
MSN 6218 Leading the Future of Health Care Full Course Tasks

MSN 6218 Leading the Future of Health Care Full Course Tasks

Capella University MSN 6218 Leading the Future of Health Care Full Course Tasks-Step-By-Step Guide


This guide will demonstrate how to complete the Capella University MSN 6218 Leading the Future of Health Care Full Course Tasks  assignment based on general principles of academic writing. Here, we will show you the A, B, Cs of completing an academic paper, irrespective of the instructions. After guiding you through what to do, the guide will leave one or two sample essays at the end to highlight the various sections discussed below.


How to Research and Prepare for MSN 6218 Leading the Future of Health Care Full Course Tasks  


Whether one passes or fails an academic assignment such as the Capella University MSN 6218 Leading the Future of Health Care Full Course Tasks  depends on the preparation done beforehand. The first thing to do once you receive an assignment is to quickly skim through the requirements. Once that is done, start going through the instructions one by one to clearly understand what the instructor wants. The most important thing here is to understand the required format—whether it is APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.


After understanding the requirements of the paper, the next phase is to gather relevant materials. The first place to start the research process is the weekly resources. Go through the resources provided in the instructions to determine which ones fit the assignment. After reviewing the provided resources, use the university library to search for additional resources. After gathering sufficient and necessary resources, you are now ready to start drafting your paper.


How to Write the Introduction for MSN 6218 Leading the Future of Health Care Full Course Tasks  

The introduction for the Capella University MSN 6218 Leading the Future of Health Care Full Course Tasks  is where you tell the instructor what your paper will encompass. In three to four statements, highlight the important points that will form the basis of your paper. Here, you can include statistics to show the importance of the topic you will be discussing. At the end of the introduction, write a clear purpose statement outlining what exactly will be contained in the paper. This statement will start with “The purpose of this paper…” and then proceed to outline the various sections of the instructions.


How to Write the Body for MSN 6218 Leading the Future of Health Care Full Course Tasks  


After the introduction, move into the main part of the MSN 6218 Leading the Future of Health Care Full Course Tasks  assignment, which is the body. Given that the paper you will be writing is not experimental, the way you organize the headings and subheadings of your paper is critically important. In some cases, you might have to use more subheadings to properly organize the assignment. The organization will depend on the rubric provided. Carefully examine the rubric, as it will contain all the detailed requirements of the assignment. Sometimes, the rubric will have information that the normal instructions lack.


Another important factor to consider at this point is how to do citations. In-text citations are fundamental as they support the arguments and points you make in the paper. At this point, the resources gathered at the beginning will come in handy. Integrating the ideas of the authors with your own will ensure that you produce a comprehensive paper. Also, follow the given citation format. In most cases, APA 7 is the preferred format for nursing assignments.


How to Write the Conclusion for MSN 6218 Leading the Future of Health Care Full Course Tasks  


After completing the main sections, write the conclusion of your paper. The conclusion is a summary of the main points you made in your paper. However, you need to rewrite the points and not simply copy and paste them. By restating the points from each subheading, you will provide a nuanced overview of the assignment to the reader.


How to Format the References List for MSN 6218 Leading the Future of Health Care Full Course Tasks  


The very last part of your paper involves listing the sources used in your paper. These sources should be listed in alphabetical order and double-spaced. Additionally, use a hanging indent for each source that appears in this list. Lastly, only the sources cited within the body of the paper should appear here.

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MSN 6218 Leading the Future of Health Care Full Course Tasks

Unit 1 Discussion

DQ1 Vision for Innovative Health care Delivery

If there
were no resource limitations, what would be your vision for the best possible
health care delivery system for the United States? Provide a general outline of
your vision, and then:

evidence to show that your health care system would improve patient outcomes.

evidence to show that your health care system would improve coverage and
population health to produce an optimal level of wellness in the U.S.

evidence to explain how your system would maximize the benefits of
interprofessional collaboration and how that would influence health outcomes.

State the
assumptions (things that you are taking for granted) underlying your vision for
the best possible health care system.

national policies or regulations that might need to be changed or amended to
implement your health care system.

your knowledge gaps and areas of uncertainty that make it difficult for you to
propose an improved health care system for the United States.

Remember to adhere to the requirements listed in the Faculty Expectations
Message for unit discussion posts and peer responses.


responding to a colleague’s post, assume the role of a critic who would not
approve of your colleague’s proposed health care system.

State what
role you are playing in your response, including the job title of your assumed

evidence that suggests that your colleague’s proposed health care system would
not improve coverage, patient outcomes, or population outcomes.

Note any
additional national policies or regulations that stand in the way of your
colleague’s proposed system.

evidence to question your colleague’s assumptions or uncover unstated


activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

the effects of the health care system on health outcomes.

the effects of specific changes on outcomes.

Set and
articulate clearly defined goals.

the components of a health care system and the contributing factors that
produce the best possible outcomes.

the feasibility of making specific changes to a health care system or program.

Nursing is a calling. This has always been my believe. For you to be a nurse and care for someone in their lowest point of their lives means you have been called to be the peace of the patient. It takes compassion, determination, perseverance, and the spirit of endurance to nurse someone. Looking at the story of Moses, he was called by God to lead the people of Israel when they were enslaved in Egypt. This role didn’t come easy as he was to face Pharoah to advocate for the release of the Israelites. As nurses we have the responsibility to advocate for the good of our patients in our care. We speak to the physicians and other healthcare professionals who are on the care team of the patients. If we as nurses are prompt and persistent to ensure the patient gets good care, there is a positive outcome in the health of the patients. There are times we will be faced with difficult situations in our nursing profession, but it does not mean we must give up. these experiences shape us for greater task ahead. In the case where other care team members are making our work difficult and failing to listen to us, we have the option of reporting to the higher authority in our field to ensure patient safety. When Moses met a resistance from Pharoah, he did not give up but rather went back to speak with God for guidance.

DQ2 Changing Health Care

are among the many components that must be considered when contemplating a new
vision for health care.

outline the vision for improved health care that you described in the first

What are
the most critical resource issues with respect to your vision for health care?

If you were
going to explain these issues to a legislator or another policymaker, how might
you represent them as opportunities to support how we change and deliver care?

evidence could you provide to support your position?

Remember to adhere to the requirements listed in the Faculty Expectations
Message for unit discussion posts and peer responses.


responding to a colleague’s post, consider the following:

If your
colleague’s vision for U.S. health care were put into place, what would be the
positive consequences?

What would
be the negative consequences?


activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

key resources affecting health outcomes.

the potential short- and long-term effects of a proposed change to a health
care system or program.

the feasibility of making specific changes to a health care system or program.

MSN6218 Leading the Future of Health Care

Unit 2 Discussion

DQ1 Comparing Health Care Systems

upon global health care systems by following the steps below.

state the outcome measures that you consider to be most important for rating
global health care systems, citing literature that supports your statements.

Explain how
these measures would enable you to rate each health care system in terms of
high-, low-, or mid-level performance.

to the measures that you have suggested, name three countries that have top-performing
health care systems.

What are
the common themes among these top-performing health care systems, with regard
to outcomes?

to the measures that you have suggested, name three countries that have
low-performing health care systems.

What do top
performers do or have that is different from low performers?

to the measures that you have suggested, name three countries that have
mid-range performing health care systems.

What do top
performers do or have that is different from mid-range performers?

Based on
your findings, what three changes would you suggest for the United States
health care system for it to become a high-performing system?

Remember to adhere to the requirements listed in the Faculty Expectations
Message for unit discussion posts and peer responses.


responding to a colleague’s post, focus on the three changes that your
colleague has suggested for the United States health care system. For each suggested
change, locate and cite:

that supports the suggested change.

that calls the suggested change into question.


activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

applicable outcome measures.

non-U.S. health care systems that afford an opportunity for useful comparison
with the United States.

the components of a health care system and the contributing factors that
produce the best possible outcomes.

the salient similarities and differences among various health care systems.

the feasibility of making specific changes to a health care system or program.

the potential short- and long-term effects of a proposed change to a health
care system or program.

appropriate community health benchmarks or goals.

how lessons learned from other health care systems can be applied to domestic
systems to improve outcomes.


DQ2 Improving Low- and Mid-Range Performers

health care systems, with optimal population outcomes, require sufficient
resources and mindful intent.

Based on
the evidence that you and your colleagues uncovered in this unit’s first
discussion, what are three components of health care delivery that could be
changed to improve outcomes in low- and mid-range systems?

additional information would you need to support your answer to this question?

You may
address this question in aggregate with specific global targets. You may also
choose specific (non-U.S.) countries and outcome measures.

Note: Remember
to adhere to the requirements listed in the Faculty Expectations Message for
unit discussion posts and peer responses.


responding to a colleague’s post, consider the following question:

What are
the positive and negative implications of changing the three components of
health care delivery as suggested by your colleague?


activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

community health outcomes.

the effects of the health care system on health outcomes.

key resources affecting health outcomes.

the effects of specific changes on outcomes.

applicable outcome measures.

how lessons learned from other health care systems can be applied to domestic
systems to improve outcomes.

the feasibility of making specific changes to a health care system or program.


MSN6218 Leading the Future of Health Care

Unit 3 Discussion

Enhancing Health Care

upon the best health care systems worldwide.

the health care systems that you consider having the best outcomes worldwide,
citing evidence that supports your claim.

What makes
these health care systems so important to overall global health?

lessons can be learned from countries with the most effective wellness programs
and how might the United States apply those lessons?

What are
the barriers for the United States to apply those lessons?

Remember to adhere to the requirements listed in the Faculty Expectations Message
for unit discussion posts and peer responses.


Respond to
two colleagues’ posts. In your responses, consider the following questions:

What might
be the positive consequences, locally and globally, if the United States
applies the lessons learned, as suggested by your colleague?

If the
United States applies those lessons, as suggested by your colleague, are there
possible negative consequences? If so, what are they?


activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

appropriate community health benchmarks or goals.

how lessons learned from other health care systems can be applied to domestic
systems to improve outcomes.

non-U.S. health care systems that afford an opportunity for useful comparison
with the United States.

the components of a health care system and the contributing factors that
produce the best possible outcomes.

the salient similarities and differences among various health care systems.

the feasibility of making specific changes to a health care system or program.


MSN6218 Leading the Future of Health Care

Unit 4 Discussion

DQ1 Providing Health Care

As a
profession, nurses have seen many changes to the U.S. health care system with
the ACA.

What are
some of the hopeful new approaches seen in the ACA?

your statements with citations of professional literature that show improved
health outcomes related to those provisions of the ACA.

In response
to the ACA, how has the health care system developed incentives to provide more
efficient health care?

aspects of the ACA do you find confusing or difficult to understand?

What have
been some disappointments or shortcomings of the ACA?

provisions of the ACA would benefit the U.S. health care system in the future?

your statements with evidence.

provisions of the ACA would not benefit the U.S. health care system in the

your statements with evidence.

If you had
the power to change the U.S. health care system, what additional information
would you need to make the best possible decisions?

Remember to adhere to the requirements listed in the Faculty Expectations
Message for unit discussion posts and peer responses.

Response Guidelines

responding to a colleague’s post, assume the role of a patient who has a
debilitating chronic or acute condition. Respond to the points made by your
colleague from the perspective of someone who is not as highly educated in
health care as you are, but who is very dependent on health care.


activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

the effects of the health care system on health outcomes.

the effects of specific changes on outcomes.

the components of a health care system and the contributing factors that
produce the best possible outcomes.

the potential short- and long-term effects of a proposed change to a health
care system or program.


DQ2 Health Care Payment

Some would
say that the United States is increasing the amount of money spent on health
care as a response to increased consumer demand; others would argue that we are
wastefully spending with no increase in the quality of care. Multiple programs
have been instituted in this country to help provide better care.

evidence from the health care literature to support the position that increased
spending on health care has resulted in the provision of better care in the
United States.

Then, use
evidence from the health care literature to support the position that increased
spending on health care has not resulted in the provision of better care in the
United States.

both arguments impartially, so that the reader cannot tell what your own opinion
might be.

Remember to adhere to the requirements listed in the Faculty Expectations
Message for unit discussion posts and peer responses.


responding to a colleague’s post, evaluate their arguments.

Are they
well supported by evidence?

Could you
provide additional evidence that would strengthen either or both arguments?

Did your
colleague argue well and impartially for both positions?


activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

Apply basic
financial principles to budget development.

the resources needed to effect lasting change.


MSN6218 Leading the Future of Health Care

Unit 5 Discussion

Controlling Health Care Costs Through Education

health care costs might be contained is through targeted screenings,
prevention, and healthy lifestyle choices. Chances of success are better if
education is provided to the members and employers in a health care system.

What are
some of the strategies that are available for controlling health care costs by
educating employees on the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle?

Examine the
literature that is available to show whether these strategies are effective in
controlling health care costs.

strategies are well supported by evidence?

strategies are not well supported by evidence? (“Not well supported” means that
there is little to no evidence, or the existing evidence seems weak because of
poorly designed studies, inadequate sample size, or other flaws in the

Based on
what you see in the research, what are your suggestions for effectively
educating employees about a healthy lifestyle that would control health care

Remember to adhere to the requirements listed in the Faculty Expectations
Message for unit discussion posts and peer responses.


Respond to
two colleagues’ posts. In each response, assume the role of your colleague’s
friend, who also happens to be the head of human resources for a medium-sized
manufacturing business in your town.

colleague sent you their post for your feedback, and you are intrigued by the
potential of saving on health care costs for your company. However, you are
unsure if this idea would be practical for your company and so you have some
questions for your friend; what are your questions?


activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

the effects of resource limitations and health care policy on community

cultural values, norms, and patterns of behavior.

the social factors that influence community health.

MSN6218 Leading the Future of Health Care

Unit 6 Discussion

DQ1 Health Information Exchanges

access to patient medical data by health care providers and their patients can
improve the quality and safety of care and lower costs. Digital technologies
and the advent of HIEs enable electronic information sharing that helps solve
this problem, but building a secure and interoperable nationwide network of
independent exchanges presents numerous challenges.

Choose two
of the following five issues that you feel have a significant impact on the
federal government’s goal of an efficient network of HIEs that permit sharing
of patients’ medical data among all health care providers nationwide.



(public and private).


and procedures.

Privacy and

complete the following:

Explain why
you consider these issues to be important.

What actions
should be taken to address these issues?

What are
the implications for providers and patients of not resolving these issues?

evidence supports your conclusions about the importance of these issues,
proposed actions, and the implications of resolving or not resolving these

Remember to adhere to the requirements listed in the Faculty Expectations
Message for unit discussion posts and peer responses.


responding to a colleague’s post, consider the following questions:

assumptions underlie your colleague’s position on the issues addressed in their

sources can you cite that offer a different perspective on the issues? For
example, consider the point of view of a leader in a private HIE.

additional sources can you cite that lend support to your colleague’s position?


activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

applicable health benchmarks or goals.

existing health care policies and their effects on current and future outcomes.

the reasons for policy change.

the various types of policies that can affect the provision of health care and
patient outcomes.


DQ2 Improving Access in Underserved Areas

Despite the
intention of the ACA, a large segment of the U.S. population remains uninsured,
underinsured, or living in an area without adequate numbers of health care
providers to meet their needs. Gaps remain in the provision of safe,
high-quality health care for small, rural communities; for heavily populated,
economically disadvantaged areas; and for diverse and vulnerable populations.

Choose a
small rural area or large urban area with particular needs, or an area that you
are familiar with, that is underserved or is considered to have a high-risk

What makes
this area underserved?

Is the
reason related to the economy or the location?

What are
the two biggest needs of this population?

How can the
delivery of care be improved?

assumptions are you making, if any, about this population?

evidence supports your conclusions about the needs of this population and
improvements in care?

Remember to adhere to the requirements listed in the Faculty Expectations
Message for unit discussion posts and peer responses.


responding to a colleague’s post, consider the following questions:

Are your
colleague’s assumptions valid?

Is your
colleague’s assessment of the priority needs supported by the evidence?

If not,
what evidence leads you to a different conclusion?

Can you
offer other ideas that would help improve the delivery of care?


activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

present outcomes.

applicable health benchmarks or goals.

Examine the
culture of the organization and community.

the social factors that influence community health.

MSN6218 Leading the Future of Health Care

Unit 7 Discussion

Using Technology to Increase Access

It is
important to consider access to care as we examine the resources and cost of
providing care to underserved areas. Improving access is not just about the
cost of care or whether a patient has insurance coverage, but also how we can
meet the needs of an increasing population with a decreasing pool of resources.

Refer to
the underserved population you described in the second discussion in Unit 6.

How can
available and emerging technology help to improve access to patient care in the
area you described?

What are
the potential barriers to implementing this technology?

ethical, legal, or cultural issues should be examined?

evidence supports technological solutions to the problem of access?

Remember to adhere to the requirements listed in the Faculty Expectations
Message for unit discussion posts and peer responses.


Respond to
two colleagues’ posts. In your responses, consider the following questions:

Can you
provide evidence to indicate whether other technology solutions might also help
to improve access in this community?

Can you
offer an example of how your colleague’s proposed technology solution improved
or did not improve access in another setting or community?

If so, what
was the reason for its success or failure?


activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

leadership, management, and communication processes.

Examine the
culture of the organization and community.

why people resist change.

the underlying causes of conflict.

cultural values and norms and patterns of behavior.

MSN6218 Leading the Future of Health Care

Unit 8 Discussion

DQ1 Trends in Nursing Leadership

collaborative relationship between nursing researchers and practicing nurses
supports and optimizes best practices in patient care, using legislative and
regulatory policies as a guide and as a standard. Nurse leaders who practice in
educational and health care organizations are expected to implement up-to-date
information and best practices immediately—with just a click of a mouse. In
addition, the nurse leader is tasked with meeting the immediate needs of the
organization, using an interdisciplinary and collaborative approach to create
optimal patient care.

For this
discussion, write a letter to a consultant who has been hired to improve
patient safety and quality of care in your organization. Address the following
points in your letter:

one nursing leadership issue affecting patient safety and quality of care that
is of concern in your organization.

Explain how
this issue is currently being addressed in your organization.

questions or uncertainties do you have about how this issue should be addressed
in your organization?

Based on
evidence-based literature or governmental or regulatory strategies, what is the
national standard or benchmark used to address this issue?

Remember to adhere to the requirements listed in the Faculty Expectations
Message for unit discussion posts and peer responses.


responding to a colleague’s post, assume the role of the consultant who has
been hired to focus on the issue raised in your colleague’s post.

important is the issue that your colleague raised?

barriers are typical when addressing this issue?

What risks
might be encountered when addressing this issue? What are the risks of not
addressing this issue?

What advice
can you provide as the consultant on this issue?


activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

what systemic changes are needed to improve outcomes.

desired outcomes.

DQ2 Strategic Planning and Sustainability

For the
nursing leadership issue that you addressed in this unit’s first discussion,
present and cite references for two evidence-based strategies whereby a nurse
leader obtains key stakeholder buy in and proactively and collaboratively
implements organizational change.

What can
make these changes enforceable and sustainable?

address budgetary and policy considerations that influence change.

What are
the assumptions on which the strategies and considerations are based?

How well do
you think the two evidence-based strategies that you cited would work in your

the challenges and opportunities facing the nurse leader implementing the

Remember to adhere to the requirements listed in the Faculty Expectations
Message for unit discussion posts and peer responses.


responding to a colleague’s post, consider the following:

What has
been your own experience with the issues and strategies that your colleague
explained in their post?

Locate at
least one additional article that could help your colleague implement the
desired changes.

factors or problems your colleague might not have considered?


activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

Assess the
relevance and credibility of information sources.

desired outcomes.

existing health care policies and their effects on current and future outcomes.

the various types of policies that can affect the provision of health care and
patient outcomes.

underlying assumptions supporting current policies.

Apply basic
financial principles to budget development.

the resources needed to effect lasting change.

Formulate a
plan for overcoming resistance to change.

applicable change theory.

a vision and goals for change.

the nature and scope of change and its effects on the organization and

MSN6218 Leading the Future of Health Care

Unit 9 Discussion

Resolving Ethical Issues in Professional

As a
professional nurse leader, you are tasked with applying current standards,
obtaining key stakeholder buy in to process change, and applying evidence-based
strategies to maximize patient safety and improve outcomes in an ethical and
culturally competent manner.

describe an ethical situation or dilemma that you have experienced or are experiencing
in your workplace.

What is the
nature of the ethical issue?

Who are the

What are
the facts of the case? Impartially present two or more different and distinct
perspectives on this ethical situation or dilemma, with sufficient detail,
support, and justification for each perspective, such that the reader cannot
determine what your own perspective might be.

What are
your knowledge gaps, unknown facts, missing information, unanswered questions,
or areas of uncertainty?

What are
the actual or potential effects on patient safety and outcomes?

standards or evidence-based strategies that could be applicable in this

How was the
dilemma resolved or what must be done before the dilemma can be resolved?

Remember to adhere to the requirements listed in the Faculty Expectations
Message for unit discussion posts and peer responses.


Respond to
two colleagues’ posts. In your responses, consider the following:

Was your
colleague able to present the dilemma impartially (without favoring or
discounting any of the different perspectives); were you able to uncover their
personal perspective?

Suggest at
least one additional resource that could be helpful in resolving the issue.

Based on
the evidence presented by your colleague, how do you think the dilemma should
be resolved?


activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

desired outcomes.

existing health care policies and their effects on current and future outcomes.

MSN6218 Leading the Future of Health Care

Unit 10 Discussion

DQ1 Influences of Regulation and Innovation on

your current professional practice setting or one that you are most familiar

the positive or negative effects of two regulatory, professional, or
legislative initiatives affecting your professional practice.

assumptions, beliefs, opinions, or political views underlie or influence these

If you
could change anything at all about these initiatives, what would it be and why?

evidence can you cite that would support your recommendation for change?

Provide one
example of how innovation is used in your organization to ensure optimal
patient care and outcomes.

What is the
evidence that this innovation will ensure—or may already have produced—optimal

Remember to adhere to the requirements listed in the Faculty Expectations
Message for unit discussion posts and peer responses.


responding to a colleague’s post, consider the following:

What other
factors might be driving the initiatives described by your colleague?

additional evidence can you provide that would support your colleague’s
recommendation for change?

How would
you rate the effectiveness of the health care innovation your colleague


activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

existing health care policies and their effects on current and future outcomes.

underlying assumptions supporting current policies.

DQ2 Course Reflection

Take some
time now to reflect on the relevance and impact of this course on your personal
and professional goals.

How have
your views about the nurse leader’s role as a change agent changed, if at all,
over the course of the past 10 weeks?

As a
leader, to what extent do you consider yourself to be a visionary or risk-taker
with respect to driving systemic change aimed at improving outcomes in your

general themes, areas of agreement, or contentious viewpoints have emerged in
discussions with your colleagues?

insights have you gained into the effects of evidence-based practices on
organizational culture that will be of use to you in your professional

questions or uncertainties remain unanswered for you about the present and
future challenges and opportunities facing health care?

Where will
you look for answers and guidance?

What is
your assessment of the relevance, credibility, and usefulness of the resources?

Remember to adhere to the requirements listed in the Faculty Expectations
Message for unit discussion posts and peer responses.


responding to a colleague’s post, consider the following questions:

How does
your perspective on this course align with that of your colleague? What might
account for the similarities or differences?

suggestions might you offer regarding additional resources or support related
to the topics addressed in this course?


activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

Reflect on
lessons learned and their impact on professional practice.

MSN6218 Leading the Future of Health Care

Unit 3 Assignment

Evidence-Based Change


Health care
systems around the world provide useful models for analysis. Familiarity with
different models and approaches to health care enables leaders to identify what
works and what does not, as the basis for proposing a change. As we continue to
evaluate the complex and fragmented system in the United States, it is
important for nurse leaders to become familiar with the programs and systems
that provide evidence-based quality care that is affordable and focused on
continual improvement.

assignment provides an opportunity for you to examine a local or regional
health care issue from a global perspective. By successfully completing this
assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course
competencies and assignment criteria:

1: Identify the challenges and opportunities facing health care.

Identify an
aspect of a local or regional health care system or program that should be a
focus for change.

Competency 2:
Compare the effects of different health care finance models and policy
frameworks on resources and patient outcomes.

desirable outcomes, including who will pay for care and factors limiting
achievement of those outcomes.

Analyze two
non-U.S. health care systems or programs that offer insight into a proposed
change for a health care system or program in the United States.

3: Evaluate the positive and negative influences of leaders on health care
processes and outcomes.

the financial and health implications of making—and not making—proposed changes
to a health care system or program.

4: Develop proactive strategies to change the culture of the organization by
incorporating evidence-based practices.

Explain why
specific changes will lead to improved outcomes.

5: Communicate effectively with diverse audiences, in an appropriate form and
style consistent with applicable organizational, professional, and scholarly

clearly and concisely in a logically coherent and appropriate form and style.

assertions, arguments, propositions, and conclusions with relevant and credible


organization, in collaboration with key stakeholders from the community, is
funding an initiative to investigate potential improvements in the local or
regional health care system. As a nurse leader attuned to the effects of health
care policy and finance on the provision of affordable, high-quality care, you
have been asked to join the task force conducting the study.

You know
that an examination of other countries’ health care systems can provide a
solid, evidence-based foundation for evaluating outcomes and identifying
benchmarks. Consequently, you have decided to undertake a comparative analysis
of selected, non-U.S. health care systems and compare them to each other and to
the current local or regional U.S. system to help inform decision making as the
task force considers proposed changes.


Complete this
assignment in three steps:

Propose a
change to one aspect of your local or regional health care system or program
that would improve outcomes.

Conduct a
comparative analysis of different health care systems, focusing on that one
aspect of the system you are proposing to change.

Summarize your
proposed change and the results of your comparative analysis in a report to
executive leaders.

The summary
report requirements outlined below, correspond to the grading criteria in the
scoring guide for Proposing Evidence-Based Change, so be sure to address each
point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how
your work will be assessed. The Guiding Questions: Proposing Evidence-Based
Change document linked in the Resources provides additional considerations that
may be helpful in completing your assignment. In addition, be sure to note
the requirements below for document format and length and for citing supporting

Identify an
aspect of a local or regional health care system or program that should be a
focus for change.

desirable outcomes, including who will pay for care and factors limiting
achievement of those outcomes.

Analyze two
non-U.S. health care systems or programs that offer insight into a proposed
change for a health care system or program in the United States.

Choose one
of the following options for selecting the two systems or programs:

Option 1:
Select two systems at opposite ends of the scale in terms of desirable outcomes
for the issue reflected in your proposed change.

Option 2:
Select two systems that both produce positive outcomes but take unique or
innovative approaches to the problem.

Compare the
outcomes in each non-U.S. system with each other and with present outcomes in
your local or regional health care system.

Explain why
specific changes will lead to improved outcomes.

the financial and health implications associated with the proposed changes.

Address the
implications of making the changes.

Address the
implications of not making the changes.

clearly and concisely in a logically coherent and appropriate form and style.

assertions, arguments, propositions, and conclusions with relevant and credible

Format and Length

Use the
Summary Report Template, linked in the Resources. An APA Style Paper Tutorial
is also linked in the Resources to help you in writing and formatting your
report. If you would like to use a different template or document format for
your report, obtain prior approval from your instructor.

summary report should be 4–5 pages in length, not including the title page and
references page.

Be sure to
apply correct APA formatting to all source citations and references.


Cite 3–5
credible sources from peer-reviewed journals or professional industry
publications to support your comparative analysis.


Be sure to
delete all directions from the template before submitting your summary report.
In addition, proofread your report to minimize errors that could distract
readers and make it more difficult for them to focus on the substance of your

MSN6218 Leading the Future of Health Care

Unit 5 Assignment

Health: Environmental Analysis and Windshield Survey


Health care
must be evidence-based, effective, efficient, and affordable; it must provide
resources that meet the needs of the community. Nurse leaders must understand
and thoroughly evaluate the environment to enable the efficient and equitable
allocation of resources. A useful tool for this type of assessment is commonly
called a windshield survey. Windshield surveys are what you might expect from
the name. They are a way of gathering information about specific aspects of a
community while driving around, such as the condition of roads, buildings, and

assignment provides an opportunity for you to examine the prevailing health
conditions and social determinants of health in a community by completing an
environmental analysis and a virtual windshield survey.

Note: This
assignment is based on communities within the Vila Health system. Although Vila
Health is a virtual lab, the communities represented in this simulation are
real, enabling you to conduct an actual community health assessment.

successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency
in the following course competencies and assignment criteria:

1: Identify the challenges and opportunities facing health care.

Assess, via
a windshield survey, the general condition and needs of a community from a
public health perspective.

Analyze the
environmental factors affecting population health in a community.

the social determinants of health in a community.

4: Develop proactive strategies to change the culture of the organization by
incorporating evidence-based practices.

windshield survey and environmental analysis findings for executive leaders.

5: Communicate effectively with diverse audiences, in an appropriate form and
style consistent with applicable organizational, professional, and scholarly

clearly and concisely in a logically coherent and appropriate form and style.

assertions, arguments, propositions, and conclusions with relevant and credible


leaders at Vila Health have asked you to provide them with your assessment of
the health conditions in one of the communities served by the Vila Health
system. Knowing that a windshield survey is needed to validate any underlying
assumptions about the needs of the community and inform evidence-based decision
making and strategic planning, you have decided to conduct a first-hand
exploration of the community, followed up by an environmental analysis. An
environmental analysis examines the factors that can influence the performance
of a health care organization, which is important in a rapidly changing health
care environment.


this assignment in two steps:

If you have
not already done so, complete the Vila Health: Environmental Analysis and
Windshield Survey simulation. Use the Community Health Assessment Template,
linked in the Resources, to document your results.

Write an
executive summary of your community health assessment, based on your windshield
survey and environmental analysis.

Note: You
will use the Vila Health community you select for this assignment as the basis
for your assignments in Units 7 and 9, as well.

community health assessment requirements outlined below, correspond to the
grading criteria in the scoring guide, so be sure to address each point. Read
the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will
be assessed. The Guiding Questions: Vila Health: Environmental Analysis and
Windshield Survey document linked in the Resources provides additional
considerations that may be helpful in completing your assignment. In addition,
be sure to note the requirements below for document format and length and for
citing supporting evidence.

Assess, via
a windshield survey, the general condition and needs of a community from a
public health perspective.

Analyze the
environmental factors affecting population health in a community.

the social determinants of health in a community.

windshield survey and environmental analysis findings for executive leaders.

clearly and concisely in a logically coherent and appropriate form and style.

findings and conclusions with relevant and credible evidence.

Format and Length

Use the
Community Health Assessment Template, linked in the Resources. An APA Style
Paper Tutorial is also linked in the Resources to help you in writing and
formatting your assessment. If you would like to use a different worksheet for
your community health assessment, obtain prior approval from your instructor.

executive summary portion of your survey and analysis should be 2–3 pages in

Be sure to
apply correct APA formatting to all source citations and references.


Cite 3–5
credible sources from peer-reviewed journals or professional industry publications
to support your executive summary.


your executive summary before you submit it, to minimize errors that could
distract readers and make it more difficult for them to focus on the substance
of your assignment.

MSN6218 Leading the Future of Health Care

Unit 7 Assignment

Health: Planning for Change


To improve
health care outcomes within a community, leaders must understand the needs of
specific populations. In addition, it is important that leaders are able to
gather and present persuasive evidence to decision makers to obtain the
necessary funding and establish these needs as priorities for budget and
resource planning. Thus, proposed changes should support improved outcomes and
align with the current or needed health care policy.

assignment provides an opportunity for you to propose a community health care
change that builds on your work in the previous assignment. By successfully
completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the
following course competencies and assignment criteria:

1: Identify the challenges and opportunities facing health care.

the benefits of proposed health care system changes and its implications for a

2: Compare the effects of different health care finance models and policy
frameworks on resources and patient outcomes.

potential barriers to change in an organization or community.

Develop a
grant proposal and associated budget for a proposed change to an existing
health care system.

4: Develop proactive strategies to change the culture of the organization by
incorporating evidence-based practices.

Develop a
strategy for helping organizational stakeholders understand and evaluate the
proposed changes to an existing health care system.

strategies for changing barriers into opportunities and resolving conflict.

5: Communicate effectively with diverse audiences, in an appropriate form and
style consistent with applicable organizational, professional, and scholarly

clearly and concisely in a logically coherent and appropriate form and style.

assertions, arguments, propositions, and conclusions with relevant and credible


community health assessment was well received by the executives at Vila Health.
Consequently, they have asked you to recommend a change in the community that
will improve health outcomes. They have also asked you to submit your
recommendation in a formal change proposal. You are confident that you can
present a strong case for change, including a financial plan, that will ensure the
success of this initiative.


this assignment in two steps:

If you have
not already done so, complete the Vila Health: Planning for Change simulation.

Draft a
change proposal to justify your recommendation for improving the health of the
community and establish the change as a priority for the next budgetary cycle.
Consider the feasibility of your proposed change, in terms of overall scope,
funding, and time frame.

The change
proposal requirements outlined below, correspond to the grading criteria in the
scoring guide, so be sure to address each point. Read the performance-level
descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed. The
Guiding Questions: Vila Health: Planning for Change document provides
additional considerations that may be helpful in completing your assignment. In
addition, be sure to note the requirements below for document format and length
and for citing supporting evidence.

the benefits of proposed health care system changes and its implications for a

potential barriers to change in an organization or community.

strategies for changing barriers into opportunities and resolving conflict.

Develop a
strategy for helping organizational stakeholders understand and evaluate the
proposed changes to an existing health care system.

Develop a
grant proposal and associated budget for a proposed change to an existing
health care system.

clearly and concisely in a logically coherent and appropriate form and style.

assertions, arguments, propositions, and conclusions with relevant and credible

Format and Length

Use the
Change Proposal Template, linked in the Resources. An APA Style Paper Tutorial
is also linked in the Resources to help you in writing and formatting your
proposal. If you would like to use a different template or document format for
your change proposal, obtain prior approval from your instructor.

Your change
proposal should be 3–5 pages in length, not including the title page and
references page.

Be sure to
apply correct APA formatting to all source citations and references.


Cite 3–5
credible sources from peer-reviewed journals or professional industry
publications to support your change proposal.


your change proposal before you submit it, to minimize errors that could
distract readers and make it more difficult for them to focus on the substance
of your analysis.

MSN6218 Leading the Future of Health Care

Unit 9 Assignment

for Lasting Change


leaders must be able to make effective financial and policy decisions. Equally
important is the ability to communicate their vision for change to policymakers
and provide objective, evidence-based support for their position with respect
to the regulatory, political, social, ethical, legal, and financial aspects of
systemic change.

assignment provides an opportunity for you to develop a presentation aimed at
soliciting resource and policy support for the community health care change you
proposed in the previous assignment. By successfully completing this
assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course
competencies and assignment criteria:

1: Identify the challenges and opportunities facing health care.

Explain why
proposed changes to a health care system require policy and financial support
to ensure positive, systemic change and to overcome present challenges.

2: Compare the effects of different health care finance models and policy
frameworks on resources and patient outcomes.

broad budget estimates to fund specific capital or human resource outlays that
are important to the success of a proposed change.

3: Evaluate the positive and negative influences of leaders on health care
processes and outcomes.

Assess the
potential future for wellness, health, and improved overall care and the role
of visionary leaders in achieving the desired goals.

stakeholder interest in and support for the proposed changes to a community
health care system.

4: Develop proactive strategies to change the culture of the organization by
incorporating evidence-based practices.

compelling evidence that proposed changes to a health care system will produce
the intended outcomes.

Outline a
plan for leading transformational, evidence-based change in an organization.

5: Communicate effectively with diverse audiences, in an appropriate form and
style consistent with applicable organizational, professional, and scholarly

slides that augment a multimedia presentation.

Argue persuasively
to obtain policy and financial support from policymakers for a proposed
community health care change.

assertions, arguments, propositions, and conclusions with relevant and credible


executive leaders at Vila Health accepted your change proposal and would like
to move it forward. However, lasting change in a volatile regulatory and policy
environment will require adequate funding and support from the applicable
governing body or regulatory agency. Consequently, you have been asked to
present the proposed change to policymakers to seek their support and funding
for the change as an established policy for the organization and community.


Develop and
record a video presentation for policymakers from the appropriate governing
body or regulatory agency requesting policy and financial support for your
proposed change. Draw on your work in the previous assessments and consolidate
lessons learned.

presentation requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in
the scoring guide, so be sure to address each point. Read the performance-level
descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed. The
Guiding Questions: Advocating for Lasting Change document provides additional
considerations that may be helpful in completing your assignment. In addition,
be sure to note the requirements below for the presentation format, length, and
for citing supporting evidence.

Explain why
proposed changes to a health care system require policy support to ensure
positive, systemic change and to overcome present challenges.

compelling evidence that proposed changes to a health care system will produce
the intended outcomes.

broad budget estimates to fund specific capital or human resource outlays that
are important to the success of a proposed change.

Outline a
plan for leading transformational, evidence-based change in an organization.

Assess the
potential future for wellness, health, and improved overall care and the role
of visionary leaders in achieving the desired goals.

As a guide,
explore the website of, linked in the Resources.

stakeholder interest in and support for the proposed changes to a community
health care system.

slides that augment a multimedia presentation.

persuasively to obtain policy and financial support from policymakers for a
proposed community health care change.

assertions, arguments, propositions, and conclusions with relevant and credible

Format and Length

you may use Microsoft PowerPoint or other suitable presentation software to
create your slides. If you elect to use an application other than PowerPoint,
check with your faculty to avoid potential file compatibility issues.

Your slide
deck should consist of 10–15 slides, not including the title, questions, and
references slides. Use the speaker’s notes section of each slide to develop
your talking points and cite your sources, as appropriate.

Be sure
that your slide deck includes the following slides:

Note: Your
slide titles will depend on your choice of community and the specific content
of your change proposal.


Title or
name of your project (focus of your change proposal).

(optional), which could include Jordan or Armitage, if not part of the title.

Your name.


number and title.


the stakeholders to whom you are presenting.

determinants affecting health in the community (may need more than one slide).

Synopsis of
the windshield survey and environmental analysis findings.

the positive aspects of the community.

opportunities for improvement. Although your change proposal addresses these
opportunities, avoid phrasing them as negatives.

Your change
proposal—briefly outlined (may need more than one slide).

Benefits of
the change to the community and stakeholders.

or concerns.

Address the
implications for the community and organizational stakeholders, if these
opportunities are not addressed.

(may need more than one slide).

Include the
financial implications for the community and organizational stakeholders.

your funding needs (how much and for what)?

health implications (may need more than one slide).

Explain how
the proposed change will improve the health of the community.

both direct or indirect benefits, as applicable.


key points.

Be sure to
thank your audience for their time and consideration of your proposal.


Add a slide
to prompt questions from the audience.

(at the end of your presentation).


Cite 3–5
credible sources from peer-reviewed journals or professional industry
publications to support your presentation.


Upload your
video presentation and attach the presentation slides, with speaker notes. You
may use Kaltura Media, Adobe Connect, or other technology of your choice for
your video recording. See the Using Kaltura [PDF] for more information about
uploading media. You may submit the assessment only once, so be sure that the
assessment deliverables are included before submitting your assessment.

MSN6218 Leading the Future of Health Care

Unit 1 Discussion

DQ1 Vision for Innovative Health care Delivery

If there
were no resource limitations, what would be your vision for the best possible
health care delivery system for the United States? Provide a general outline of
your vision, and then:

evidence to show that your health care system would improve patient outcomes.

evidence to show that your health care system would improve coverage and
population health to produce an optimal level of wellness in the U.S.

evidence to explain how your system would maximize the benefits of
interprofessional collaboration and how that would influence health outcomes.

State the
assumptions (things that you are taking for granted) underlying your vision for
the best possible health care system.

national policies or regulations that might need to be changed or amended to
implement your health care system.

your knowledge gaps and areas of uncertainty that make it difficult for you to
propose an improved health care system for the United States.

Remember to adhere to the requirements listed in the Faculty Expectations
Message for unit discussion posts and peer responses.


responding to a colleague’s post, assume the role of a critic who would not
approve of your colleague’s proposed health care system.

State what
role you are playing in your response, including the job title of your assumed

evidence that suggests that your colleague’s proposed health care system would
not improve coverage, patient outcomes, or population outcomes.

Note any
additional national policies or regulations that stand in the way of your
colleague’s proposed system.

evidence to question your colleague’s assumptions or uncover unstated


activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

the effects of the health care system on health outcomes.

the effects of specific changes on outcomes.

Set and
articulate clearly defined goals.

the components of a health care system and the contributing factors that
produce the best possible outcomes.

the feasibility of making specific changes to a health care system or program.

DQ2 Changing Health Care

are among the many components that must be considered when contemplating a new
vision for health care.

outline the vision for improved health care that you described in the first

What are
the most critical resource issues with respect to your vision for health care?

If you were
going to explain these issues to a legislator or another policymaker, how might
you represent them as opportunities to support how we change and deliver care?

evidence could you provide to support your position?

Remember to adhere to the requirements listed in the Faculty Expectations
Message for unit discussion posts and peer responses.


responding to a colleague’s post, consider the following:

If your
colleague’s vision for U.S. health care were put into place, what would be the
positive consequences?

What would
be the negative consequences?


activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

key resources affecting health outcomes.

the potential short- and long-term effects of a proposed change to a health
care system or program.

the feasibility of making specific changes to a health care system or program.

MSN6218 Leading the Future of Health Care

Unit 2 Discussion

DQ1 Comparing Health Care Systems

upon global health care systems by following the steps below.

state the outcome measures that you consider to be most important for rating
global health care systems, citing literature that supports your statements.

Explain how
these measures would enable you to rate each health care system in terms of
high-, low-, or mid-level performance.

to the measures that you have suggested, name three countries that have top-performing
health care systems.

What are
the common themes among these top-performing health care systems, with regard
to outcomes?

to the measures that you have suggested, name three countries that have
low-performing health care systems.

What do top
performers do or have that is different from low performers?

to the measures that you have suggested, name three countries that have
mid-range performing health care systems.

What do top
performers do or have that is different from mid-range performers?

Based on
your findings, what three changes would you suggest for the United States
health care system for it to become a high-performing system?

Remember to adhere to the requirements listed in the Faculty Expectations
Message for unit discussion posts and peer responses.


responding to a colleague’s post, focus on the three changes that your
colleague has suggested for the United States health care system. For each suggested
change, locate and cite:

that supports the suggested change.

that calls the suggested change into question.


activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

applicable outcome measures.

non-U.S. health care systems that afford an opportunity for useful comparison
with the United States.

the components of a health care system and the contributing factors that
produce the best possible outcomes.

the salient similarities and differences among various health care systems.

the feasibility of making specific changes to a health care system or program.

the potential short- and long-term effects of a proposed change to a health
care system or program.

appropriate community health benchmarks or goals.

how lessons learned from other health care systems can be applied to domestic
systems to improve outcomes.


DQ2 Improving Low- and Mid-Range Performers

health care systems, with optimal population outcomes, require sufficient
resources and mindful intent.

Based on
the evidence that you and your colleagues uncovered in this unit’s first
discussion, what are three components of health care delivery that could be
changed to improve outcomes in low- and mid-range systems?

additional information would you need to support your answer to this question?

You may
address this question in aggregate with specific global targets. You may also
choose specific (non-U.S.) countries and outcome measures.

Note: Remember
to adhere to the requirements listed in the Faculty Expectations Message for
unit discussion posts and peer responses.


responding to a colleague’s post, consider the following question:

What are
the positive and negative implications of changing the three components of
health care delivery as suggested by your colleague?


activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

community health outcomes.

the effects of the health care system on health outcomes.

key resources affecting health outcomes.

the effects of specific changes on outcomes.

applicable outcome measures.

how lessons learned from other health care systems can be applied to domestic
systems to improve outcomes.

the feasibility of making specific changes to a health care system or program.


MSN6218 Leading the Future of Health Care

Unit 3 Discussion

Enhancing Health Care

upon the best health care systems worldwide.

the health care systems that you consider having the best outcomes worldwide,
citing evidence that supports your claim.

What makes
these health care systems so important to overall global health?

lessons can be learned from countries with the most effective wellness programs
and how might the United States apply those lessons?

What are
the barriers for the United States to apply those lessons?

Remember to adhere to the requirements listed in the Faculty Expectations Message
for unit discussion posts and peer responses.


Respond to
two colleagues’ posts. In your responses, consider the following questions:

What might
be the positive consequences, locally and globally, if the United States
applies the lessons learned, as suggested by your colleague?

If the
United States applies those lessons, as suggested by your colleague, are there
possible negative consequences? If so, what are they?


activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

appropriate community health benchmarks or goals.

how lessons learned from other health care systems can be applied to domestic
systems to improve outcomes.

non-U.S. health care systems that afford an opportunity for useful comparison
with the United States.

the components of a health care system and the contributing factors that
produce the best possible outcomes.

the salient similarities and differences among various health care systems.

the feasibility of making specific changes to a health care system or program.


MSN6218 Leading the Future of Health Care

Unit 4 Discussion

DQ1 Providing Health Care

As a
profession, nurses have seen many changes to the U.S. health care system with
the ACA.

What are
some of the hopeful new approaches seen in the ACA?

your statements with citations of professional literature that show improved
health outcomes related to those provisions of the ACA.

In response
to the ACA, how has the health care system developed incentives to provide more
efficient health care?

aspects of the ACA do you find confusing or difficult to understand?

What have
been some disappointments or shortcomings of the ACA?

provisions of the ACA would benefit the U.S. health care system in the future?

your statements with evidence.

provisions of the ACA would not benefit the U.S. health care system in the

your statements with evidence.

If you had
the power to change the U.S. health care system, what additional information
would you need to make the best possible decisions?

Remember to adhere to the requirements listed in the Faculty Expectations
Message for unit discussion posts and peer responses.

Response Guidelines

responding to a colleague’s post, assume the role of a patient who has a
debilitating chronic or acute condition. Respond to the points made by your
colleague from the perspective of someone who is not as highly educated in
health care as you are, but who is very dependent on health care.


activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

the effects of the health care system on health outcomes.

the effects of specific changes on outcomes.

the components of a health care system and the contributing factors that
produce the best possible outcomes.

the potential short- and long-term effects of a proposed change to a health
care system or program.


DQ2 Health Care Payment

Some would
say that the United States is increasing the amount of money spent on health
care as a response to increased consumer demand; others would argue that we are
wastefully spending with no increase in the quality of care. Multiple programs
have been instituted in this country to help provide better care.

evidence from the health care literature to support the position that increased
spending on health care has resulted in the provision of better care in the
United States.

Then, use
evidence from the health care literature to support the position that increased
spending on health care has not resulted in the provision of better care in the
United States.

both arguments impartially, so that the reader cannot tell what your own opinion
might be.

Remember to adhere to the requirements listed in the Faculty Expectations
Message for unit discussion posts and peer responses.


responding to a colleague’s post, evaluate their arguments.

Are they
well supported by evidence?

Could you
provide additional evidence that would strengthen either or both arguments?

Did your
colleague argue well and impartially for both positions?


activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

Apply basic
financial principles to budget development.

the resources needed to effect lasting change.


MSN6218 Leading the Future of Health Care

Unit 5 Discussion

Controlling Health Care Costs Through Education

health care costs might be contained is through targeted screenings,
prevention, and healthy lifestyle choices. Chances of success are better if
education is provided to the members and employers in a health care system.

What are
some of the strategies that are available for controlling health care costs by
educating employees on the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle?

Examine the
literature that is available to show whether these strategies are effective in
controlling health care costs.

strategies are well supported by evidence?

strategies are not well supported by evidence? (“Not well supported” means that
there is little to no evidence, or the existing evidence seems weak because of
poorly designed studies, inadequate sample size, or other flaws in the

Based on
what you see in the research, what are your suggestions for effectively
educating employees about a healthy lifestyle that would control health care

Remember to adhere to the requirements listed in the Faculty Expectations
Message for unit discussion posts and peer responses.


Respond to
two colleagues’ posts. In each response, assume the role of your colleague’s
friend, who also happens to be the head of human resources for a medium-sized
manufacturing business in your town.

colleague sent you their post for your feedback, and you are intrigued by the
potential of saving on health care costs for your company. However, you are
unsure if this idea would be practical for your company and so you have some
questions for your friend; what are your questions?


activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

the effects of resource limitations and health care policy on community

cultural values, norms, and patterns of behavior.

the social factors that influence community health.

MSN6218 Leading the Future of Health Care

Unit 6 Discussion

DQ1 Health Information Exchanges

access to patient medical data by health care providers and their patients can
improve the quality and safety of care and lower costs. Digital technologies
and the advent of HIEs enable electronic information sharing that helps solve
this problem, but building a secure and interoperable nationwide network of
independent exchanges presents numerous challenges.

Choose two
of the following five issues that you feel have a significant impact on the
federal government’s goal of an efficient network of HIEs that permit sharing
of patients’ medical data among all health care providers nationwide.



(public and private).


and procedures.

Privacy and

complete the following:

Explain why
you consider these issues to be important.

What actions
should be taken to address these issues?

What are
the implications for providers and patients of not resolving these issues?

evidence supports your conclusions about the importance of these issues,
proposed actions, and the implications of resolving or not resolving these

Remember to adhere to the requirements listed in the Faculty Expectations
Message for unit discussion posts and peer responses.


responding to a colleague’s post, consider the following questions:

assumptions underlie your colleague’s position on the issues addressed in their

sources can you cite that offer a different perspective on the issues? For
example, consider the point of view of a leader in a private HIE.

additional sources can you cite that lend support to your colleague’s position?


activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

applicable health benchmarks or goals.

existing health care policies and their effects on current and future outcomes.

the reasons for policy change.

the various types of policies that can affect the provision of health care and
patient outcomes.


DQ2 Improving Access in Underserved Areas

Despite the
intention of the ACA, a large segment of the U.S. population remains uninsured,
underinsured, or living in an area without adequate numbers of health care
providers to meet their needs. Gaps remain in the provision of safe,
high-quality health care for small, rural communities; for heavily populated,
economically disadvantaged areas; and for diverse and vulnerable populations.

Choose a
small rural area or large urban area with particular needs, or an area that you
are familiar with, that is underserved or is considered to have a high-risk

What makes
this area underserved?

Is the
reason related to the economy or the location?

What are
the two biggest needs of this population?

How can the
delivery of care be improved?

assumptions are you making, if any, about this population?

evidence supports your conclusions about the needs of this population and
improvements in care?

Remember to adhere to the requirements listed in the Faculty Expectations
Message for unit discussion posts and peer responses.


responding to a colleague’s post, consider the following questions:

Are your
colleague’s assumptions valid?

Is your
colleague’s assessment of the priority needs supported by the evidence?

If not,
what evidence leads you to a different conclusion?

Can you
offer other ideas that would help improve the delivery of care?


activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

present outcomes.

applicable health benchmarks or goals.

Examine the
culture of the organization and community.

the social factors that influence community health.

MSN6218 Leading the Future of Health Care

Unit 7 Discussion

Using Technology to Increase Access

It is
important to consider access to care as we examine the resources and cost of
providing care to underserved areas. Improving access is not just about the
cost of care or whether a patient has insurance coverage, but also how we can
meet the needs of an increasing population with a decreasing pool of resources.

Refer to
the underserved population you described in the second discussion in Unit 6.

How can
available and emerging technology help to improve access to patient care in the
area you described?

What are
the potential barriers to implementing this technology?

ethical, legal, or cultural issues should be examined?

evidence supports technological solutions to the problem of access?

Remember to adhere to the requirements listed in the Faculty Expectations
Message for unit discussion posts and peer responses.


Respond to
two colleagues’ posts. In your responses, consider the following questions:

Can you
provide evidence to indicate whether other technology solutions might also help
to improve access in this community?

Can you
offer an example of how your colleague’s proposed technology solution improved
or did not improve access in another setting or community?

If so, what
was the reason for its success or failure?


activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

leadership, management, and communication processes.

Examine the
culture of the organization and community.

why people resist change.

the underlying causes of conflict.

cultural values and norms and patterns of behavior.

MSN6218 Leading the Future of Health Care

Unit 8 Discussion

DQ1 Trends in Nursing Leadership

collaborative relationship between nursing researchers and practicing nurses
supports and optimizes best practices in patient care, using legislative and
regulatory policies as a guide and as a standard. Nurse leaders who practice in
educational and health care organizations are expected to implement up-to-date
information and best practices immediately—with just a click of a mouse. In
addition, the nurse leader is tasked with meeting the immediate needs of the
organization, using an interdisciplinary and collaborative approach to create
optimal patient care.

For this
discussion, write a letter to a consultant who has been hired to improve
patient safety and quality of care in your organization. Address the following
points in your letter:

one nursing leadership issue affecting patient safety and quality of care that
is of concern in your organization.

Explain how
this issue is currently being addressed in your organization.

questions or uncertainties do you have about how this issue should be addressed
in your organization?

Based on
evidence-based literature or governmental or regulatory strategies, what is the
national standard or benchmark used to address this issue?

Remember to adhere to the requirements listed in the Faculty Expectations
Message for unit discussion posts and peer responses.


responding to a colleague’s post, assume the role of the consultant who has
been hired to focus on the issue raised in your colleague’s post.

important is the issue that your colleague raised?

barriers are typical when addressing this issue?

What risks
might be encountered when addressing this issue? What are the risks of not
addressing this issue?

What advice
can you provide as the consultant on this issue?


activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

what systemic changes are needed to improve outcomes.

desired outcomes.

DQ2 Strategic Planning and Sustainability

For the
nursing leadership issue that you addressed in this unit’s first discussion,
present and cite references for two evidence-based strategies whereby a nurse
leader obtains key stakeholder buy in and proactively and collaboratively
implements organizational change.

What can
make these changes enforceable and sustainable?

address budgetary and policy considerations that influence change.

What are
the assumptions on which the strategies and considerations are based?

How well do
you think the two evidence-based strategies that you cited would work in your

the challenges and opportunities facing the nurse leader implementing the

Remember to adhere to the requirements listed in the Faculty Expectations
Message for unit discussion posts and peer responses.


responding to a colleague’s post, consider the following:

What has
been your own experience with the issues and strategies that your colleague
explained in their post?

Locate at
least one additional article that could help your colleague implement the
desired changes.

factors or problems your colleague might not have considered?


activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

Assess the
relevance and credibility of information sources.

desired outcomes.

existing health care policies and their effects on current and future outcomes.

the various types of policies that can affect the provision of health care and
patient outcomes.

underlying assumptions supporting current policies.

Apply basic
financial principles to budget development.

the resources needed to effect lasting change.

Formulate a
plan for overcoming resistance to change.

applicable change theory.

a vision and goals for change.

the nature and scope of change and its effects on the organization and

MSN6218 Leading the Future of Health Care

Unit 9 Discussion

Resolving Ethical Issues in Professional

As a
professional nurse leader, you are tasked with applying current standards,
obtaining key stakeholder buy in to process change, and applying evidence-based
strategies to maximize patient safety and improve outcomes in an ethical and
culturally competent manner.

describe an ethical situation or dilemma that you have experienced or are experiencing
in your workplace.

What is the
nature of the ethical issue?

Who are the

What are
the facts of the case? Impartially present two or more different and distinct
perspectives on this ethical situation or dilemma, with sufficient detail,
support, and justification for each perspective, such that the reader cannot
determine what your own perspective might be.

What are
your knowledge gaps, unknown facts, missing information, unanswered questions,
or areas of uncertainty?

What are
the actual or potential effects on patient safety and outcomes?

standards or evidence-based strategies that could be applicable in this

How was the
dilemma resolved or what must be done before the dilemma can be resolved?

Remember to adhere to the requirements listed in the Faculty Expectations
Message for unit discussion posts and peer responses.


Respond to
two colleagues’ posts. In your responses, consider the following:

Was your
colleague able to present the dilemma impartially (without favoring or
discounting any of the different perspectives); were you able to uncover their
personal perspective?

Suggest at
least one additional resource that could be helpful in resolving the issue.

Based on
the evidence presented by your colleague, how do you think the dilemma should
be resolved?


activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

desired outcomes.

existing health care policies and their effects on current and future outcomes.

MSN6218 Leading the Future of Health Care

Unit 10 Discussion

DQ1 Influences of Regulation and Innovation on

your current professional practice setting or one that you are most familiar

the positive or negative effects of two regulatory, professional, or
legislative initiatives affecting your professional practice.

assumptions, beliefs, opinions, or political views underlie or influence these

If you
could change anything at all about these initiatives, what would it be and why?

evidence can you cite that would support your recommendation for change?

Provide one
example of how innovation is used in your organization to ensure optimal
patient care and outcomes.

What is the
evidence that this innovation will ensure—or may already have produced—optimal

Remember to adhere to the requirements listed in the Faculty Expectations
Message for unit discussion posts and peer responses.


responding to a colleague’s post, consider the following:

What other
factors might be driving the initiatives described by your colleague?

additional evidence can you provide that would support your colleague’s
recommendation for change?

How would
you rate the effectiveness of the health care innovation your colleague


activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

existing health care policies and their effects on current and future outcomes.

underlying assumptions supporting current policies.

DQ2 Course Reflection

Take some
time now to reflect on the relevance and impact of this course on your personal
and professional goals.

How have
your views about the nurse leader’s role as a change agent changed, if at all,
over the course of the past 10 weeks?

As a
leader, to what extent do you consider yourself to be a visionary or risk-taker
with respect to driving systemic change aimed at improving outcomes in your

general themes, areas of agreement, or contentious viewpoints have emerged in
discussions with your colleagues?

insights have you gained into the effects of evidence-based practices on
organizational culture that will be of use to you in your professional

questions or uncertainties remain unanswered for you about the present and
future challenges and opportunities facing health care?

Where will
you look for answers and guidance?

What is
your assessment of the relevance, credibility, and usefulness of the resources?

Remember to adhere to the requirements listed in the Faculty Expectations
Message for unit discussion posts and peer responses.


responding to a colleague’s post, consider the following questions:

How does
your perspective on this course align with that of your colleague? What might
account for the similarities or differences?

suggestions might you offer regarding additional resources or support related
to the topics addressed in this course?


activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

Reflect on
lessons learned and their impact on professional practice.

MSN6218 Leading the Future of Health Care

Unit 3 Assignment

Evidence-Based Change


Health care
systems around the world provide useful models for analysis. Familiarity with
different models and approaches to health care enables leaders to identify what
works and what does not, as the basis for proposing a change. As we continue to
evaluate the complex and fragmented system in the United States, it is
important for nurse leaders to become familiar with the programs and systems
that provide evidence-based quality care that is affordable and focused on
continual improvement.

assignment provides an opportunity for you to examine a local or regional
health care issue from a global perspective. By successfully completing this
assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course
competencies and assignment criteria:

1: Identify the challenges and opportunities facing health care.

Identify an
aspect of a local or regional health care system or program that should be a
focus for change.

Competency 2:
Compare the effects of different health care finance models and policy
frameworks on resources and patient outcomes.

desirable outcomes, including who will pay for care and factors limiting
achievement of those outcomes.

Analyze two
non-U.S. health care systems or programs that offer insight into a proposed
change for a health care system or program in the United States.

3: Evaluate the positive and negative influences of leaders on health care
processes and outcomes.

the financial and health implications of making—and not making—proposed changes
to a health care system or program.

4: Develop proactive strategies to change the culture of the organization by
incorporating evidence-based practices.

Explain why
specific changes will lead to improved outcomes.

5: Communicate effectively with diverse audiences, in an appropriate form and
style consistent with applicable organizational, professional, and scholarly

clearly and concisely in a logically coherent and appropriate form and style.

assertions, arguments, propositions, and conclusions with relevant and credible


organization, in collaboration with key stakeholders from the community, is
funding an initiative to investigate potential improvements in the local or
regional health care system. As a nurse leader attuned to the effects of health
care policy and finance on the provision of affordable, high-quality care, you
have been asked to join the task force conducting the study.

You know
that an examination of other countries’ health care systems can provide a
solid, evidence-based foundation for evaluating outcomes and identifying
benchmarks. Consequently, you have decided to undertake a comparative analysis
of selected, non-U.S. health care systems and compare them to each other and to
the current local or regional U.S. system to help inform decision making as the
task force considers proposed changes.


Complete this
assignment in three steps:

Propose a
change to one aspect of your local or regional health care system or program
that would improve outcomes.

Conduct a
comparative analysis of different health care systems, focusing on that one
aspect of the system you are proposing to change.

Summarize your
proposed change and the results of your comparative analysis in a report to
executive leaders.

The summary
report requirements outlined below, correspond to the grading criteria in the
scoring guide for Proposing Evidence-Based Change, so be sure to address each
point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how
your work will be assessed. The Guiding Questions: Proposing Evidence-Based
Change document linked in the Resources provides additional considerations that
may be helpful in completing your assignment. In addition, be sure to note
the requirements below for document format and length and for citing supporting

Identify an
aspect of a local or regional health care system or program that should be a
focus for change.

desirable outcomes, including who will pay for care and factors limiting
achievement of those outcomes.

Analyze two
non-U.S. health care systems or programs that offer insight into a proposed
change for a health care system or program in the United States.

Choose one
of the following options for selecting the two systems or programs:

Option 1:
Select two systems at opposite ends of the scale in terms of desirable outcomes
for the issue reflected in your proposed change.

Option 2:
Select two systems that both produce positive outcomes but take unique or
innovative approaches to the problem.

Compare the
outcomes in each non-U.S. system with each other and with present outcomes in
your local or regional health care system.

Explain why
specific changes will lead to improved outcomes.

the financial and health implications associated with the proposed changes.

Address the
implications of making the changes.

Address the
implications of not making the changes.

clearly and concisely in a logically coherent and appropriate form and style.

assertions, arguments, propositions, and conclusions with relevant and credible

Format and Length

Use the
Summary Report Template, linked in the Resources. An APA Style Paper Tutorial
is also linked in the Resources to help you in writing and formatting your
report. If you would like to use a different template or document format for
your report, obtain prior approval from your instructor.

summary report should be 4–5 pages in length, not including the title page and
references page.

Be sure to
apply correct APA formatting to all source citations and references.


Cite 3–5
credible sources from peer-reviewed journals or professional industry
publications to support your comparative analysis.


Be sure to
delete all directions from the template before submitting your summary report.
In addition, proofread your report to minimize errors that could distract
readers and make it more difficult for them to focus on the substance of your

MSN6218 Leading the Future of Health Care

Unit 5 Assignment

Health: Environmental Analysis and Windshield Survey


Health care
must be evidence-based, effective, efficient, and affordable; it must provide
resources that meet the needs of the community. Nurse leaders must understand
and thoroughly evaluate the environment to enable the efficient and equitable
allocation of resources. A useful tool for this type of assessment is commonly
called a windshield survey. Windshield surveys are what you might expect from
the name. They are a way of gathering information about specific aspects of a
community while driving around, such as the condition of roads, buildings, and

assignment provides an opportunity for you to examine the prevailing health
conditions and social determinants of health in a community by completing an
environmental analysis and a virtual windshield survey.

Note: This
assignment is based on communities within the Vila Health system. Although Vila
Health is a virtual lab, the communities represented in this simulation are
real, enabling you to conduct an actual community health assessment.

successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency
in the following course competencies and assignment criteria:

1: Identify the challenges and opportunities facing health care.

Assess, via
a windshield survey, the general condition and needs of a community from a
public health perspective.

Analyze the
environmental factors affecting population health in a community.

the social determinants of health in a community.

4: Develop proactive strategies to change the culture of the organization by
incorporating evidence-based practices.

windshield survey and environmental analysis findings for executive leaders.

5: Communicate effectively with diverse audiences, in an appropriate form and
style consistent with applicable organizational, professional, and scholarly

clearly and concisely in a logically coherent and appropriate form and style.

assertions, arguments, propositions, and conclusions with relevant and credible


leaders at Vila Health have asked you to provide them with your assessment of
the health conditions in one of the communities served by the Vila Health
system. Knowing that a windshield survey is needed to validate any underlying
assumptions about the needs of the community and inform evidence-based decision
making and strategic planning, you have decided to conduct a first-hand
exploration of the community, followed up by an environmental analysis. An
environmental analysis examines the factors that can influence the performance
of a health care organization, which is important in a rapidly changing health
care environment.


this assignment in two steps:

If you have
not already done so, complete the Vila Health: Environmental Analysis and
Windshield Survey simulation. Use the Community Health Assessment Template,
linked in the Resources, to document your results.

Write an
executive summary of your community health assessment, based on your windshield
survey and environmental analysis.

Note: You
will use the Vila Health community you select for this assignment as the basis
for your assignments in Units 7 and 9, as well.

community health assessment requirements outlined below, correspond to the
grading criteria in the scoring guide, so be sure to address each point. Read
the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will
be assessed. The Guiding Questions: Vila Health: Environmental Analysis and
Windshield Survey document linked in the Resources provides additional
considerations that may be helpful in completing your assignment. In addition,
be sure to note the requirements below for document format and length and for
citing supporting evidence.

Assess, via
a windshield survey, the general condition and needs of a community from a
public health perspective.

Analyze the
environmental factors affecting population health in a community.

the social determinants of health in a community.

windshield survey and environmental analysis findings for executive leaders.

clearly and concisely in a logically coherent and appropriate form and style.

findings and conclusions with relevant and credible evidence.

Format and Length

Use the
Community Health Assessment Template, linked in the Resources. An APA Style
Paper Tutorial is also linked in the Resources to help you in writing and
formatting your assessment. If you would like to use a different worksheet for
your community health assessment, obtain prior approval from your instructor.

executive summary portion of your survey and analysis should be 2–3 pages in

Be sure to
apply correct APA formatting to all source citations and references.


Cite 3–5
credible sources from peer-reviewed journals or professional industry publications
to support your executive summary.


your executive summary before you submit it, to minimize errors that could
distract readers and make it more difficult for them to focus on the substance
of your assignment.

MSN6218 Leading the Future of Health Care

Unit 7 Assignment

Health: Planning for Change


To improve
health care outcomes within a community, leaders must understand the needs of
specific populations. In addition, it is important that leaders are able to
gather and present persuasive evidence to decision makers to obtain the
necessary funding and establish these needs as priorities for budget and
resource planning. Thus, proposed changes should support improved outcomes and
align with the current or needed health care policy.

assignment provides an opportunity for you to propose a community health care
change that builds on your work in the previous assignment. By successfully
completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the
following course competencies and assignment criteria:

1: Identify the challenges and opportunities facing health care.

the benefits of proposed health care system changes and its implications for a

2: Compare the effects of different health care finance models and policy
frameworks on resources and patient outcomes.

potential barriers to change in an organization or community.

Develop a
grant proposal and associated budget for a proposed change to an existing
health care system.

4: Develop proactive strategies to change the culture of the organization by
incorporating evidence-based practices.

Develop a
strategy for helping organizational stakeholders understand and evaluate the
proposed changes to an existing health care system.

strategies for changing barriers into opportunities and resolving conflict.

5: Communicate effectively with diverse audiences, in an appropriate form and
style consistent with applicable organizational, professional, and scholarly

clearly and concisely in a logically coherent and appropriate form and style.

assertions, arguments, propositions, and conclusions with relevant and credible


community health assessment was well received by the executives at Vila Health.
Consequently, they have asked you to recommend a change in the community that
will improve health outcomes. They have also asked you to submit your
recommendation in a formal change proposal. You are confident that you can
present a strong case for change, including a financial plan, that will ensure the
success of this initiative.


this assignment in two steps:

If you have
not already done so, complete the Vila Health: Planning for Change simulation.

Draft a
change proposal to justify your recommendation for improving the health of the
community and establish the change as a priority for the next budgetary cycle.
Consider the feasibility of your proposed change, in terms of overall scope,
funding, and time frame.

The change
proposal requirements outlined below, correspond to the grading criteria in the
scoring guide, so be sure to address each point. Read the performance-level
descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed. The
Guiding Questions: Vila Health: Planning for Change document provides
additional considerations that may be helpful in completing your assignment. In
addition, be sure to note the requirements below for document format and length
and for citing supporting evidence.

the benefits of proposed health care system changes and its implications for a

potential barriers to change in an organization or community.

strategies for changing barriers into opportunities and resolving conflict.

Develop a
strategy for helping organizational stakeholders understand and evaluate the
proposed changes to an existing health care system.

Develop a
grant proposal and associated budget for a proposed change to an existing
health care system.

clearly and concisely in a logically coherent and appropriate form and style.

assertions, arguments, propositions, and conclusions with relevant and credible

Format and Length

Use the
Change Proposal Template, linked in the Resources. An APA Style Paper Tutorial
is also linked in the Resources to help you in writing and formatting your
proposal. If you would like to use a different template or document format for
your change proposal, obtain prior approval from your instructor.

Your change
proposal should be 3–5 pages in length, not including the title page and
references page.

Be sure to
apply correct APA formatting to all source citations and references.


Cite 3–5
credible sources from peer-reviewed journals or professional industry
publications to support your change proposal.


your change proposal before you submit it, to minimize errors that could
distract readers and make it more difficult for them to focus on the substance
of your analysis.

MSN6218 Leading the Future of Health Care

Unit 9 Assignment

for Lasting Change


leaders must be able to make effective financial and policy decisions. Equally
important is the ability to communicate their vision for change to policymakers
and provide objective, evidence-based support for their position with respect
to the regulatory, political, social, ethical, legal, and financial aspects of
systemic change.

assignment provides an opportunity for you to develop a presentation aimed at
soliciting resource and policy support for the community health care change you
proposed in the previous assignment. By successfully completing this
assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course
competencies and assignment criteria:

1: Identify the challenges and opportunities facing health care.

Explain why
proposed changes to a health care system require policy and financial support
to ensure positive, systemic change and to overcome present challenges.

2: Compare the effects of different health care finance models and policy
frameworks on resources and patient outcomes.

broad budget estimates to fund specific capital or human resource outlays that
are important to the success of a proposed change.

3: Evaluate the positive and negative influences of leaders on health care
processes and outcomes.

Assess the
potential future for wellness, health, and improved overall care and the role
of visionary leaders in achieving the desired goals.

stakeholder interest in and support for the proposed changes to a community
health care system.

4: Develop proactive strategies to change the culture of the organization by
incorporating evidence-based practices.

compelling evidence that proposed changes to a health care system will produce
the intended outcomes.

Outline a
plan for leading transformational, evidence-based change in an organization.

5: Communicate effectively with diverse audiences, in an appropriate form and
style consistent with applicable organizational, professional, and scholarly

slides that augment a multimedia presentation.

Argue persuasively
to obtain policy and financial support from policymakers for a proposed
community health care change.

assertions, arguments, propositions, and conclusions with relevant and credible


executive leaders at Vila Health accepted your change proposal and would like
to move it forward. However, lasting change in a volatile regulatory and policy
environment will require adequate funding and support from the applicable
governing body or regulatory agency. Consequently, you have been asked to
present the proposed change to policymakers to seek their support and funding
for the change as an established policy for the organization and community.


Develop and
record a video presentation for policymakers from the appropriate governing
body or regulatory agency requesting policy and financial support for your
proposed change. Draw on your work in the previous assessments and consolidate
lessons learned.

presentation requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in
the scoring guide, so be sure to address each point. Read the performance-level
descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed. The
Guiding Questions: Advocating for Lasting Change document provides additional
considerations that may be helpful in completing your assignment. In addition,
be sure to note the requirements below for the presentation format, length, and
for citing supporting evidence.

Explain why
proposed changes to a health care system require policy support to ensure
positive, systemic change and to overcome present challenges.

compelling evidence that proposed changes to a health care system will produce
the intended outcomes.

broad budget estimates to fund specific capital or human resource outlays that
are important to the success of a proposed change.

Outline a
plan for leading transformational, evidence-based change in an organization.

Assess the
potential future for wellness, health, and improved overall care and the role
of visionary leaders in achieving the desired goals.

As a guide,
explore the website of, linked in the Resources.

stakeholder interest in and support for the proposed changes to a community
health care system.

slides that augment a multimedia presentation.

persuasively to obtain policy and financial support from policymakers for a
proposed community health care change.

assertions, arguments, propositions, and conclusions with relevant and credible

Format and Length

you may use Microsoft PowerPoint or other suitable presentation software to
create your slides. If you elect to use an application other than PowerPoint,
check with your faculty to avoid potential file compatibility issues.

Your slide
deck should consist of 10–15 slides, not including the title, questions, and
references slides. Use the speaker’s notes section of each slide to develop
your talking points and cite your sources, as appropriate.

Be sure
that your slide deck includes the following slides:

Note: Your
slide titles will depend on your choice of community and the specific content
of your change proposal.


Title or
name of your project (focus of your change proposal).

(optional), which could include Jordan or Armitage, if not part of the title.

Your name.


number and title.


the stakeholders to whom you are presenting.

determinants affecting health in the community (may need more than one slide).

Synopsis of
the windshield survey and environmental analysis findings.

the positive aspects of the community.

opportunities for improvement. Although your change proposal addresses these
opportunities, avoid phrasing them as negatives.

Your change
proposal—briefly outlined (may need more than one slide).

Benefits of
the change to the community and stakeholders.

or concerns.

Address the
implications for the community and organizational stakeholders, if these
opportunities are not addressed.

(may need more than one slide).

Include the
financial implications for the community and organizational stakeholders.

your funding needs (how much and for what)?

health implications (may need more than one slide).

Explain how
the proposed change will improve the health of the community.

both direct or indirect benefits, as applicable.


key points.

Be sure to
thank your audience for their time and consideration of your proposal.


Add a slide
to prompt questions from the audience.

(at the end of your presentation).


MSN 6218 Leading the Future of Health Care Full Course Tasks
MSN 6218 Leading the Future of Health Care Full Course Tasks

Cite 3–5
credible sources from peer-reviewed journals or professional industry
publications to support your presentation.


Upload your
video presentation and attach the presentation slides, with speaker notes. You
may use Kaltura Media, Adobe Connect, or other technology of your choice for
your video recording. See the Using Kaltura [PDF] for more information about
uploading media. You may submit the assessment only once, so be sure that the
assessment deliverables are included before submitting your assessment.

Click here to ORDER an A++ paper from our Verified MASTERS and DOCTORATE WRITERS: MSN 6218 Leading the Future of Health Care Full Course Tasks

APA Writing Checklist

Use this document as a checklist for each paper you will write throughout your GCU graduate program. Follow specific instructions indicated in the assignment and use this checklist to help ensure correct grammar and APA formatting. Refer to the APA resources available in the GCU Library and Student Success Center.

Check Out Also :  IT 3215: Introduction to JavaScript: Full Course Tasks

☐ APA paper template (located in the Student Success Center/Writing Center) is utilized for the correct format of the paper. APA style is applied, and format is correct throughout.

☐  The title page is present. APA format is applied correctly. There are no errors.

☐ The introduction is present. APA format is applied correctly. There are no errors.

☐ Topic is well defined.

☐ Strong thesis statement is included in the introduction of the paper.

☐ The thesis statement is consistently threaded throughout the paper and included in the conclusion.

☐ Paragraph development: Each paragraph has an introductory statement, two or three sentences as the body of the paragraph, and a transition sentence to facilitate the flow of information. The sections of the main body are organized to reflect the main points of the author. APA format is applied correctly. There are no errors.

☐ All sources are cited. APA style and format are correctly applied and are free from error.

☐ Sources are completely and correctly documented on a References page, as appropriate to assignment and APA style, and format is free of error.

Scholarly Resources: Scholarly resources are written with a focus on a specific subject discipline and usually written by an expert in the same subject field. Scholarly resources are written for an academic audience.

Examples of Scholarly Resources include: Academic journals, books written by experts in a field, and formally published encyclopedias and dictionaries.

Peer-Reviewed Journals: Peer-reviewed journals are evaluated prior to publication by experts in the journal’s subject discipline. This process ensures that the articles published within the journal are academically rigorous and meet the required expectations of an article in that subject discipline.

Empirical Journal Article: This type of scholarly resource is a subset of scholarly articles that reports the original finding of an observational or experimental research study. Common aspects found within an empirical article include: literature review, methodology, results, and discussion.

Adapted from “Evaluating Resources: Defining Scholarly Resources,” located in Research Guides in the GCU Library.

☐ The writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English. Utilize writing resources such as Grammarly, LopesWrite report, and ThinkingStorm to check your writing.