
Discussion: Examining Nursing Specialties NURS 6003

Discussion: Examining Nursing Specialties NURS 6003

Walden University Discussion: Examining Nursing Specialties NURS 6003– Step-By-Step Guide


This guide will demonstrate how to complete the Walden University  Discussion: Examining Nursing Specialties NURS 6003 assignment based on general principles of academic writing. Here, we will show you the A, B, Cs of completing an academic paper, irrespective of the instructions. After guiding you through what to do, the guide will leave one or two sample essays at the end to highlight the various sections discussed below.


How to Research and Prepare for Discussion: Examining Nursing Specialties NURS 6003


Whether one passes or fails an academic assignment such as the Walden University  Discussion: Examining Nursing Specialties NURS 6003  depends on the preparation done beforehand. The first thing to do once you receive an assignment is to quickly skim through the requirements. Once that is done, start going through the instructions one by one to clearly understand what the instructor wants. The most important thing here is to understand the required format—whether it is APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.


After understanding the requirements of the paper, the next phase is to gather relevant materials. The first place to start the research process is the weekly resources. Go through the resources provided in the instructions to determine which ones fit the assignment. After reviewing the provided resources, use the university library to search for additional resources. After gathering sufficient and necessary resources, you are now ready to start drafting your paper.


How to Write the Introduction for  Discussion: Examining Nursing Specialties NURS 6003 


The introduction for the Walden University  Discussion: Examining Nursing Specialties NURS 6003 is where you tell the instructor what your paper will encompass. In three to four statements, highlight the important points that will form the basis of your paper. Here, you can include statistics to show the importance of the topic you will be discussing. At the end of the introduction, write a clear purpose statement outlining what exactly will be contained in the paper. This statement will start with “The purpose of this paper…” and then proceed to outline the various sections of the instructions.


How to Write the Body for  Discussion: Examining Nursing Specialties NURS 6003 


After the introduction, move into the main part of the  Discussion: Examining Nursing Specialties NURS 6003  assignment, which is the body. Given that the paper you will be writing is not experimental, the way you organize the headings and subheadings of your paper is critically important. In some cases, you might have to use more subheadings to properly organize the assignment. The organization will depend on the rubric provided. Carefully examine the rubric, as it will contain all the detailed requirements of the assignment. Sometimes, the rubric will have information that the normal instructions lack.


Another important factor to consider at this point is how to do citations. In-text citations are fundamental as they support the arguments and points you make in the paper. At this point, the resources gathered at the beginning will come in handy. Integrating the ideas of the authors with your own will ensure that you produce a comprehensive paper. Also, follow the given citation format. In most cases, APA 7 is the preferred format for nursing assignments.


How to Write the Conclusion for  Discussion: Examining Nursing Specialties NURS 6003 


After completing the main sections, write the conclusion of your paper. The conclusion is a summary of the main points you made in your paper. However, you need to rewrite the points and not simply copy and paste them. By restating the points from each subheading, you will provide a nuanced overview of the assignment to the reader.


How to Format the References List for  Discussion: Examining Nursing Specialties NURS 6003


The very last part of your paper involves listing the sources used in your paper. These sources should be listed in alphabetical order and double-spaced. Additionally, use a hanging indent for each source that appears in this list. Lastly, only the sources cited within the body of the paper should appear here.

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I totally support your views when it comes to the stigma or the labeling society has tagged mental health nursing. The societies view on the mental health cross culturally has a lot of implication for further studies. Some societies view mental health as a  curse due to some wrong doing of the family in questions ancestors and therefore a punishment from God. The unpalatable stigma attached to mental health affects not only the individuals but the total healthcare team members. This has resulted in a situation whereby families in the developing countries where children are born with some form of mental health are secluded and hided from the general public  to worsen the plight of such children situation instead of seeking help for them.

I also agree with Brenda, that some people think that nurses who take care of individuals battling mental illness are also suffering from mental illnesses. This is actually true, especially in the face of professionals who professed to know better. I was falsely accused by one of my clients who had a behavior and i had to restrain him to get out of harms way, yet the board of nursing made me go through an intense mental health evaluation to see if i was okay before i was cleared to go back to work during my  nursing school years.

it is also true that, the language used to describe individuals with mental illnesses also creates stigma. Choice of worlds such as  ‘crazy’ only reinforces the stereotype surrounding mental illnesses (Drucker,2021). This kind of language is  demeaning and creates low self-esteem to the individuals and those closely connected to them. It is a high time we know how to integrate those facing some form of mental illnesses and treat them equally like any other person. Thoroughly reviewing and diffusing the misconception about mental illness will open a new way for families to freely bring their love ones to seek the needed treatment necessary to ensure the well-being of all people in the community.

Discussion: Examining Nursing Specialties NURS 6003

Making decisions that include investing our time, money, and mind can often be hard ones that include weighing a vast number of factors. I always knew that I wanted to pursue a graduate degree and become a nurse practitioner, but I was not exactly sure what specialty. At one point I wanted to pursue a degree as a family nurse practitioner, but I was still not so certain. I continued my journey in nursing while working at a Level I Trauma Center in the Emergency Department (ED). I then thought that maybe I should pursue a degree in acute care. All these thoughts raced through my mind, but then I finally found psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner. In the ED there are many patients that come in with mental illness. There are many different diagnosis, levels of acuity, and circumstances. I knew that this would be something I enjoyed as I often took care of these patients, but I also noted how often some of the healthcare team would judge these patients. I knew that I had the patience and passion to have a positive impact in the field and hopefully make a difference in the way care is provided. When I made the decision to pursue a degree as a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner, there were many factors to consider. I considered the time it would take to complete the program, the cost of an accredited program, the resources a program would provide, the time away from my family, time management, and what the job market looked like. I also considered if it would be good for me stress wise and how it would impact my family. I had to have answers to these questions for me to take the leap and then I finally did, I am glad. I am also glad that I waited and developed a good foundation over the years as well as experience. I will be better able to care for my patients this way and it will be good for me as well as a provider.

          I think this program will prepare me professionally in providing me with the resources I need to be a good nurse practitioner. It will provide me with the foundation to provide excellent care and go out into the work field

Discussion Examining Nursing Specialties NURS 6003
Discussion Examining Nursing Specialties NURS 6003

ready. Echevarria (2018) explains that being a part of a professional nursing organization also plays a major role in our exposure and preparation to reach our goals. Being a part of a professional organization allows us to immerse ourselves into the specialty further and offers a variety of resources for us to take part in. I belong to several professional nursing associations that grant me access to journals, networking, and conferences. American Psychiatric Nurses Association (n.d.) provides resources for anyone interested in psychiatric mental health nursing, they also serve as a resource during education and work. This is a great resource for us to reach our academic and professional goals. Having resources, networking, and a strong support are all factors that contribute to our success.


American Psychiatric Nurses Association. (n.d.). Why join.

Echevarria, I. M. (2018). Make connections by joining a professional nursing organization. Nursing, 48 (12), 35-38.

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            I enjoyed reading your post. I, too, worked in the emergency department (ED) and treated patients with mental health disorders. Though the risk was high been on the front-line when they were in a manic state, it didn’t take away the joy I felt being a part of their treatment team. Your decision to become a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) is an excellent choice to deliver a full spectrum of care to patients with psychiatric disorders, organic brain disorders, and substance abuse issues. You will be taught by practicing PMHNPs as you gain the training and expertise to meet the critical need in today’s society (Walden University n.d.). American psychiatric nurse Association (APNA) is an outstanding professional organization that will significantly benefit your professional development. APNA is established over 30 years with more than 14,500 members. I aim to become a member of this organization because I support its mission to commit to the specialty practices of psychiatric-mental health nursing, health, wellness, and recovery promotion by identifying mental health issues (APNA., 2020).


American psychiatric nurse association. (2020). Your resource for psychiatric mental health nursing. (n.d.). List of nursing organization. Retrieved August 7, 2021, from

Walden University. (n.d.). Master of Science in Nursing (MSN). Retrieved August 2, 2021, from

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I worked on a gen/med floor in a level one trauma hospital when I started nursing.  It provided a good foundation for being a new nurse, but it was a slower-paced job than I was expecting.  Downtime has always been challenging for me, so I decided to change positions and become an intensive care nurse.  Here is where I found my passion for action, well, in a sense.  I felt a deep sense of accomplishment and had more confidence in my skills at the end of each shift.  And as I took on the position of charge nurse, I realized that I was good at being a leader. I enjoyed working in a high-intensity environment, and people responded well to me.  With this in mind, I decided to take things a step further in my career, so I applied to the Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (AG-ACNP) program here at Walden.As an ICU travel nurse, technically a “COVID ICU travel nurse,” the workload has become more demanding in the past year and a half.  During this time, I couldn’t physically be with my family due to obvious reasons, which made coping alone difficult.  I also started noticing a feeling of being utterly drained of energy.  I was burned out!  According to research, health workers can encounter various psychological difficulties when working in high-pressure and high-risk situations, such as those associated with disasters and pandemics (Salamah, 2020).  So instead of taking the break I so desperately needed, I decided to head back to nursing school and keep that momentum of intensity going.  Unfortunately, distraction is a coping mechanism I have learned to master.  So it’s clear to say, here is where I’ve been struggling a bit with making a definite career choice.  Though I love taking care of patients and providing support to families, I started questioning whether or not working in a hospital setting as a nurse practitioner is what I wanted to do.  I knew I needed some guidance and clarity if I wanted to stay on the path of becoming an acute care NP.

Being an active member of the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN), I knew that I would find information to tackle my fatigue and learn new ways to plan for career advancement in the field I once loved.  In addition, AACN provides resources to assist nurses in prioritizing their well-being while providing substantial care to patients and their families.  For example, nurse leaders affiliated with the organization offer sessions on practical mindful activities to improve personal and organizational resilience during current challenging times in healthcare.  As a result, nurses will learn to implement strategic pauses and thoughtful moments into their workday (Bay, 2021).

There are several professional nursing organizations whose primary focus is on critical care nursing for nurses practicing in acute care, one being AACN.  The AACN has provided progressive and critical care nurses with world-class resources, education, and support for over 50 years and has over 130,000 members (AACN, 2021).  Listed below are some of the membership options for those who are interested in joining.  Membership fees can be found on the AACN website.

  • Active membership is open to any registered nurse licensed in the United States interested in critical care nursing and is in good standing with their state or territory’s licensing office.  Additionally, nurses who work in research, administration, education, medical-surgical, telemetry, progressive care units, home health, or any other healthcare agency are qualified (AACN, 2021).
  • Any LVN or LPN, non-nurse professional, or student working in these fields, as well as any healthcare consumer or member of the business or political community, is eligible.  However, affiliate members cannot vote, hold office, or serve on national or chapter committees (AACN, 2021).
  • Professional nurses who have an RN license in a country other than the United States are eligible. Membership includes all AACN privileges; however, all benefits, including a member card, are provided digitally (through email or the Web).  International members are not eligible to run for office or participate on national or chapter committees (AACN, 2021).
  • Any resident of the United States (or a non-citizen of the United States who resides inside the United States) enrolled in an accredited professional nursing program and is not currently licensed as a registered nurse is eligible.  Membership in the AACN entitles them to all AACN advantages.  However, student members cannot vote, hold office, or serve on national or chapter committees (AACN, 2021).


American Association of Critical-Care Nurses. (2021). AACN Membership Types and Rates.

Bay, L. M. (2021). Mindfulness: Using Pause Principles to Enhance Your Nursing Practice. American Association of Critical-Care Nurses.

Salamah, B. (2020). Exploring the mental health needs of intensive care unit nurses facing the pandemic of covid-19. ScholarWorks@UARK.


The same as you, I was relieved when I took my boards and passed. Continuing education after graduation is an important aspect of the healthcare system, as many things change daily, new inventions come out, and we must stay up to date with the new trends. The American Nurses Association is a great opportunity to seek, and continue education when becoming a member as they offer career advancement, Networking with other nurses, make your voice heard to change policies, and many more benefits ( American Association of Nurse Practitioners (2019). Becoming a family nurse practitioner can be challenging as the focused is aim to from young age to adults. According to Ramira et al., (2018) there will be significant shortage of NPs because not many are choosing this type of practice. the reason for this concern is that many physicians are choosing to go into a specialty instead of family practice. I think that you made a great decision in choosing Family Nurse Practitioner.


American Association of Nurse Practitioners. (2019, September 4). American association of nurse practitioners. American Association of Nurse Practitioners; AANP Website. to an external site.

Ramira, M. L., Peraza-Smith, G. B., McLeod, R., & Clark, M. J. (2018). Challenges, Barriers, and Satisfiers of Foreign Educated Physicians with the Family Nurse Practitioner Role in the United States. Journal of Cultural Diversity25(1), 12–22.


Many things have shaped my nursing career. Nurses who were mentors to me and witnessed the growing opportunities for nurse practitioners all influenced my decision to complete my master’s degree. Returning to graduate school to complete my adult gerontology acute care nurse practitioner (AGACNP) certification to add to my family practice nurse practitioner (FNP) certification will assist me in my current burn and trauma nurse practitioner role. Completing my AGACNP certification also validates my ability to perform invasive procedures. Employers may want to see some educational background to support privileges for AGACNPs to perform invasive procedures (Jalloh et al., 2016). As my career moves forward, should I decide to leave my position I will be poised to work in outpatient or inpatient settings.

Professional organizations can also help my career move forward. I have been a member of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) for six years. Using their website to join is simple, and the cost is comparable to other advanced practice organizations. This organization has been the best fit for me, and finding that the best fit can help nurses discover new goals and meet existing career goals (Echevarria, 2018). The AANP supports AGACNPs and FNPs in continuing education, research, and leadership roles (American Association of Nurse Practitioners [AANP], n.d.-a). After I have met my academic goals, my next milestone would be to become an AANP Fellow, which means I would be recognized for contributing to research or clinical practice that impacts nurse practitioners (American Association of Nurse Practitioners [AANP], n.d.-b).


American Association of Nurse Practitioners. (n.d.-a). Home/about NPs and AANP. AANP’s mission statement. Retrieved May 2, 2023, from to an external site.

American Association of Nurse Practitioners. (n.d.-b). Home/membership/the fellows of american association of nurse practitioners. Becoming a fellow. Retrieved May 2, 2023, from to an external site.

Echevarria, I. (2018). Make connections by joining a professional nursing organization. Nursing48(12), 35–38. Retrieved May 2, 2023, from to an external site.

Jalloh, F., Tadlock, M. D., Cantwell, S., Ramsch, T., Aksoy, H., & Frankel, H. (2016). Credentialing and privileging of acute care nurse practitioners to do invasive procedures a statewide survey. American Journal of Critical Care25(4), 357–361. Retrieved May 2, 2023, from to an external site.