
NUR 700 Assignment 1.1: Nursing Theories for Practice

NUR 700 Assignment 1.1: Nursing Theories for Practice

NUR 700 Assignment 1.1: Nursing Theories for Practice

Assignment Guidelines

Identify your potential DNP Project. Describe the site (for example, hospital or clinic) or specific unit in which you would like to implement your DNP Project. Discuss (using specific steps) how to choose, evaluate, and implement a theory-guided practice within the organization or unit. Describe why it is important to understand the theories that guide practice.

Your paper should be two pages long (not including the title page or reference page) and use correct APA (7th edition) formatting.

This assignment will be graded using the Assignment 1.1 Nursing Theories for Practice Rubric found in your syllabus.


Submit your assignment and review full grading criteria on the Assignment 1.1: Nursing Theories for Practice page.

Discussion 1:1 Metaparadigms and Impact of Theoretical Statements

  1. The four metaparadigms of nursing include person, environment, health and nursing.  I have chosen to describe the person.  The metaparadigm of person focuses on the patient who is the recipient of care. (Arnone, 2015).  This encompasses a person’s spirituality, culture, family and friends or even their socioeconomic status and demographics.  Jean Watson, an American Nurse and Theorist, developed the Theory of Human Caring.  Watson’s interpretation of the nursing metaparadigm, person, promotes the practice of satisfying human needs through human care. She believes that every individual has their own unique and unpredictable set of needs, and it is imperative to accept and honor a person’s needs, regardless of their wishes, customs, or beliefs. As a Nurse Practitioner I strongly consider the person before I do examination or assessment.  In my practice our families are the center of everything we do as an organization. As a Nurse, I learn about a lot of things working with them on a daily basis, and with many I have become close almost like family.   On a personal level, I get to know patients a lot more closely than in any other medical profession. I have developed strong emotional connections that inspire you not only on the job, but in life.  Many of my families fall well below the federal poverty guidelines and their needs are great.  One of the ways of embracing their culture is making sure I ask if they need an interpreter before we meet.  I make sure my voice is calm and patient and that they feel special and important to me.
  2. My personal core values and beliefs as an individual are kindness, honesty, persistence, lifelong learning, security, family, and success in achieving my goals. I use these values and beliefs to make personal decisions and live my every day life. I believe that the core of nursing is caring, knowledge, and integrity.  Caring people are polite, considerate, generous, affectionate, patient, understanding, loving, and forgiving. They go out of their way to make others feel special, to make them happy or feel more confident in themselves. They’re sensitive to others’ feelings. They care what others have to say. Nursing knowledge is the means by which the whole purpose of caring for patients is achieved because it underpins what we actually do. It is what defines us as nurses as opposed to similar professions such as doctors or physiotherapists, and helps to differentiate us from lay care providers or care support workers.  Integrity is defined as the quality of being honest, and fair; possessing high moral principles.  This kind of trust relationship is what makes a successful nurse, and a nurse who possesses integrity among her core character traits, is well suited for success in patient care.
  3. One of the many benefits of being a Nurse Practitioner for as long as I have, 27 years in fact, I have worked in many different settings.  I remember when I worked in rural Mississippi at a small practice in a town of about 2,000 residents.  When I arrived
    NUR 700 Assignment 1.1 Nursing Theories for Practice
    NUR 700 Assignment 1.1 Nursing Theories for Practice

    in 2003 the clinic had a “colored side and a white side” for the patients to come in and sit and wait to be seen.  I couldn’t understand why that was still allowed and Jim Crow had ended well over 40 years prior.  It was a mentality of the staff and of the residents that were simply comfortable and used to this way of life.  I immediately changed the lobby to a Pediatrics waiting area and an Adult waiting area, and I did it with pride.  I knew after that experience my life would never be the same.  I understood that I had to care for those that couldn’t care for themselves.  I had to be knowledgeable in my skillset and I had to have a strong sense of integrity to overcome the many years of racism and injustice.

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Branch, C., Deak, H., Hiner, C., Holzwart, T. (2015). Four Nursing Metaparadigms:

International Journal of Nursing Science, 2018 

Retrieved from

Watson, J., & Watson, J. (2012). Human Caring Theory: Transforming Personal and Professional

Practices of Nursing and Health Care. Journal of Health & human Services Administration, 31(4), 466-482

Merriam-Websters collegiate dictionary (11th ed). 2020.  Springfield, MA: Merriam Webster

Assignment 1.1: Nursing Theories for Practice Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
Project Identification and Site Description
5 to >4 pts
Fully Meets Expectations

Identifies DNP project and describes site comprehensively.

4 to >2 pts
Barely Meets Expectations

Identifies DNP project but does not describes site sufficiently.

2 to >0 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations

Does not identify DNP project or site is described poorly.

5 / 5 pts
Implementation Discussion
10 to >9 pts
Fully Meets Expectations

Comprehensively discusses how to choose, evaluate, and implement a theory-guided project.

9 to >4 pts
Barely Meets Expectations

Minimally discusses how to choose, evaluate, and implement a theory-guided project or is missing discussion of one element.

4 to >0 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations

Missing discussion of two or more elements or poorly discusses all three elements.

10 / 10 pts
Theories Discussion
5 to >4 pts
Fully Meets Expectations

Comprehensively describes importance of theories to guide practice.

4 to >2 pts
Barely Meets Expectations

Minimally describes importance of theories to guide practice.

2 to >0 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations

Does not describe importance of theories to guide practice or describes theories poorly.

5 / 5 pts
Documentation and Mechanics
0 pts
(0% deduction) Fully Meets Expectations

No errors in APA format, grammar, spelling, punctuation, or sentence structure.

0 pts
(05% deduction) Barely Meets Expectations

Few errors in APA format, grammar, spelling, punctuation, or sentence structure.

0 pts
(10% deduction) Does Not Meet Expectations

Numerous and distracting errors in APA format, grammar, spelling, punctuation, or sentence structure.

0 / 0 pts
Total Points: 20