
NURS 6052 Change Implementation and Management Plan

NURS 6052 Change Implementation and Management Plan

Walden University NURS 6052 Change Implementation and Management Plan– Step-By-Step Guide


This guide will demonstrate how to complete the Walden University  NURS 6052 Change Implementation and Management Plan  assignment based on general principles of academic writing. Here, we will show you the A, B, Cs of completing an academic paper, irrespective of the instructions. After guiding you through what to do, the guide will leave one or two sample essays at the end to highlight the various sections discussed below.


How to Research and Prepare for NURS 6052 Change Implementation and Management Plan  


Whether one passes or fails an academic assignment such as the Walden University  NURS 6052 Change Implementation and Management Plan depends on the preparation done beforehand. The first thing to do once you receive an assignment is to quickly skim through the requirements. Once that is done, start going through the instructions one by one to clearly understand what the instructor wants. The most important thing here is to understand the required format—whether it is APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.


After understanding the requirements of the paper, the next phase is to gather relevant materials. The first place to start the research process is the weekly resources. Go through the resources provided in the instructions to determine which ones fit the assignment. After reviewing the provided resources, use the university library to search for additional resources. After gathering sufficient and necessary resources, you are now ready to start drafting your paper.


How to Write the Introduction for  NURS 6052 Change Implementation and Management Plan   


The introduction for the Walden University  NURS 6052 Change Implementation and Management Plan is where you tell the instructor what your paper will encompass. In three to four statements, highlight the important points that will form the basis of your paper. Here, you can include statistics to show the importance of the topic you will be discussing. At the end of the introduction, write a clear purpose statement outlining what exactly will be contained in the paper. This statement will start with “The purpose of this paper…” and then proceed to outline the various sections of the instructions.


How to Write the Body for  NURS 6052 Change Implementation and Management Plan   


After the introduction, move into the main part of the  NURS 6052 Change Implementation and Management Plan  assignment, which is the body. Given that the paper you will be writing is not experimental, the way you organize the headings and subheadings of your paper is critically important. In some cases, you might have to use more subheadings to properly organize the assignment. The organization will depend on the rubric provided. Carefully examine the rubric, as it will contain all the detailed requirements of the assignment. Sometimes, the rubric will have information that the normal instructions lack.


Another important factor to consider at this point is how to do citations. In-text citations are fundamental as they support the arguments and points you make in the paper. At this point, the resources gathered at the beginning will come in handy. Integrating the ideas of the authors with your own will ensure that you produce a comprehensive paper. Also, follow the given citation format. In most cases, APA 7 is the preferred format for nursing assignments.


How to Write the Conclusion for  NURS 6052 Change Implementation and Management Plan   


After completing the main sections, write the conclusion of your paper. The conclusion is a summary of the main points you made in your paper. However, you need to rewrite the points and not simply copy and paste them. By restating the points from each subheading, you will provide a nuanced overview of the assignment to the reader.


How to Format the References List for  NURS 6052 Change Implementation and Management Plan  


The very last part of your paper involves listing the sources used in your paper. These sources should be listed in alphabetical order and double-spaced. Additionally, use a hanging indent for each source that appears in this list. Lastly, only the sources cited within the body of the paper should appear here.

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Sample Answer for NURS 6052 Change Implementation and Management Plan

Proposed change is transformational type of change. It aims at transforming the existing organizational strategy. The change is adopted in response to the need to align with the rapid changes in an industry. The change aims at ensuring that the strategies used at the different levels of the organization support the overall mission of the company. Therefore, it is anticipated that the adoption of web-based electronic health records will transform the quality of healthcare given to the patients. The organization will be able to remain up-to-date on issues influencing its performance in the market.

Healthcare providers will be affected through improved level of awareness, change in their approach to the provision of healthcare, enhanced efficiency in service provision, satisfaction with care, patient-centered care, and decision-making. Patients will be affected through the provision of patient-centered care, easy access to the care they need, patient satisfaction, reduced costs of seeking healthcare, and their empowerment. Managers and leaders are critical in the process since they must lead change, encourage stakeholder participation, manage resistance to change, and implement patient and provider-centered initiatives to promote quality in healthcare.

The change will be implemented in our organization. It will aim at increasing the uptake of web-based electronic health records by the healthcare providers. It will also focus on raising the level of awareness among them on the use of the technology. Through it, the organization intends to transform the experiences of the patients and healthcare providers in service provision.

An assessment of our organization’s workplace using the Clark Healthy Workplace Inventory revealed that we have a mildly healthy workplace with a score of 73. The major issues currently affecting my organization is inadequate staffing and sufficient resources for safety and productivity.

Employees primarily, health professionals have complained that the organization’s management does not provide them with opportunities for growth and development in their career. As a result, most of the staff feel that they have stagnated in their careers and have not attained their short-term and long-term professional goals. Unlike other health care organizations, our organization has put minimal effort into helping its employees: pursue advanced certifications relative to their clinical practice area and seek advancement opportunities.

For instance, employees providing health services to patients with NCDs such as Diabetes, HTN, cancers, and diseases such as HIV/AIDs are rarely provided with continuous education on the new diagnosis and treatment guidelines. Consequently, they are not well-versed with new guidelines of treatment and treat patients using outdated protocols.

The organization HR has not prioritized continuing education and advanced learning opportunities for physicians and nurses, which is key to quality improvement and patient safety initiatives.  As a result, employees complain that they have difficulties remaining focused on their career path.


This presentation will include:
 Issues currently affecting my health organization
 Change proposal to address the issues
 Justification for the change
 Type and scope of the proposed change
 Stakeholders impacted by the change.
 Change Management Team
 Plan for communicating the change
 Risk mitigation plans
Issues Currently Affecting My Organization
 Understaffing
 Based on suggested finding by the American Nursing Association (ANA) a major contribution factor towards a safe and healthy work environment in nursing practice is the staffing patterns of the organization, it is imperative that qualified nurses are well staffed based on the acuity and needs of the patients (Marshall, E., & Broome, M. 2017).
Detrimental effects of under staffing nurses include,
 Low productivity
 Burnout and stress
 A reduction in staff retention rates
 Organizational culture incivility
 Poor patient outcomes and satisfaction
An assessment of our organization’s workplace using the Clark Healthy Workplace Inventory revealed that we have a mildly healthy workplace with a score of 73. The major issues currently affecting my organization is inadequate staffing and sufficient resources for safety and productivity.
Employees primarily, health professionals have complained that the organization’s management does not provide them with opportunities for growth and development in their career. As a result, most of the staff feel that they have stagnated in their careers and have not attained their short-term and long-term professional goals. Unlike other health care organizations, our organization has put minimal effort into helping its employees: pursue advanced certifications relative to their clinical practice area and seek advancement opportunities.
For instance, employees providing health services to patients with NCDs such as Diabetes, HTN, cancers, and diseases such as HIV/AIDs are rarely provided with continuous education on the new diagnosis and treatment guidelines. Consequently, they are not well-versed with new guidelines of treatment and treat patients using outdated protocols.
The organization HR has not prioritized continuing education and advanced learning opportunities for physicians and nurses, which is key to quality improvement and patient safety initiatives. As a result, employees complain that they have difficulties remaining focused on their career path.


 Contracting with nursing agency for additional staffing
 Partnering with nursing programs for recruitment.
 Competitive incentives for new hire nurses
 Measuring and analyzing the acuity of the patient population and workload
 Interviewing nursing staff directly on the impact of under staffing
 Initiating focus groups to oversee the proposal
 Attractive bonus packages and incentives for overtime hours.

Assignment: Change Implementation and Management Plan

It is one of the most cliché of clichés, but it nevertheless rings true: The only constant is change. As a nursing professional, you are no doubt aware that success in the healthcare field requires the ability to adapt to change, as the pace of change in healthcare may be without rival.
As a professional, you will be called upon to share expertise, inform, educate, and advocate. Your efforts in these areas can help lead others through change. In this Assignment, you will propose a change within your organization and present a comprehensive plan to implement the change you propose.
To Prepare:
• Review the Resources and identify one change that you believe is called for in your organization/workplace.
o This may be a change necessary to effectively address one or more of the issues you addressed in the Workplace Environment Assessment you submitted in Module 4. It may also be a change in response to something not addressed in your previous efforts. It may be beneficial to discuss your ideas with your organizational leadership and/or colleagues to help identify and vet these ideas.

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NURS 6052 Change Implementation and Management Plan
NURS 6052 Change Implementation and Management Plan

• Reflect on how you might implement this change and how you might communicate this change to organizational leadership.
The Assignment (5-6-minute narrated PowerPoint presentation):
Change Implementation and Management Plan
Create a narrated PowerPoint presentation of 5 or 6 slides with video that presents a comprehensive plan to implement the change you propose.
Your narrated presentation should be 5–6 minutes in length.
Your Change Implementation and Management Plan should include the following:
• An executive summary of the issues that are currently affecting your organization/workplace (This can include the work you completed in your Workplace Environment Assessment previously submitted, if relevant.)
• A description of the change being proposed
• Justifications for the change, including why addressing it will have a positive impact on your organization/workplace
• Details about the type and scope of the proposed change
• Identification of the stakeholders impacted by the change
• Identification of a change management team (by title/role)
• A plan for communicating the change you propose
• A description of risk mitigation plans you would recommend to address the risks anticipated by the change you propose
By Day 2 of Week 11
Submit your narrated Change Implementation and Management Plan.
Submission and Grading Information
To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:
• Please save your Assignment using the naming convention “WK11Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” as the name.
• Click the Week 11 Assignment Rubric to review the Grading Criteria for the Assignment.
• Click the Week 11 Assignment link. You will also be able to “View Rubric” for grading criteria from this area.
• Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK11Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” and click Open.
• If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database.
• Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.

Sample Answer 2 for NURS 6052 Change Implementation and Management Plan

The healthcare organization deals with a high rate of patient readmission. The high rate of readmission within 30 days after the patient has been discharged indicates poor management of patients during transition stage. A key goals of the healthcare organization is to ensure that there is no readmission of patients discharged. Readmission means more cost for the patient and poor health outcomes. As a nurse, it indicates the need to effectively manage the conditions that lead to increased readmission.

The change process seeks to address the high readmission rate among the patients. The healthcare organization has to deal with the financial penalties imposed due to the high readmission rate. In addition, the patients have to deal with a high cost of care. The proposed change seeks to ensure that there is better adherence to the treatment plan. Many patients fail to adhere to the treatment plan when they transition from the hospital to home. Failure to take medication means that the recovery process will be delayed. The change will involve all nurses who will be tasked with providing the patients’ education as they transition from the care facility to home.

The need to make improvements in the current discharge process is an indication that the type of change being implemented is developmental change. The change seeks to make adjustments to the process of discharging patients from the hospital facility. There is a need to have more involvement of nurses in the discharge process and the post-discharge stage.

The management team will consist of three nurse leaders, finance manager, project manager, operation manager, and human resource department members. The team will be assigned different functions intended to make the intervention successful. The nurse leaders will communicate the change and guide the rest of the nurses to adjust to the enacted changes. Also, the patients will have to be educated before discharge to ensure adherence to the treatment plan.

Emails and newsletters will be used to communicate the change process to the stakeholders. Use of emails will detail to the stakeholders their role and what is expected as a result of the change process. The stakeholders will also have a two-way communication where they can inquire and seek clarification regarding the change process.

Various strategies will be implemented to eliminate the occurrence of risk when implementing the change process. The occurrence of risks that increase the cost of implementing the change will be eliminated by going over on the budget. The excessive budgetary allocation will cover incidences involving increased costs when implementing the change process. In addition, working with deadlines will ensure that the risks of being behind schedule are reduced.


Executive Summary of Issues

Based on Clark Health Workplace Inventory, my organization is facing several issues. The most significant of these is the lack of a comprehensive mentorship program for all employees. Other issues include the lack of employee morale, satisfaction, and engagement; lack of evident collaboration and teamwork, and lack of enough resources for professional growth. It is also evident that the hospital does not promote active engagement in governance and shared decision-making. Shared governance and engagement will help in sustaining the change initiative (French-Bravo, 2015)

. There are issues in how the organization values employees and considers them important partners. With a better mentorship program, these issues will be solved efficaciously because employees will own the change implementation process.

Description of Proposed Change

Since the hospital is performing averagely in the majority of areas except the lack of a comprehensive mentorship program for all employees.  The proposed change involves creating a mentorship program in the workplace. Since employee engagement is poor in the organization, the aim will be to encourage more engagement that can result in higher morale and teamwork. With this planned change, the hospital will have a policy that promotes collaboration and involvement in critical organizational processes and decision making. Increased collaboration will help improve patient safety besides boosting employee morale (Morley & Cashell, 2017). It will also be possible to address disagreements in a responsible and respectful manner. A mentorship program will help address all other issues identified in the assessment.

Justifications for the Change

As observed, the organization does not provide sufficient resources for professional growth. A mentorship program will help employees learn more, implying that they will be more proficient in taking more roles. Thus, problems relating to the lack of opportunities for career development and promotion will be resolved. Employees will take part in the change process by selecting people who can mentor them. The mentorship program will equip employees with the skills they need in their job. It will also be possible for employees to express themselves, which has been a challenge in the past. Positive relationships in the workplace are critical in enhancing the wellbeing of everyone (Schön Persson, Nilsson Lindström, Pettersson, Andersson & Blomqvist, 2018). Eventually, the mentorship program will improve profitability for the organization.

Type and Scope of the Proposed Change

The type of proposed change in my organization is organization-wide change. It will involve enabling every employee to learn more from mentors, which will increase engagement. Employees will propose for people in the organization who they believe have the capacity to mentor others. The mentors will undergo training, after which interested employees will attend weekly meetings to learn from the mentors. The organization will develop topics for mentorship with a focus on organizational and career goals. Mentors will address these topics. The mentorship program will apply to the workplace only and will not be extended outside the organization. Otherwise stated, mentorship will exclusively benefit the organization.

Stakeholders Impacted by the Change and the Change Management Team

Employees who will enroll in the mentorship program will have better opportunities in the organization. They will get more motivation to work because of increased engagement with their mentors. Mentors, on the other hand, will benefit from more opportunities in their career, as well as more skills gained from training. The change management team will be headed by the mentorship director who will oversee the entire change implementation. Under the director will be the mentors who will help in helping employees get involved in activities to help them grow professional. Mentor-protégé relationships help improve outcomes in nursing care (Eller, Lev & Feurer, 2014). Mentors will be based in different units within the organization.

Plan for communicating the Change and Mitigating Risk

All employees will receive emails regarding the date of proposing mentors. The official company email will be used. Unit managers will inform employees to act upon the emails in their regular meetings. One of the risks expected in implementing the proposed change is the lack of participation in the choosing mentors. This is because employees may not be comfortable being mentored by individuals within their units. There are already issues in how employees interact in the organization.  To mitigate this risk, employees will be free to choose mentors from other units. They will also be free to report to the mentorship director in case of any issues.


Eller, L., Lev, E., & Feurer, A. (2014). Key components of an effective mentoring relationship: A qualitative study. Nurse Education Today34(5), 815-820. doi: 10.1016/j.nedt.2013.07.020

French-Bravo, M. (2015). Shared Governance: The Role of Buy-in in Bringing About Change. The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 1. DOI: 10.3912/OJIN.Vol20No02PPT02

Morley, L., & Cashell, A. (2017). Collaboration in Health Care. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences48(2), 207-216. doi: 10.1016/j.jmir.2017.02.071

Schön Persson, S., Nilsson Lindström, P., Pettersson, P., Andersson, I., & Blomqvist, K. (2018). Relationships between healthcare employees and managers as a resource for well-being at work. Society, Health & Vulnerability9(1), 1547035. doi: 10.1080/20021518.2018.1547035

Sample Answer 3 for NURS 6052 Change Implementation and Management Plan

Issues Currently Affecting my Organization

There has been a high staff turnover rate in our organization. It is reported that more than 40% of nurses have left the organization since the beginning of this year. Results from surveys conducted in the hospital showed that most of them left or are planning to leave the organization due to high workload, burnout, dissatisfaction, and the lack of appreciation of their role by the organization. The consequences of these changes are high costs of care, decline in the quality of care, and high rates of morbidity and readmission in the hospital.

Change being Proposed

Hiring more nurses will address the issue of staff shortage in the hospital. It will also reduce the workload among the nurses. The nurses need to be motivated as they provide their care to the patients. Therefore, the hospital should consider motivating them by rewarding their performance and promoting their development through the provision of training opportunities.


The hospital will be forced to hire new staffs every time the existing staffs are lost. The costs incurred increases due to the hiring, training, and orienting new staffs. The existing staffs are also forced to fill the shortage by working for paid extra time. The high workload lowers the quality of care due to increase in the incidences of burnout, medical errors, and the inability of the nurses to provide patient-centered care. Therefore, the adoption of the proposed change will address these issues, hence, reducing staff turnover rates, costs incurred in the organization, and improvement in the quality of care given to those in need.

Type and Scope of the Change

Transformational change is a type of change that aims at changing the strategies used by the organization in its market. The change aims at ensuring that the organizational culture aligns with the market trends. It is evident that there is poor motivation among the nurses in the hospital. This is attributed to factors such as high workload and burnout among them. Therefore, the existing culture needs to be transformed with the adoption of responsive interventions that not only addresses the issue but also promote sustainability in quality initiatives. The scope of change is that it ill be implemented in our hospital with the aim of improving the quality of care and working conditions for the patients.

Stakeholders Impacted by Change

The nurses will benefit from the improvement in their working conditions. Their morale will be boosted with the change. The quality of care they give will also improve significantly. Patients will benefit from the improvement in the quality and safety of care they receive. They will also benefit from reduced costs of care, hospital stay, and complications associated with their conditions. They will also be satisfied with the care they receive, hence, their empowerment to embrace the recommended treatment regimen. Managers and leaders of the company will have to play active role in leading change. They will have to address any issues affecting the change. They also have to advocate for the resources needed for successful implementation of the change. Other healthcare providers will benefit from improved efficiency in the provision of care. Therefore, multiple stakeholders will be affected by the proposed change.

Change Management Team

Human resource manager will be responsible for determining the needs of the nurses. He will also determine the required staffing needs among nurses. He will also determine the most cost-effective package for motivating the staffs. He will also come up with recruitment and selection protocols for the additional staffs. The Nurse Manager in charge of the hospital will represent the other nurses. He will communicate the needs of the nurses and critical issues to be addressed. He will also advocate the provision of meaningful packages for the nurses. He will also review the scope of the change, implement, monitor, and evaluate it. Department nurse managers will represent nurses in their units. They will present critical issues to be addressed in their unit. They will also lead the implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of change in their units. The finance manager will determine the financial feasibility of the proposed change.

Plan for Communicating the Proposed Change and risk mitigation plan

Posters will be used to create awareness among the staffs concerning the change. Meeting will be organized in the boardroom where the nurses will be informed about the change. A discussion forum will be created for the staffs to share their ideas concerning the change.

One of the recommended risk mitigation plans is active stakeholder engagement. Active engagement is needed to raise their level of awareness and minimize incidences of resistance to change. Training new and existing staffs will be done to increase the knowledge and skills of the staffs on issues related to their practice. Training will minimize resistance to change. Two-way communication among stakeholders will be encouraged for them to share their ideas, inputs and concerns related to change.


vArmmer, F. (2017). An inductive discussion of the interrelationships between nursing shortage, horizontal violence, generational diversity, and healthy work environments. Administrative Sciences7(4), 34.

vNantsupawat, A., Kunaviktikul, W., Nantsupawat, R., Wichaikhum, O. A., Thienthong, H., & Poghosyan, L. (2017). Effects of nurse work environment on job dissatisfaction, burnout, intention to leave. International nursing review64(1), 91-98.

Excellent Good Fair Poor
Create a 5- or 6-slide narrated PowerPoint that presents a comprehensive plan to implement changes you propose. Your Change Implementation and Management Plan should include the following:

· An executive summary of the issues that are currently affecting your organization/workplace (this can include the work you completed in your Workplace Environment Assessment).

· A description of the changes being proposed.

· Justifications for the changes, including why addressing them will have a positive impact on your organization/workplace.

32 (32%) – 35 (35%)

Presentation provides an accurate and detailed executive summary of the issues that are currently affecting an organization/workplace.

Presentation accurately and completely describes in detail the changes being proposed.

Presentation accurately and thoroughly details justifications for the changes, including a thorough and complete explanation of why addressing these changes will have a positive impact on the organization/workplace.

28 (28%) – 31 (31%)

Presentation provides an accurate executive summary of the issues that are currently affecting an organization/workplace.

Presentation accurately describes the changes being proposed.

Presentation accurately justifies the changes, including an accurate explanation of why addressing these changes will have a positive impact on the organization/workplace.

25 (25%) – 27 (27%)

Presentation provides an executive summary of the issues that are currently affecting an organization/workplace that is vague or inaccurate.

Presentation describes the changes being proposed that is vague or inaccurate.

Presentation vaguely or inaccurately justifies the changes, including a vague or inaccurate explanation of why addressing these changes will have a positive impact on the organization/workplace.

(0%) – 24 (24%)

Presentation provides an executive summary of the issues that are currently affecting an organization/workplace that is vague and inaccurate, or is missing.

Presentation describes the changes being proposed that is vague and inaccurate, or is missing.

Presentation vaguely and inaccurately justifies the changes, including a vague and inaccurate explanation of why addressing these changes will have a positive impact on the organization/workplace, or is missing.

· Details about the type and scope of the proposed changes.

· Identification of the stakeholders impacted by the changes.

· Identification of a change management team (by title/role).

· A plan for communicating the changes you propose.

· A description of risk mitigation plans you would recommend to address the risks anticipated by the changes you propose.

27 (27%) – 30 (30%)

Presentation accurately and thoroughly details the type and scope of the changes proposed.

Presentation accurately and clearly identifies the stakeholders impacted by the changes.

Presentation accurately and completely identifies a change management by title/role that is detailed.

Presentation accurately and thoroughly proposes a detailed plan for communicating the changes proposed.

Presentation accurately and thoroughly describes in detail risk mitigation plans recommended to address the risks anticipated by the changes proposed.

24 (24%) – 26 (26%)

Presentation accurately details the type and scope of the changes proposed.

Presentation accurately identifies the stakeholders impacted by the changes.

Presentation accurately identifies a change management by title/role.

Presentation accurately proposes a detailed plan for communicating the changes proposed.

Presentation accurately describes risk mitigation plans recommended to address the risks anticipated by the changes proposed.

21 (21%) – 23 (23%)

Presentation details the type and scope of the changes proposed that is vague or inaccurate.

Presentation identifies the stakeholders impacted by the changes that is vague or inaccurate.

Presentation identifies a change management by title/role that is vague or inaccurate.

Presentation proposes a detailed plan for communicating the changes proposed that is vague or inaccurate.

Presentation describes risk mitigation plans recommended to address the risks anticipated by the changes proposed that is vague or inaccurate.

(0%) – 20 (20%)

Presentation details the type and scope of the changes proposed that is vague and inaccurate, or is missing.

Presentation identifies the stakeholders impacted by the changes that is vague and inaccurate, or is missing.

Presentation identifies a change management by title/role that is vague and inaccurate, or is missing.

Presentation proposes a detailed plan for communicating the changes proposed that is vague and inaccurate, or is missing.

Presentation describes risk mitigation plans recommended to address the risks anticipated by the changes proposed that is vague and inaccurate, or is missing.

Include a narrated presentation that is 5–6 minutes in length.
27 (27%) – 30 (30%)
Narrated presentation accurately and completely summarizes the presentation responses. Audio recording is professional in nature and thoroughly addresses all components of the presentation. Presentation should be aesthetically organized and easy to follow with an introduction, purpose statement, and conclusion
24 (24%) – 26 (26%)
Narrated presentation adequately summarizes the presentation responses. Audio recording is professional in nature and adequately addresses the components of the presentation.
21 (21%) – 23 (23%)
Narrated presentation vaguely, inaccurately, or incompletely summarizes the presentation responses. Audio recording may be professional in nature and somewhat addresses the components of the presentation.
(0%) – 20 (20%)
Narrated presentation vaguely and inaccurately summarizes the presentation or is missing. Audio recording is not professional in nature and inaccurately and incompletely addresses the components of the presentation, or is missing.
Written Expression and Formatting – English writing standards:

Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation

(5%) – 5 (5%)
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors.
(4%) – 4 (4%)
Contains a few (1 or 2) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.
3.5 (3.5%) – 3.5 (3.5%)
Contains several (3 or 4) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.
(0%) – 3 (3%)
Contains many (≥ 5) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding.
Total Points: 100