
NUR 630 CLC – Quality Models

NUR 630 CLC – Quality Models

uQuality is an important aspect in healthcare

uAchieved using best practice interventions in patient care

uQuality models guide healthcare practices

uNurses should adopt appropriate models for quality outcomes

The promotion of quality in nursing and healthcare is important for the health of the patients. Quality in healthcare refer to the level in which the provided healthcare services addresses the desired needs of the patients or target populations. Quality influences other indicators of healthcare that include safety and efficiency. Achieving quality indicators in healthcare requires the utilization of evidence-based interventions that optimize the care outcomes. Evidence-based interventions incorporate best research evidence, provider expertise and patient values in the care process. Quality models guide the realization of the desired quality outcomes in nursing. They provide the foundations for the implementation of strategies that will drive continuous quality improvement in system and process performance. Nurses act as advocates for quality in nursing practice. Therefore, this presentation explores the 5S

NUR 630 CLC  Quality Models
NUR 630 CLC  Quality Models

model, its history and applications to nursing practice.


u5S quality model originated from Japan

uUsed in manufacturing industries

uIt was later used in other industries including healthcare

uComprises steps i.e. sort, set in order, shine, standardize, and sustain

The 5S quality model is a quality improvement model that has its origin in Japan. Manufacturing enterprises in Japan used the model to achieve optimum outcomes. The S’s in the model represent Japanese words that include Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke. The English language translation of words are sort, set in order, shine, standardize and sustain. The 5S words contribute to cleanliness in any workplace. They generate practices that improve organizational performance by introducing and sustaining best practices. The 5S model was adopted in the manufacturing industry in the West in the 1980s. It was eventually applied to other settings including healthcare to streamline system and processes. Hospitals utilize it as an approach to health-care quality improvement (Polancich & Pilon, 2019).

Application to Healthcare Setting

uUsed to improve safety and efficiency

uUsed as a strategic option for healthcare policymakers

u Foundation for government-led quality improvement initiatives

uGuides continuous quality improvement

The 5S quality model is applicable to healthcare settings. First, it can be applied to improve safety and efficiency in healthcare. The 5S model can be used to analyze safety and efficiency systems in healthcare. Nurses and other healthcare providers apply the steps of the

NUR 630 CLC – Quality Models
NUR 630 CLC – Quality Models

model to analyze system performance, issues contributing to delays and redundancies in an organization and the strategies needed to improve performance. The model can also be used as a strategic option for healthcare policymakers. Policymakers can use the model to implement systematically improvement strategies in healthcare. They use the model to implement policies that have been proven effective in addressing crucial health-related needs of a population. The model can also be applied as a guide for government-led quality improvement initiatives. The stakeholders involved in implementing the initiatives use the model to eliminate potential barriers to successful implementation process and implementation of innovative interventions. The model can also be applied to guide continuous quality improvement in healthcare. The 5S can guide the systematic implementation of quality improvement initiatives that contribute to excellence in service provision in nursing (Schmitz et al., 2022).

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uStreamline patient-centered interventions

uCan be used to motivate staff

uStandardizing systems and processes

uCan be used to reduce costs

The 5S quality model can also be applied in streamlining patient-centeredness in healthcare. Nurses and other healthcare providers can use it to implement incremental strategies that address the actual and potential needs of their patients. They evaluate the effectiveness of the interventions periodically to inform improvement strategies. The model can also be used as a tool for motivating staff. The 5S model provides practical approaches to improving systems and processes in healthcare. Healthcare providers have the opportunity to implement innovative strategies in the healthcare process, which enhances their motivation and job satisfaction rates. The quality improvement due to the use of the model also contributes to standardization of systems and processes. Health organizations adopt efficient and effective strategies that have proven beneficial for its systems and processes, hence, standardization. Overall, the model can be used to reduce costs in healthcare due to the elimination of system redundancies and duplications that increases costs (Shahali et al., 2019).


u5S quality model applicable to healthcare

uImproves system performance and efficiency

uDrives organizational competitiveness

uModel be incorporated into the organization’s systems for continuous quality improvement


uPolancich, S., & Pilon, B. (2019). The application of the Toyota production system LEAN 5S methodology in the operating room setting. Nursing Clinics, 54(1), 53–79.

uSchmitz, K., Lenssen, R., Rückbeil, M., Berning, D., Thomeczek, C., Brokmann, J. C., Jaehde, U., & Eisert, A. (2022). The WHO High 5s project: Medication reconciliation in a German university hospital. A prospective observational cohort study. Zeitschrift Für Evidenz, Fortbildung Und Qualität Im Gesundheitswesen.

uShahali, S., Khajehasani, M., Torabipoor, A., & AhmadiAngali, K. (2019). The impact of applying 5S management method on patient satisfaction in healthcare centers’ services.