of the implementation process. The nurse manager of the hospital will oversee the implementation process of the change. H/she will embrace interventions that will address any barriers to the implementation of the change. The manager will act as the linkage between the nurses and other senior stakeholders in the organization. Moreover, the human resources manager will assist in the determination of the most effective and sustainable method of ensuring a high retention among the nurses. Lastly, the finance officer will assist in the determination of the short, medium, and long-term financial impact of the change to the organization.

Communicating the Change and its Implementation

Open channels of communication will be utilized to communicate the change to the nurses and other stakeholders in the organization. Billboards within the hospital will be used to increase the reach of the information to different staff members. The nurse managers of the different wards will also be used to communicate the change to their nurses. The information will also be emailed to the individual mails of all the nurses in the organization. Lastly, a meeting will be held in the boardroom where the nurses will be invited and informed about the change. The meeting will also provide them with an opportunity to express their views, concerns, and recommendations related to the change (Tunc & Aslan, 2020). The implementation of the change will be a process that relies on active stakeholder collaboration. The nurses will be actively involved in the assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of the change. Their active involvement will be critical in ensuring that potential barriers to the implementation process are eliminated. It will also promote ownership and sustainability of the interventions used to achieve the success of the change (Mullins, 2016).


Overall, increasing the retention of nurses in the organization will have a significant impact on its performance. It will result in the reduction in the cost of operation incurred in the firm alongside staff satisfaction and improvement in the quality of care. The success of the change will depend largely of active stakeholder involvement. Through it, barriers to change, sustainability of the project, and stakeholder empowerment will be achieved.


Bugajski, A., Lengerich, A., Marchese, M., Hall, B., Yackzan, S., Davies, C., & Brockopp, D. (2017). The importance of factors related to nurse retention: Using the Baptist Health nurse retention questionnaire, part 2. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 47(6), 308-312.

Duffield, C. M., Roche, M. A., Homer, C., Buchan, J., & Dimitrelis, S. (2014). A comparative review of nurse turnover rates and costs across countries. Journal of advanced nursing, 70(12), 2703-2712.

Heidari, M., Seifi, B., & Gharebagh, Z. A. (2017). Nursing staff retention: Effective factors. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, 10(6), 1467.

MacRae, I., & Furnham, A. (2017). Motivation and performance: A guide to motivating a diverse workforce. New York, NY: Kogan Page.

Mullins, L. J. (2016). Management and organisational behaviour. Harlow: Pearson.

Tunc, A. O., & Aslan, P. (2020). Business management and communication perspectives in industry 4.0. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, Business Science Reference.