
Benchmark – Change Initiative: Develop a Change Model

Benchmark – Change Initiative: Develop a Change Model

Grand Canyon University Benchmark – Change Initiative: Develop a Change Model-Step-By-Step Guide

This guide will demonstrate how to complete the Grand Canyon University Benchmark – Change Initiative: Develop a Change Model  assignment based on general principles of academic writing. Here, we will show you the A, B, Cs of completing an academic paper, irrespective of the instructions. After guiding you through what to do, the guide will leave one or two sample essays at the end to highlight the various sections discussed below.

How to Research and Prepare for Benchmark – Change Initiative: Develop a Change Model  

Whether one passes or fails an academic assignment such as the Grand Canyon University Benchmark – Change Initiative: Develop a Change Model depends on the preparation done beforehand. The first thing to do once you receive an assignment is to quickly skim through the requirements. Once that is done, start going through the instructions one by one to clearly understand what the instructor wants. The most important thing here is to understand the required format—whether it is APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.

After understanding the requirements of the paper, the next phase is to gather relevant materials. The first place to start the research process is the weekly resources. Go through the resources provided in the instructions to determine which ones fit the assignment. After reviewing the provided resources, use the university library to search for additional resources. After gathering sufficient and necessary resources, you are now ready to start drafting your paper.

How to Write the Introduction for Benchmark – Change Initiative: Develop a Change Model  

The introduction for the Grand Canyon University Benchmark – Change Initiative: Develop a Change Model  is where you tell the instructor what your paper will encompass. In three to four statements, highlight the important points that will form the basis of your paper. Here, you can include statistics to show the importance of the topic you will be discussing. At the end of the introduction, write a clear purpose statement outlining what exactly will be contained in the paper. This statement will start with “The purpose of this paper…” and then proceed to outline the various sections of the instructions.

How to Write the Body for Benchmark – Change Initiative: Develop a Change Model  

After the introduction, move into the main part of the Benchmark – Change Initiative: Develop a Change Model  assignment, which is the body. Given that the paper you will be writing is not experimental, the way you organize the headings and subheadings of your paper is critically important. In some cases, you might have to use more subheadings to properly organize the assignment. The organization will depend on the rubric provided. Carefully examine the rubric, as it will contain all the detailed requirements of the assignment. Sometimes, the rubric will have information that the normal instructions lack.

Another important factor to consider at this point is how to do citations. In-text citations are fundamental as they support the arguments and points you make in the paper. At this point, the resources gathered at the beginning will come in handy. Integrating the ideas of the authors with your own will ensure that you produce a comprehensive paper. Also, follow the given citation format. In most cases, APA 7 is the preferred format for nursing assignments.

How to Write the Conclusion for Benchmark – Change Initiative: Develop a Change Model  

After completing the main sections, write the conclusion of your paper. The conclusion is a summary of the main points you made in your paper. However, you need to rewrite the points and not simply copy and paste them. By restating the points from each subheading, you will provide a nuanced overview of the assignment to the reader.

How to Format the References List for Benchmark – Change Initiative: Develop a Change Model  

The very last part of your paper involves listing the sources used in your paper. These sources should be listed in alphabetical order and double-spaced. Additionally, use a hanging indent for each source that appears in this list. Lastly, only the sources cited within the body of the paper should appear here.

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LDR615 Benchmark – Change Initiative: Develop a Change Model

Benchmark  Change Initiative Develop a Change Model
Benchmark  Change Initiative Develop a Change Model


uChange is a critical component for organizational success

uFacilitates adaptability to emerging needs in health

uPromotes innovation and creativity

uPromotes continuous quality improvement in healthcare

Emotional intelligent is important in nursing practices because it helps to understand people better (Whitney, 2018). Self-awareness is one of the important elements in emotional intelligent and it is the capacity to notice and comprehend your own feelings. Being conscious of the impact of your actions, moods, and emotions on other people goes beyond simply being aware of your own feelings. Developing self-awareness as a leader will strengthen not only individual performance but organizational performance as well. Ultimately, the immense amount of understanding, trustworthiness and wisdom that self-aware leaders possess equips them with critical skills for success.

Change is an important determinant of organizational success. Organizations often embrace change to achieve their desired goals and objectives in their operations. Change ensures that organizations have the abilities to address the current and emerging needs in their markets. Change also ensures that the organization becomes innovative and creative in undertaking its activities. Change also promotes continuous quality improvement in healthcare organizations. Therefore, this presentation proposes a change theory that would be used to initiate change in achieving its objectives (Nunnery, 2019).

Change Models Used in Organizations

uLewin’s model of change

uTrans-theoretical model of change

uKotter’s model of change

uPlan-Do-Study-Act model of change

Several change models exist for use in healthcare organization. One of them is Lewin’s model of change. Lewin proposed a three step

Benchmark - Change Initiative Develop a Change Model
Benchmark – Change Initiative Develop a Change Model

model of change that includes unfreezing, change, and refreezing. The theory emphasizes the need for systematic introduction of organizational change to minimize resistance from adopters. The other model is trans-theoretical model of change. The model proposed that change occurs in steps that include pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, and termination. The  model also recognizes the need for the preparation of the adopters of the change, as a way of minimizing resistance. The other model is Kotter’s model of change. The model proposes eight steps of organizational change that can be used in facilitating successful implementation process. The last model is PDSA model, that emphasizes the need for trying a change in small-scale prior to its organization-wide implementation (Nunnery, 2019).

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Why Change Models in Organizations?

uGuides implementation of change

uMinimizes resistance to change

uFacilitates creation of effective communication

uProvides benchmarks for evaluating change

Models of change have an important role to play in organizations. Firstly, change facilitates the change process. it guides organizations on frameworks that should be utilized in the implementation of change. Change models provides insights into the change processes that are needed for successful implementation of change. The other importance of change models is that it minimizes resistance to change. It provides institutions with insights into the interventions for facilitating change. The interventions include training, coaching, and mentorship to enhance the successful implementation of change. Change models also promotes the creation of open communication channels among the adopters. They encourage the creation of environments that promote two-way communication, as a way of promoting effective change. Lastly, change models provide benchmark data for evaluating change. The implementers of change understand the goals and objectives for systematic implementation of change. (Nunnery, 2019)

Change Model for my Organization

uComprises of the following steps

a)Needs assessment

b)Strategy development


The proposed change model for my organization comprises of seven steps. The steps include needs assessment, strategy development, training, implementation of change, monitoring, evaluation, and communicating feedback. The first step in the model is needs assessment. Needs assessment entails the determination of the need and relevance of the change. Needs assessment also aims at the identification of whether the employees have the desired knowledge and skills to support and implement change. The information from needs assessment is used in strategy development. Strategy development entails the identification of strategies that will be utilized in implementing the change. The strategies should align with the organizational needs and expectations. The third step is training. Training ensures that the adopters of change have the desired knowledge and skills. Training also minimizes the risk for resistance to change (Berthoud et al., 2021).

  1. d) Change implementation
  2. e) Monitoring
  3. f) Evaluation
  4. g) Communicating feedback

The fourth step in the developed model is implementation of change. This is the step where the organizational stakeholders put the strategies into use. They work in collaboration to ensure the goals of the change initiative are achieved. The fifth step in the model is monitoring. Monitoring entails the determination of whether the change strategies are implemented as expected. Monitoring also provides short-term feedback on the effectiveness of the adopted interventions as well as improvement initiatives for the optimum effectiveness of the change. The sixth step is evaluation. Evaluation provides information on whether the goals of the change were achieved or not. Evaluation also informs the changes to be adopted for enhanced effectiveness of future organizational changes. The last step is communicating feedback. Communicating feedback informs the implementers of change on the success of the interventions and ways of sustaining its use in organizations (Berthoud et al., 2021).

Methods for Evaluating the Need for Change

uProvider surveys

uPatient surveys

uManagement and leadership surveys

uAnalysis of market forces

Several strategies can be used in evaluating the need for change. One of them is administering surveys to healthcare providers. The surveys can provide insights into the organizational needs that can be addressed by implementing change. It also provides insights into their abilities in implementing the needed changes in their organizations. The second method is the administration of patient surveys. Patient surveys provide insights into the patient needs that can be addressed by implementing change initiatives. The organization uses the survey data to develop strategies that promote patient-centered care. The other approach is the administration of surveys to the management and leadership of the organization. The surveys elicit insights from them on the ways in which enhanced outcomes and performance can be achieved in the organization. Their insights can inform the change initiatives adopted in the organization. The need for change can also be determined by analyzing market forces. The market forces that drive performance influence organizational change. The organization adopts new initiatives based on the projected changes in the healthcare industry (Fagerström, 2021).

uAnalysis of organizational competitiveness

uSafety and quality indicators

uAnalysis of cost of operations

uAnalyzing organizational ability to respond to unforeseen events

The other way of determining the need for change is analyzing organizational competitiveness. A decline in organizational competitiveness will translate into the need for change to enhance the desired success and performance in its markets. The analysis of safety and quality indicators can also inform the need for change. For example, a rise in the rates of hospital acquired infections acts as a source of change, as the organization has to change its systems and processes to drive the desired excellence in performance. The other way of determining the need for change is analyzing the costs of operations. A rise in operational costs is a critical indicator for change in the organization. It demands the need for the adoption of initiatives that will promote cost-efficiency in service provision in the organization. Lastly, analysis of organizational adaptability to unforeseen events in its markets. Lack of flexibility in responding to market needs act as an indicator for need for changes in systems and processes utilized in the organization (Fagerström, 2021).

Criteria for Choosing Individuals for a Change Initiative

uExperience with change

uWork-related knowledge and experience

uLeadership abilities

uInfluence on others

One of the strategies considered n choosing individuals for a change initiative is their experience with change. Individuals with experiences in implementing organizational change should be considered. Experience with change is desirable, as it ensures that the selected individuals are competent to drive the needed change in the organization. The other factor to consider is knowledge, skills, and experience. Individuals with extensive experience, knowledge and skills in the field related to change have the needed competencies in driving the needed change. They use their experience, knowledge and skills to propose effective strategies that would contribute to successful implementation of the change. The other factor is leadership abilities. The selected individuals should have enhanced abilities to lead others and work in inter-professional teams. The individuals should also have a considerable influence on others. They should be able to influence the behaviors and decisions of the adopters of change in the organization (Fagerström, 2021).



uTeamwork abilities

uAccountability and responsibility

The other factor to consider in choosing them is flexibility. The individuals should be ready to incorporate insights from others into their daily routines. They should also be ready to incorporate the perspectives of others into their decisions and practices. The other factor is availability. The selected individuals should be ready to facilitate the whole process of change. They should be able to dedicate themselves to ensuring that enhanced outcomes are achieved in the implementation of change. The selected individuals should also have excellent knowledge and skills in engaging in teamwork activities. They should be competent in working with individuals from diverse backgrounds. They should also have the competencies in leading individuals from diverse backgrounds. Lastly, the individuals should demonstrate a high level of accountability and responsibility. They should be able to own the decisions and actions they make in implementing change.

Communication Strategies

uStrengthening open communication

uEnsuring consistent, clear and concise communication

uCombining means of communication

uUsing target specific communication

A number of communication strategies will be used in the implementation of change. One of them will be strengthening open communication. The stakeholders involved in the change initiative and employees should utilize open channels of communication for the success of the process. They should also be able to express their views, concerns, and ideas without any fear of being victimized. Two way communication  between the management and staffs should also be encouraged. The other communication strategy will be ensuring consistent, clear, and concise communication. Consistent communication is important in ensuring that the staffs understand the need and relevance of change to their daily routines. Clear and concise communication eliminates confusion and clarifies the roles of each of the members involved in the change process. the other strategy is combining different methods of communication. Methods such as emails, organizational notice boards, boardroom discussions and unit managers. Using different methods of communication will strengthen the message on the need for change in the organization, hence, stimulating the desired change from the staffs. The other strategy is using target specific communication. Targeted communication will enhance the relevance and need for the change in the organization for its successful adoption.

uFrequent assessment of communication effectiveness

uEmphasizing flexibility in communication and implementation of change

uDeveloping a shared vision

uListening to stakeholder feedback

The other communication strategy that would be utilized in implementing change is frequent assessment of the effectiveness of the communication approaches utilized in implementing change. Assessment will provide insights into the need for improvement in communication approaches for the realization of the optimum outcomes in the organization. The other strategy is emphasizing the need for flexibility in implementation of change and communicating it. Flexibility will ensure that the needs of the diverse individuals involved in the implementation of change are met. The other strategy is developing and communicating a shared vision. Having a shared vision will motivate the adopters of the change to work in collaboration to ensure optimum outcomes of the change initiative are met. Lastly, stakeholder feedback will be prioritized. Their feedback on the effectiveness of the adopted strategies will inform the interventions used to enhance the effective implementation of the change.

Gathering Stakeholder Support

uOpen communication

uAligning change with their expectations

uActive stakeholder involvement

uAssigning roles and responsibilities

Stakeholder support is important for the successful implementation of change in the organization. Accordingly, several interventions will be explored to gather the desired stakeholder support. One of them is open communication. Open communication will be encouraged to ensure that the adopters of change express their needs and ideas freely. Open communication will also improve the trust that the stakeholders have towards the change. The second way of gathering stakeholder support will be by aligning the change with stakeholder expectations. Aligning the change with stakeholder expectations will raise the relevance and need for the change. It will also stimulate the adoption of the desired behaviors for the successful implementation of the change by the stakeholders. The other strategy is active stakeholder involvement. Active stakeholder involvement will ensure that their views and needs are incorporated into the change process. It will also encourage the adoption of effective behaviors that would underpin the successful implementation of the change. The other strategy will be assigning roles and responsibilities to stakeholders. This strategy will increase their active participation in achieving specific objectives that are essential for the overall success of the change initiative. It will also eliminate duplication of tasks, hence, efficiency in change implementation.

uRewarding performance

uRegular assessment and provision of feedback


uPrioritizing stakeholder needs

The other strategy to gather stakeholder support is rewarding performance. Rewarding performance will motivate the stakeholders to engage in activities that will underpin the optimum realization of the goals and objectives of the change. It will also motivate them to explore ways of eliminating barriers to change. The other strategy is regular assessment and provision of feedback. Regular assessment will inform the improvement interventions adopted for the change initiative. It will also strengthen the use of best practices to ensure the success of the change. The other strategy is training. Stakeholders will be trained to ensure that they have the required knowledge and skills to support the change. Training will also minimize the risk of resistance to change from the adopters. Lastly, the needs of the stakeholders will be prioritized. They will be incorporated into the change initiatives.

Overcoming Resistance

uOpen communication

uActive participation

uAligning change with organizational vision


Resistance to change may be experienced in the implementation process. As a result, anticipatory strategies will be adopted. One of them will be strengthening open communication. Open communication will enhance the trust and transparency that the adopters of the change have towards the process. Active participation will also be encouraged. Active participation will ensure the adopters of the change have the desired knowledge and skills related to the change. It will also improve their preparedness to embrace the change. The other approach will be aligning the change with the vision of the organization. Aligning will ensure the ready availability of organizational support for the change. Lastly, training will be offered. Training will ensure that the adopters have the required competencies, hence, minimizing resistance from them (Zhao et al., 2021).