
Post an explanation of your philosophy of nursing practice that briefly describes your nursing experience and area(s) of expertise

NURS 8114 Discussion: Philosophy of Nursing Practice

Post an explanation of your philosophy of nursing practice that briefly describes your nursing experience and area(s) of expertise

Personal Philosophy of Nursing Practice

               When I think about my personal philosophy of nursing, I first think ‘what qualities make a great nurse?’. While it is not problematic to describe and define the scientific process of nursing, nursing philosophy can be more abstract when describing the thought processes that reveal the foundation of the practice (McEwen & Wills, 2019). My personal nursing philosophy is built on the holistic care of the patient. This involves not only caring for the physical aspects of the patients’ illness, but also the social and psychosocial needs present. As an oncology nurse for my entire career, there are frequent conversations around the topic of quality of life. While cancer treatments have improved the ability to allow patients to live substantially longer, making cancer more of a chronic illness then an acute illness, there is certainly effects in all facets of the patient’s life. With a focus on providing holistic care, nurses obtain the best opportunity to identify patient needs, assist in autonomy and decision making, and remain therapeutic in their supportive role (Bahrami, 2010). Oncology nursing, and frequent/long-lasting relationships with my patients has grounded my philosophy in holistic nursing care while navigating the important aspect of what living actually means and the individual definitions of quality of life.

Goals for Expanding Practice as DNP

               Having a nursing philosophy based on holistic care, also requires an attention to diversity in healthcare and inclusivity. In order to care for the whole patient, the advanced practice nurse must advocate for equal rights to healthcare for all communities as well as integrate acceptance and understanding into daily nursing practice. In the oncology clinic we care for all generations, ethnicities, religious identifications, sexual orientations etc. A focus on understanding differing values, worldviews and ideas helps to ensure the patient is being cared for appropriately and empathetically (Andre, 2018). As a doctorate prepared nurse, my goal is to serve as a mentor and leader to my peers for embracing diversity to improve the patient experience and increase access to healthcare in our communities.

Post an explanation of your philosophy of nursing practice that briefly describes your nursing experience and area(s) of expertise

DNP Role as Social Change Agent

Social change, which embodies equity, social justice, self-knowledge, service and collaboration is an important part of the DNP role

Post an explanation of your philosophy of nursing practice that briefly describes your nursing experience and area(s) of expertise
Post an explanation of your philosophy of nursing practice that briefly describes your nursing experience and area(s) of expertise

(Read, Pino Betancourt & Morrison, 2016). As a Walden DNP student, I can advocate for social change but working within my community to promote cancer screenings, cancer education, and access to preventative healthcare. Underserved populations are often diagnosed with cancer at later stages of disease which contribute to poor outcomes. With access to information and knowledge, these communities can better understand the healthcare they need. This type of social change can be accomplished through activities such as awareness walks, community healthcare clinics, creating educational resources at the appropriate literacy level, and understanding the barriers to care at the foundational level.

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Andre, S. 2018. Embracing generational diversity: Reducing and managing workplace conflict. ORNAC Journal, 36(4), 13-35.

Bahrami, M. (2010). Do nurses provide holistic care to cancer patients? Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research, 15(4), 245-251.

McEwen, M., & Wills, E. M. (2019). Theoretical basis for nursing (5th ed.) Wolters Kluwer.

Read, C. Y., Pino Betancourt, D. M., & Morrison, C. (2016). Social change: A framework for inclusive leadership development in nursing education. Journal of Nursing Education, 55(3), 164-167. doi:

Katie, thank you for your insightful post!

It is clear that your work in oncology has influenced your ideas surrounding social change.  There are so many opportunities within that community to improve cancer education, prevention, and access to resources.  Your knowledge, experience, and leadership can create real change in your community and that makes this DNP journey more exciting!  As a cancer survivor myself, your commitment to that population of patients is honorable and appreciated.  I always felt very blessed that during chemotherapy sessions, I was surrounded by my family members.  I always empathized with the patients who were alone, without advocates or support.  As a leader in your fields, advocating for patients can be one of your most important roles.  Thank you for your dedication to changing the lives of cancer patients.

As a DNP, it will be crucial to partner with community resources to assist in social influence and change.  As stated in the American Nurses Association’s Nursing Social Policy Statement, nurses have the “responsibility to serve the interest of society through active and enduring leadership in public and political determinations about health care” (2010).  The leadership of the DNP can offer large-scale change using their knowledge and skills, while recruiting new nurses to become agents of change.  Walden University is committed to creating “socially responsible leaders”, and I look forward to using the education I gain to become a positive influence in my community (Read et al., 2016).


American Nurses Association. (2010). Nursing Social Policy statement: the Essence of the Profession. Silver Spring, Md.

Read, C. Y., PhD, RN, Pino Betancourt, D. M., MA, & Morrison, C., BS, RN. (2016). Social change: A framework for inclusive leadership development in nursing education. Journal of Nursing Education55(3), 164–167.

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