
N 515 Write an essay on How to research and evidence-based practice led to a significant decrease in catheter-related bloodstream infections

N 515 Write an essay on How to research and evidence-based practice led to a significant decrease in catheter-related bloodstream infections

Research, EBP, and Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infections

Findings from research studies and use of evidence-based practice (EBP) interventions are critical in reducing catheter-related bloodstream infections, which are some of the leading hospital acquired infections. Through these approaches, providers, healthcare organizations and systems implement best practices and interventions focused on reducing catheter-associated bloodstream infections among patients in their facilities. In their study, Bell and O’Grady (2017) observe that indwelling central venous catheters (CVCs) increase the possibility of getting bloodstream infections. As such, evidence-based practice guidelines allow practitioners to significantly reduce the incidences of bloodstream infections and enhance patient safety and outcomes.

Studies show that preventing catheter-associated bloodstream infections requires pro

N 515 Write an essay on How to research and evidence based practice led to a significant decrease in catheter related bloodstream infections
N 515 Write an essay on How to research and evidence based practice led to a significant decrease in catheter related bloodstream infections

viders to use different measures that include developing records and multidisciplinary guidelines of care for insertion and maintenance of the catheters, correct utilization of central venous catheter insertion techniques and early removal of catheter (Shimoyama et al., 2017). Again, nurses and other healthcare professionals can reduce catheter-associated bloodstream infections by adopting continual education programs and emerging trends on their use, and utilizing chlorhexidine-impregnated dressings. The implication is that research and EBP demonstrate the critical need for providers; especially nurses, to integrate evidence and findings from studies in their clinical practice to reduce the prevalence of catheter-related bloodstream infections.

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Another study by Bayoumi and Mahmoud (2017) asserts that education programs enhance nurses’ knowledge and

N 515 Write an essay on How to research and evidence-based practice led to a significant decrease in catheter-related bloodstream infections
N 515 Write an essay on How to research and evidence-based practice led to a significant decrease in catheter-related bloodstream infections

practice concerning care for central venous line in pediatric hemodialysis settings. The article demonstrates that such an EBP approach has helped nurses understand how to use the central venous lines and ensure safety of pediatric patients. Further, EBP interventions give nurses and other professionals in healthcare the ability to use care bundles and show commitment to effective strategies to reduce the rates of central line-associated bloodstream infections for patients in critical care like the intensive care unit.


Bayoumi, M. H. & Mahmoud, N. F. (2017). Effect of education program on nurses’ knowledge

and practice regarding care of central venous line in pediatric hemodialysis: evidence-based practice guidelines. Egyptian Nursing Journal, 14(2):87-99. DOI: 10.4103/ENJ.ENJ_16_17

Bell, T., & O’Grady, N. P. (2017). Prevention of central line–associated bloodstream infections.

Infectious Disease Clinics, 31(3), 551-559. doi: 10.1016/j.idc.2017.05.007

Shimoyama, Y., Umegaki, O., Agui, T., Kadono, N., Komasawa, N., & Minami, T. (2017). An

educational program for decreasing catheter-related bloodstream infections in intensive care units: a pre-and post-intervention observational study. JA clinical reports, 3(1), 1-6. DOI: