
NU 580 A 20 year old male presents complaining of hematuria

NU 580 A 20 year old male presents complaining of hematuria

Case Study Analysis

The differential diagnosis for this case is pyelonephritis, cystitis, and S. haematobium infection. Pyelonephritis is a urinary tract infection affecting the urethra and bladder of one or both kidneys. The signs and symptoms of the condition include haematuria, abdominal pain, and frequent urination among others. Alternatively, the patient could be having hemorrhagic cystitis which is characterized by bladder pain and irritative symptoms (Bolenz et al., 2018). The S. haematobium deposits eggs in the bladder and ureters and may lead to ulceration in the lumens of the ureter and bladder (Nacif-Pimenta et al., 2019).

The potential treatment for the patient will include the administration of antibiotics to clear the bacteria causing pyelonephritis and cystitis. The commonly used antibiotics include fosfomycin and nitrofurantoin. In cases of severe infections, the patients may be initiated on ceftriaxone injection, 1g OD. Alternatively, the patient may b

NU 580 A 20 year old male presents complaining of hematuria
NU 580 A 20 year old male presents complaining of hematuria

e given praziquantel for S. haematobium.

The appropriate health promotion activities for the patient include encouraging the patient to take enough fluid in a

NU 580 A 20 year old male presents complaining of hematuria
NU 580 A 20 year old male presents complaining of hematuria

day. Also, they should ensure to empty their bladders during micturition. The practice will help reduce the colonization of the bacteria in the bladder and urethra. Furthermore, the patient will be informed of the need to have one faithful sexual partner (Antinori & Pezzani, 2017). Commonly, urinary tract infections are transmitted through sexual intercourse. Having more sexual partners mean that one will have an increased risk of contracting urinary tract infections.

The current treatment and the treatment of ulcerative colitis will be evaluated based on the symptoms and presentation of the patient. The hematuria is expected to cease with the initiation of the current medications. On the other hand, the patient should not have severe pain during the ulcerative colitis following the treatment given.

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Antinori, S., & Pezzani, M. D. (2017). Uncomplicated and complicated urinary tract infections in adults: The infectious diseases’ specialist perspective. Imaging and Intervention in Urinary Tract Infections and Urosepsis, 17-33.

Bolenz, C., Schröppel, B., Eisenhardt, A., Schmitz-Dräger, B. J., & Grimm, M. (2018). The investigation of hematuria. Deutsches Aerzteblatt Online

Nacif-Pimenta, R., Da Silva Orfanó, A., Mosley, I. A., Karinshak, S. E., Ishida, K., Mann, V. H., Coelho, P. M., Da Costa, J. M., Hsieh, M. H., Brindley, P. J., & Rinaldi, G. (2019). Differential responses of epithelial cells from urinary and biliary tract to eggs of schistosoma haematobium and S. mansoni. Scientific Reports9(1).